Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1423: Blood Washing Mountain Villa (below)

The corpse, that is the most sinister and sinister thing of the corpse, they use the powerful corpse to create a killing machine-like shackle. This corpse does not know the pain, only knows to follow the instructions of the master to kill, as long as it is not Being completely destroyed, you can continue to fight.

Such a corpse is the most horrible, more terrifying than the normal king, and has a great impact on the opponent's heart attack.

The body of each corpse is incomparably strong. After being practised by the corpse of the corpse, the body is at least several times stronger than before, and it is extremely fierce.

This is also the reason why few people are willing to provoke the corpse of the corpse, the sect of the sect, the cult is the sorcerer, cruel, in their hearts, no human morality, and some are just interests and desires.

However, such a martial art, others do not dare to provoke, Jiang Chen dare.


The two corpses snarled and smashed, and in the blink of an eye they rushed to the front of Jiang Chen. The horrible gloomy claws were caught toward Jiang Chen. If this was arrested, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hey! The enchanting things, dare to scatter in front of me, find death."

Jiang Chen snorted, such a corpse is indeed fatal to other people, but in front of Jiang Chen, nothing is, any means of his ability to restrain these dead bodies, the Tiansheng sword issued It roared like a dragon, turned into a long dragon, and flashed toward a corpse and smashed it.

The corpse has no intellect, only knows how to kill, in the face of Jiang Chen, a powerful sword, the corpse does not evade, and lifts the hand that exudes the sinister corpse to resist.

The corpse did not know the horror of the Tiansheng sword. What is even more terrifying is the fire carried by the Tiansheng sword. The fusion of the three powerful flames is the natural enemies and nemesis of these corpses.


Tianshengjian has completely become a sword of punishment. It is impossible to be a sin. Even if the corpse has a mid-term cultivation of the celestial king, even if the body is hard and hard, it still cannot block the sharpness of the celestial sword, and the body of the corpse is hard. It was created using the corpse yin sect method, and it was condensed with corpse and yin, and such sturdness was completely vulnerable to the flame-filled Tiansheng sword.

The powerful corpse, the master of the immortal mid-season, was smashed in half by the Tiansheng sword on the spot, but the corpse was a corpse after all, and the powerful one was speechless. Even if it was split in two, it could still fight.

"Fire Dragon Print."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and fired a dragon seal. A dragon of flames covered the two halves of the corpse. In the blink of an eye, the corpse was burned clean and completely turned into fly ash. At the same time, Jiang Chen’s The long sword also smashed another corpse into two halves, and the horrible flame turned into a sea of ​​fire, burning the corpse.

In the blink of an eye, the corpses of the two immortals in the middle of the dynasty died in the hands of Jiang Chen, and they were killed by Jiang Chen. This scene was stunned at the place, and even the Futian son was shocked. Zhang Da mouth can't believe that this is true. He is so sturdy as the corpse he has tempered. He is most clear. The strength of Jiang Chen really makes him move, and even creates a trace of fear.

The Futian son is still the same, not to mention other people, many people are pale, looking at Jiang Chen's gaze is like looking at a demon king, this is a killing madman, it is too strong, tyrannical, completely beyond their Imagine the scope, subverting all their previous cognitions, why a small Jinxian later, can have such a strong combat power.

Not far from the old liar, the eyes of the old liar also bloomed. It is obvious that Jiang Chen’s performance also really shocked him.


After the shock, it was endless anger. The blessed son was really angry. No one can imagine how much anger he has at the moment. It can be said that since he was born, he has not been so angry, in order to quench the two bodies. Hey, the Futian son can be said to have spent a lot of energy and lost two corpses. For Futian, it is irreparable.

"Jiang Chen, you really angered me. The fault you made is unforgivable. Today, if you want to get out of this villa, you must break your body."

Futian Gongzi is on the verge of the explosion. In his hand, there is a more knives, a cold sword, and a slap in the face. The atmosphere of the whole courtyard has begun to grow.

"The knife of death."

The blessing of the blessed son, the sword whistling out, and rushing toward Jiang Chen, the horrible sword carries the will of death, and people can't help but give birth to the fear of the soul. With the emergence of the sword, it is a cloud of death. In the black cloud, there are sly faces everywhere. The gaze of this knife, in addition to the power of the knives themselves, can directly affect people's minds, allowing opponents to be enveloped by the shadow of death, so that opponents are extremely strong. In the repression, the will to lose the battle, this is truly terrifying.

It is a pity that Futian’s son met Jiang Chen. The battle that Jiang Chen experienced in this life is really too much. What kind of means have not been seen, he is determined, and there are few means to really influence him. The mind is gone.


The Tiansheng sword made a roar and turned into a fire dragon. The thick and horrible cloud of death was completely torn apart, and all the influences disappeared completely in a flash. At the same time, the heavenly sword and the blessing The swords of Tiangongzi collided together and made an iron-like sound.


At the moment when the sword and the sword collided, the infinity cremation turned into a fire dragon and rushed toward the blessed son. Under such fierce oppression, the blessed son was also unable to resist, and was directly shaken back. He was very depressed. Because the restraint of the flame is too strong, the restrained one can't play the real power.

"Impossible, how is it possible?"

Futian's son was mad. He couldn't imagine that he would be shaken back by a golden fairy. Before that, it was something that could not be imagined. Now it really happened.

Jiang Chen stood there, holding a sword, his eyes indifference to the extreme, the cold dawn continued to sweep in the camp of the Futian son, watching everyone's heart hair.

"Everyone goes together and kills him."

Futiangong said loudly.

However, there is no one moving. None of the people present are fools. Many of them are masters of the realm of Xianwang. They can naturally see that this dust is too strong. They have looked down on Jiang Chen before. They have reasons. I believe that even if all of them join forces to take the shot, it is not the opponent of Jiang Chen.

"Have you seen it? They are all scared, and they don't dare to move."

Jiang Chen sneered.

[There is an update at night. 】

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