Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1420: Full of anger

Immediately, Jiang Chen became the focus of everyone. He looked at Jiang Chen with a smile on his face. They all waited to see what Jiang Chen could bring out. Everyone present was very happy. Clearly, Futiangong is definitely not going to invite a stranger to participate in this fair. It must be that the baby in Jiang Chen’s hands let the blessing son get to the heart, and the things that Futian’s son can’t escape are absolutely impossible. of.

Jiang Chen took a look at the old liar with Yu Guang. It seems that the old liar is not very familiar with the news of this exchange meeting, because this is not a so-called exchange meeting, but a kind of expressiveness that everyone has shown to the blessing of the heavenly son. The way, and they are married to the blessed son, the purpose is only to enjoy the mountain in the future.

Almost in a flash, Jiang Chen completely lost his affection for anyone at the place, or Jiang Chen did not like them at all, and now he is even more disgusted.

"Jiang Chen brothers, can be valued by the Futian son, but not much, Jiang Chen brothers do not hurry to let me wait for an eye-opener."

That Huo Ying said again.

"Yes, I want to see if there is any magical spring between the heavens and the earth."

Someone has echoed.

"Well, since you are so interested, then you will take Lingquan out."

Jiang Chen smiled, and the palm of his hand turned over. A palm-sized jade bottle appeared. He was placed directly on the table. The golden jade bottle continued to emit a ray of light, and a pure breath floated out of the jade bottle. Let the people present there be a shock.

Lingquan is a heaven and earth spirit, extremely precious, but although precious, it is not too rare for those present. After all, most of the people present are backstage, and have the right to have powerful people, but this spirit Even if they did not open the jade bottle, they could feel the difference and extraordinaryness of Lingquan, which made many people's minds immediately attracted.

"The preciousness of this Lingquan must have been seen by Futian, and it will not be introduced in the next. A bottle of Lingquan, asking for a thousand Wang Xianxian Yuanshi, I have a total of ten bottles here, if the Futian son is interested. , I will come up with 10,000 pieces of Wang Pinxian Yuanshi, Lingquan is the son of you."

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and not faint, with a harmonious smile on his face.


However, Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, and the scene brushed silently. A pair of eyes looked at Jiang Chen, as if he saw a ghost. The original smile of Futian’s son was also there, and there were 10,000 grass horses running in the heart. Not stopping.

Many people have an impulse to spray old blood. Is this guy stupid? Even with the Futian son asking for money, the brain must be sick.

If you don't want to live, this guy must be tired of life. No one has ever dared to raise money for the Futian son at the exchange meeting.

This Jiang Chen is simply an ignorance. He wants money for the blessed son, and his brain is amused. This is simply a behavior of seeking death.

This is the voice of someone at the place. Everyone who looks at Jiang Chen’s eyes seems to be watching a wonderful thing. There is no more wonderful person than this. Isn’t this guy not looking at the actions of everyone before? Didn't you see the important baby being given directly?

However, for these gaze, Jiang Chen directly chose to ignore, calmly and arrogantly took a sip of the wine on the table, joking, he came here to get the baby, I did not expect that all the guys’ babies were blessed. Tiangongzi, let yourself be a glimpse of it, it will be a waste of time, but also want to let yourself take the initiative to send out Lingquan, it is absolutely impossible, do not think about it, the door is not.

As for the face of Futian's son, I am sorry, in Jiang Chen, the face is really worthless.

The rhubarb dog smiled straight. He knew too much about Jiang Chen. As for the old liar, he was somewhat surprised. From the beginning, Jiang Chen started to Wang Yao. He admired Jiang Chen. Now he sees Jiang Chen doing this. The appreciation of the eyes is even more intense.

"Futian son, this price is very fair, that is, if you change to someone else, there is no one thousand five hundred Wang Xianxian Yuanshi, absolutely no need to talk, from this point alone, I have given enough The son has a face."

Jiang Chen continued to speak without hesitation, and did not look at those eyes that were almost murderous.

"Bastard, Jiang Chen, what are you, the district of Lingquan, gifted to the Futian son is already a great blessing, you even dare to hate the fairy stone to the son, it is simply not good."

Huo Ying stood up from his seat and pointed at Jiang Chen’s nose. He looked extremely angry and looked more angry than Futian’s son. He wondered if Futian’s son was his relative.

"What? Is it necessary to exchange this exchange? You give me, I sell it, if the Futian son can't look up, you can't, and I have already given this price. You said yes, Futian Son?"

Jiang Chen looked at Futian's son with his eyes. For that Huo Ying, he didn't even have a look at his interest. He chose to ignore it.

The eyes of Futian's son flashed a hint of coldness and killing, but these cold and killings were quickly hidden by him.

"Haha, Jiang Chen brothers said that today's exchange meeting, there is a trading component, and the price given by Jiang brothers is indeed very suitable, but this son has just 10,000 pieces of Wang Pinxian Yuanshi, just to buy The spiritual spring in the hands of the Jiang brothers."

Futian’s son laughed twice. Although he couldn’t wait to break Jiang Chen’s body, the surface of the face still had to be taken care of. He immediately took out a Qiankun ring, which happened to be 10,000 pieces of Wang Pinxian Yuanshi. Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took it, then took out ten bottles of Lingquan and threw it to Futian.

After Futian’s son took over, he secretly confessed: “The **** kid, dare to do so, don’t give this son a face, let the son’s son lose tens of thousands of Wang Xianxian Yuanshi, oh! After the exchange meeting is over, let you know this. The son is so powerful that when he takes away the things of the son, he has to change it all, but this Lingquan is really a good thing."

The thoughts of Futian’s son, Jiang Chen, don’t know. He even has the same mind as Futian’s son. He just went to Dong Xuanyu. He didn’t want to cause trouble, especially Futian’s son, who had background, but didn’t bother. It doesn't mean that you are afraid of things. If you really want to deal with yourself, then don't blame yourself.

Ten thousand Wang Xianxian Yuanshi is a great wealth for any Xianwang. Even the Futian son must be distressed, and Jiang Chen needs more Xianyuan Stone.

"This idiot, he is finished."

"Okay, don't worry about this guy, it's really disappointing. It was fun to play today."

"With the means of the blessed son, I will not let him go, wait and see, this guy definitely can't get out of this Futian Mountain Villa."


The people present confirmed that Jiang Chen was finished, and no one ever dared to give Futianzi a face in the villa, because this is a kind of behavior that seeks death.

"Okay, the Jiang brothers did it right, so don't affect everyone's interest, and everyone will continue to enjoy."

Futian’s son raised a glass of wine and shook it around the crowd.

Jiang Chen’s eyebrows are ready to stand up and leave. The so-called different things are different. The wine meets thousands of cups, and there is not much speculation. Jiang Chen is too lazy to sit with this group of people. Reduce your own grades.

"The beauty of the Futian son is really outstanding. Everyone is the best. This kind of enjoyment is only enjoyed by the Futian son."

One person smiled as he held the woman next to him in his arms.

"These are not what they are. This son had surrendered to a real human best before the day before. It must be said that the power of this woman's soul is very strong. Even the son of the son took two days to fully surrender."

Futian’s son said that when he mentioned the best of the world, he couldn’t help but reveal his brilliance.

"Is it? Why don't the son come out to let everyone know."

Huo Ying said.

"Tell you, this world's best is still a virgin, this son is not willing to touch himself, this son has cultivated a secret method of yin and yang, to wait until the full moon night to take possession, absorb its pure yin When it comes to the combination of my corpse and the corpse, it is not a problem to break through to the late king."

Futian's son said with great pride that it is only a few days away from the full moon night, and then he can get his wish, not only can enjoy the best of the world, but also can be improved.

"The son quickly put the beauty out to give us a look, and I said that I was waiting for it."

Someone said aloud that the words of the blessed son have already evoked the interest and desire of all.

"Well, in this case, this son is as you wish, let you see."

Futian's son looked very happy. He raised his hand and made a snap. After that, a figure came out from the back. It was a woman, wearing a black tight dress, Nana, a black hair like a waterfall. Exuding the fragrance of the scent, the lips are not point and red, the beautiful beauty of the face is suffocating, her face with a trace of cold, eyesless, obviously has been completely controlled by the Futian son, she is the same as those women It became the tool and slave of the Futian son. Even so, it could not cover the cold and arrogance of the woman's bones. She stood there like a lonely snow lotus.

Many people are shocked to see it. They only feel that in front of this woman, everything in the world has lost its color.

Jiang Chen, who was already ready to leave, saw his face suddenly mad, and the anger from the depths of his heart filled his chest.

"Ging sister."

The volcano in Jiang Chen’s body is already in a hurry, and it will explode quickly, because this arrogant black woman is not someone else, it is the dance bamboo he is looking for.

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