Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1422: Blood Washing Mountain Villa (middle)

"Ging sister."

Jiang Chen gently called out, dancing the bamboo slowly raised his head, the empty eyes looked at Jiang Chen, full of complex looks, Jiang Chen did not know that dancing bamboo would not know himself at this time, but she could feel the dance The struggle and resistance of the soul of the bamboo heart, Jiang Chen can understand the pain before dancing the bamboo, but there is no way to resist.

Seeing the dance bamboo like this, Jiang Chen’s heart began to hurt, but at the same time of heartache, Jiang Chen also had a kind of happiness. Fortunately, he was not too late. Fortunately, he came to this villa and was more fortunate. I participated in today's exchange meeting. Otherwise, once I wait until the full moon night, the consequences are unimaginable. The consequences are definitely not what Jiang Chen can bear, nor can it be sustained by Wu Ningzhu.

Jiang Chen began to thank the old liar. Without the old liar, Jiang Chen may not be able to come here.

"Jiang Chen, you are really looking for death."

Futian’s son was furious, and no one dared to do this to himself. He swears that Jiang Dust must be smashed in 10,000 days.

An unparalleled tyrannical swell suddenly emerged from the body of Futiangong. The Futian son was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen came to the front. His palms and faces were exuded by black sorrows and incomparable monks. His palm seems to have no vitality, just like a palm of death, and grabbed it against Jiang Chen's back. Futian's son is a master of the mid-class of the immortal. If this attack is really hit, the consequences are unimaginable.

Unfortunately, even if the Futian son is tyrannical, it is also a hard battle today. Jiang Chen is not so good to deal with. If it is before, Jiang Chen may still put Futian in the eye, but now, the Futian son is like this. The role, in front of Jiang Chen, even the fart is not counted.

Jiang Chen is now rehabilitated in the late Jinxian, even if he does not display the dragon change, it is enough to confront the general Xianwang in the middle. If the dragon is changed, it is easy to kill the immortal mid-term. The genius of Futianzi It is said that Jiang Chen can only deal with the dragon changes.

But in fact, against the Futian son, Jiang Chen does not need to display the dragon change. For the practice of the corpse Yinzong, Jiang Chen himself has great restraint on them, just like the demon who deals with the evil family. They simply can't play their full power. Now, in addition to the fire of the real dragon and the real fire of the thunder, Jiang Chen has added a unicorn sacred fire. Under such restraint, the blessed son can play half of the combat power. It is already a good one.

For the attack of Futian's son, Jiang Chen did not even look at it. He waved his hand and shot the real dragon handprint. The horrible blood-colored dragon claws covered the three flames that merged together, facing the sinister of the blessed son. The palm of death hit the past.


The violent energy was spread out in an instant, and the entire courtyard was overturned. This is the contest of the fairy king. The void is directly torn. If it is not controlled by the blessed son, this blow is enough to give the entire villa. Destroyed.

Under such a fierce impact, the body of Futian's son could not help but shake it. His face became extremely ugly, and he looked at Jiang Chen with incomparable horror. His eyes were full of incredible.

"Impossible, this guy is just a late Jinxian. How can there be such a tyrannical repair, and his attack has great restraint on me. Yes, my combat power cannot be fully exerted."

Futian's son has no way not to be surprised. Even with his pride, he has to say that Jiang Chen is the most horrible genius he has ever seen. Although he is not afraid of Jiang Chen, he has never seen a Jinxian late genius. Cross to this point.

Jiang Chen completely ignored the shock of Futian's son. He grabbed the shoulders of the dancing bamboo with both hands, and then opened the portal of the Zulong Tower: "Cing sister, I will kill him for you personally, kill everyone here, all right. If you are disrespectful, you should die."

Jiang Chen’s tone is very dull, but behind this plain, it is like a sea of ​​anger, killing God and going to shoot, today is destined to flow into a river.

Jiang Chen took the dance bamboo into the ancestral tower. Next, he would seek a fairness for the dance, or it was not fair, but an account.

Jiang Chen did not intend to fall out with the Futian son. After all, the Futian son has nothing to do with him in this area. But now, it is not so simple. Futian provokes himself and violates his own counter. Scale, then there is only one ending.

Once some mistakes are made, it is the price of life.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire courtyard has completely changed, and it has become a battlefield filled with **** atmosphere. Everyone stood behind the blessed son and stood on the opposite side of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, but everyone looked at Jiang. The eyes of the dust and the big yellow dog are full of fear. This person is really terrible.

Needless to say, the rhubarb dog has already died two, and even Huo Ying is not his opponent, but Jiang Dian has not been seen by them, the scene really caught their attention, a little Jinxian late It can be directly confronted with the Futian Gongzi, and it does not fall into the wind. If it is not seen by the eyes, they will not believe it.

Seeing the war, the old liar flashed far away, standing in the distance and watching, but his face did not have a little fear, but the layer of constant shrinking, his eyes deep, calm and waveless, it seems The battle between the kings could not make his emotions appear a little bit bleak.

However, when the old liar looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes did not hide his appreciation. Obviously, Jiang Chen’s performance was not only unexpected to the expectations of Futian, but also exceeded the expectations of the old liar. The genius of Dong Xuanyu was numerous, Jiang Chen But it can make people really shine.

"Jiang Chen, where did you get her?"

Futiangongzi saw that the dancing bamboo was hidden by Jiang Chen, and his eyes were about to spurt out the fire. For him, dancing the bamboo is too important. Such a beautiful woman, since he got the hand, he still has not I have encountered it, but I have to wait until the full moon night to help myself cultivate, but I did not expect to be directly taken away by Jiang Chen.

What shocked Futian’s son even more was that he could not sense the existence of Wu Ningzhu. He said that he controlled the soul of Wu Ningzhu, planted the seeds of the soul in the depths of the soul of Wu Ningzhu, and felt the dance at any time. The existence of bamboo, but now, after being hidden by Jiang Chen, he could not perceive the dance of bamboo and bamboo, which made Futianzi suffer.

Lost the dance bamboo, for the Futian son, the loss is too big, that is his biggest baby now.

"Futian son, you made an unforgivable mistake. I didn't intend to deal with you, but you gave me a reason to move you. This reason is like a sword hanging over your head. I have to land."

The more Jiang Chen is angry, the calmer the tone is. Only those who are familiar with him know that there will be terror behind this familiarity.

"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death. No one has ever dared to do it here. You are the first one. No one in this area dares to offend the blessed son."

One person said loudly, those behind him seemed to be very sincere to the blessed son, and at this most critical moment, they stood by the blessed son of Futian.

In fact, they absolutely do not have such a heavy sense of loyalty. It is only in their view that the means of the blessed son can inevitably kill Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, so they only made an attitude at this time. This attitude has Help them to have a good relationship with the Futian son.

"Rheum, blockade here, blood wash the mountain today, the people present, do not stay, they are damned."

Jiang Chen said to the rhubarb dog that he would not have a guilty guilty to kill such a person, nor would he have a bit of sympathy.

"it is good."

The rhubarb dog promised, and then turned into a light and shadow brush and rushed over the mountain. The rhubarb dog is proficient in various mysterious arrays. With his current cultivation, it is really a simple matter to block this.

Futian Gongzi hurt the dance bamboo, so that the rhubarb dog itself has been very angry, he and Jiang Chen like the real anger, and the big yellow dog is also very excited, just to the East Hyun domain will do a big thing, He likes this kind of stimulation. This way, he and Jiang Chen have been experiencing excitement and passion has always been.

They do things, all by their own blood, even if the Futian son has more power, offended them, the ending is the same.

"Get out, you will die today."

Jiang Chen exchanged the Tiansheng sword, the top of the Tiansheng sword, covered with a layer of flame, raging fire, the sound of the emptiness of the sound of hunting.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant, a little Jin Xian, I really don't know where you come from."

Futian's son snorted, although Jiang Chen showed his tyrannical, but he still did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes, he is still very confident about his own strength.

"The corpse."

The Futian son shouted, and the two figures were suddenly worn out like ghosts. It was the corpse of two cloaks, which was sacred by the Futian son with the corpse yin. Everyone who came out had the powerful power of the Mid-Emperor.

There are two more corpses, plus Futian's son. There are three masters in the middle of the sacred king. This gives the other person an incomparable confidence. They have all seen the tyranny of the corpse and the corpse. It is a killing machine that does not know the pain, and whoever encounters it will be unlucky.

They believed that after the two corpses rushed out, it was enough to shred Jiang Chen.


Futian's son snorted coldly, and the two corpses made a hoarse roar, lifted the boring and sharp claws, and rushed toward Jiang Chen. The corpse was extremely fast, leaving a trace of the afterimage.

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