Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1421: Blood Washing Mountain Villa (on)

Jiang Chen’s nephew has begun to change color. From dull to blood red, the anger and killing that have not been seen for a long time have once again emerged. Jiang Chen rarely gets angry. Once he is really angry, the consequences are undoubtedly very Seriously, he had already planned to leave. Even though he was annoyed with the blessed son and the people present, he did not intend to find trouble here, but now, it is not a troublesome thing.

Because this **** guy used to use the spirit of the soul to deal with the dance of the bamboo, as opposed to other women to deal with the dance of the bamboo, this behavior directly set off the counter-scale of Jiang Chen, the dragon's counter-scale, touch will die, not to mention It is picking up.

The rhubarb dog has stood on the table. His anger is the same as Jiang Chen. The heart has already sentenced Futiangong to death because Futianzi has made an unforgivable mistake.

"Beauty, it is so beautiful. How can there be such a beautiful woman between heaven and earth, even if it is the saint of Huanxiang and Linglongfu, it is just that."

"The best, really is the best in the world, Futian son is really lucky, if this life can get such a woman, even if it is dead, it is worth it."

"The key woman is still the virgin. This is the most precious thing. It can not only let the blessed son enjoy the happiness of the family, but also take the pure yin and help the cultivation. After the full moon night, you can directly use this woman. In the late stage of promotion to the king of Xian, it can be said that it is two birds with one stone."


Numerous envious and hateful eyes fell on the body of Wu Ningzhu, and their eyes could no longer move. In front of the dancing bamboo, all the women present in the scene would be eclipsed, the difference between heaven and earth, there was no difference between them. Half point comparability.

The attraction of dancing bamboo is so that everyone does not notice the anger of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog and the eyes. No one noticed that the end of the blessed son, their doomsday, the end of the whole mountain, are about to Coming down.

After the dance bamboo came out, he stood beside the Futian son. The eyes of Futian’s son also fell on the beautiful face of Wu Ningzhu and the proportion of the body, even if it was not the first time Dancing bamboo, but the eyes can not be transferred.

Charming, it is so charming.

"So beautiful, it is rare in the world. Although I got you, my son has never touched you. I can't wait for the full moon night. I will hold you in my arms today, soothe. Some time."

Futian’s son looked at Wu Ningzhu as if he were looking at a fairy. It was the biggest baby in his heart. He had planned to wait until the full moon night to dance and condense bamboo, but now he is somewhat patient.

Wu Ningzhu stood there, like a sculpture, motionless.

Futian Gongzi slowly reached out and grabbed the hand of Wu Ningzhu.

"You better take your dirty hands."

At this moment, an incomparably cold voice suddenly sounded. This untimely voice directly broke the original atmosphere and sentiment in the entire courtyard. Countless angry eyes looked at the source of the sound.

"Jiang Chen, what did you just say? I dare to openly disrespect the Futian son. Are you tired?"

One person Huo stood up from his seat and pointed at Jiang Chen. He was screaming at the dust. Today, because Jiang Chen has been very disappointing, now Futian’s son has shown his beauty, and Jiang Chen has once again made something repugnant. Futian son, I really don't know who gave Jiang Chen the courage.


However, the voice of this person just fell, the big yellow dog was shot, the majestic body directly turned into a golden light brush and rushed out, and in the blink of an eye came to the talking monk.

The man's face changed dramatically, and he felt a wave of swells coming from the sea. When he reacted, the rhubarb dog had already appeared in front of him.


Two sharp claws pierced the two shoulders of the man directly. The man was pressed to the ground by the rhubarb dog. The blood donation continued to flow from the shoulders. The tearing pain made the person scream and scream. .

"Dead dog, let me go."

That person is awkward, but he is only half-step of the cultivation of the king, how is the opponent of the rhubarb dog, the rhubarb dog is on his body, it is like a mountain, so that he can not breathe.

His fierce struggles could not shake the big yellow dog, and a strong danger began to rise from his heart.

The eyes of the rhubarb dog are full of fierce anger, open the mouth of the blood basin, bite the neck of the monk in one bite, blood raging, tragic death on the spot.


This change caused the people present to take a breath of cold. No one would have thought that the rhubarb dog would be so ferocious. When he came up, he would kill the hand. Zhangkou directly killed the person. You know, here is the site of the blessed son, never People dare to scatter here, let alone kill people here.

In addition, the action of the rhubarb dog is so fast that after he murders, other talents react.

"The **** dog, dare to kill my son."

An old man is angry and has a sword in his hand. He smashed toward the rhubarb dog. He was just killed by the rhubarb dog. It is the son of his family. He is the same as the parent of the king. He acts only as a bodyguard. Now that his son has been killed by others, how can he not be angry.


The rhubarb dog went crazy, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the old man. He was very fast, like an arrow from the string. When the other's sword had not fallen, his dog's head had already hit the other's chest.


The old man made a scream and scream, and the whole person was like a broken kite that was knocked out and flew out. He fell heavily in the place where he was dozens of feet away, and there was no sound when he moved a few times.

This blow is much more horrible than when the parents of the king were old. Even if they can't control the other's life, it is enough to make the other party directly disabled.

At this time, the rhubarb dog is already a killer. Because of the appearance of Wu Ningzhu, he has already understood that there must be a **** battle in the river today. He knows Jiang Chen too. Today’s events are bound to happen. If you can't give up, if you do, there will be no scruples in your shots.


The rhubarb dog shot and killed two people, directly causing the audience to be stunned, and a strong tyrannical momentum rose to the sky. The original atmosphere of the exchange meeting turned into a battlefield.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?"

Futian's son is also angry. He feels that it is a big mistake to invite him to the other side. He didn't give himself a face before, but he still licked his own scene. This is really a bear-hearted leopard.

"Let her go."

Jiang Chen’s incomparable indifference, his eyes fell on the dancing bamboo, full of distress, the dance bamboo at the moment stood there, but did not look at him at all, even if the rhubarb dog made such a big movement, Can not attract the dance bamboo.

The horror of the corpse of the corpse, the horror of the horror, has seriously hurt the soul of Wu Ningzhu, making Wu Ningzhu become a beggar of Futian.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think, I dare to play the idea of ​​a blessed woman."

Huo Ying said loudly, although the rhesus dog is extremely horrible, but Huo Ying is not afraid, he is Huang Quanzong's genius disciple, Xian Wang's early peak repair, very confident in his own strength.


However, Huo Ying’s voice just fell, and the big yellow dog rushed to the past. The behavior of the big yellow dog is very simple. Whoever speaks will kill anyone. These people who are present today, regardless of the genius of the younger generation, are masters of the older generation, except No one outside the horror of the blessed son is the opponent of the rhubarb dog.


Huo Ying exclaimed, the action of the big yellow dog was too fast, and he didn't even have a chance to react. The hard dog's head is itself a weapon of invincibility, and no fairy soldier can match it.

However, the Huo Ying reaction was very fast. At the moment when the rhubarb dog approached himself, he lifted his palm and flashed the palm of the golden light, and took it toward the head of the rhubarb dog.


The head of the dog collided with the palm of the hand, and it was an iron-like sound. A large spark of fire was shot. After all, Huo Ying was unable to resist the power of the big yellow dog. Although it was not directly killed like the old man, the palm of one hand also broke directly. It is.

"How can it be?"

Huo Ying’s unimaginable shock, the eyes of this dog are full of endless fear.

"The wolf shadow has changed."

On the other hand, Jiang Chen also moved. When he came up, he used to play the shadow of the wolf. For a time, the entire courtyard was full of the shadow of Jiang Chen, and the shadow of the road rushed toward the Futian son.

"court death."

Futian's son was furious. Today's exchange meeting is simply his shame. He vowed that he would never let go of Jiang Chen. He waved a smoldering wind and attacked the ghosts of Jiang Chen.

In fact, Futian Gongzi is also somewhat surprised, because even with his mid-term cultivation, it is impossible to find the first one to be the real body of Jiang Chen.

When the Futian son really reacted, he discovered that the beautiful woman beside him had disappeared.

When Futiangong looked up, he saw that the dancing bamboo had fallen into the hands of Jiang Chen and stood on the opposite side.

"Budget, dare to **** the woman of this son, do not know how to die, Jiang Chen, now she is replaced, this son let you die today."

Futian’s son was furious and never been so angry. He has always been the one who robbed others, and no one has ever dared to grab his own things.

Jiang Chen directly regarded the words of Futiangong as a fart. He looked at the dancing bamboo, and his face was full of distress. The big refining spirits came out, and the invisible soul force entered the body of Wu Ningzhu and found the dancing bamboo. The depths of the soul have been branded with a seed of the soul, this soul seed is the son of Futian.

That is to say, this **** soul seed firmly controls the dance bamboo, so that the dance bamboo only listens to the Futian son alone, but to destroy this spirit, remove the **** soul seed, the only way is to kill Drop the blessed son.

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