Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1424: Can't escape

Jiang Chen knows very well that these people are just coming together for fun. For the sake of mutual benefit, there is no loyalty at all. At the crucial moment, no one is willing to stand up and no one will take their own. Life is a joke.

"Don't you think you can live without it? If I lose, Jiang Chen will not let you go."

Futian’s son said incomparably indifferently.

When the words came out, the crowd began to shake up. Although they were afraid of Jiang Chen, the words of Futian’s son were also correct. They had already seen the means of Jiang Chen. This is a real monk. Today is to kill the ring, the most powerful of them is the Futian son, if the Futian son is defeated, Jiang Chen will certainly not let them go.

Thinking of this, some people have already released their own knights and took out their own soldiers. At this time, they can only jointly try to try. In fact, they choose to shoot because they think so. Multi-person alliance, killing Jiang Chen should also be a problem. Jiang Ding is only strong in the future, only the late Jinxian.

"Fukutian is right. You can't run one today, everyone will die. I am doing things in Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen’s sword in the hands of the fire constantly flashes out of the fire, bravely to the extreme, like a genius character like Futian, if it is replaced by other people, Jiang Chen may have to cast a dragon to change the other side, but against Futian, Then there is no need, under strong restraint, he is sure to kill the blessed son without the use of the dragon.

After all, Jiang Chen has just arrived in the East Xuan domain. It is still good to be able to keep a few cards and the means. The key moments may play a crucial role.

"This person is too arrogant. When everyone takes it together, it will definitely kill him."

Futian’s son screamed and the first knife in his hand was sacrificed. At the same time, Huo Ying of Huang Quanmen was also ready to shoot. He had a powerful sword in his hand. He had already played against the big yellow dog. I was deeply hurt and angry, and my relationship with the Son of Heaven was the best, so I was the first to stand up at this most critical time.

More importantly, Huo Ying and Futianzi, like the back, have a backing, so there is a sense of superiority beyond ordinary people. After all, Huang Quanmen and the corpse Yinzong are one of the eleven major forces, but the most powerful force in the East Xuan domain. As a genius of Huang Quanmen, Huo Ying has his own pride.

"Get together, kill him."

Everyone is ready to shoot, they firmly believe that as long as they join forces, Jiang Chen is definitely not an opponent, and they believe that Futiangong has not exerted his full strength.

"I am relieved to see that you are full of fighting spirit."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a smile, then the brush turned into a streamer, he would not wait for the other party to shoot first, even if the other party shot him, he is not afraid, but Jiang Chen does not like to waste unnecessary time, since it is going to kill, then Just decisive.


The screams rang, Jiang Chen’s action was too fast, and they didn’t even have the chance to react. Jiang Chen had already rushed into their camp. Jiang Chen’s long sword pierced the chest of Huo Ying’s chest, and the fire continued from Huo. Burning in the camp, it is necessary to burn his vitality to the incineration.

"No, I am a person at Huangquanmen. You dare not kill me. How can this be?"

Huo Ying looked up and looked at the eyes of Jiang Chen, which was as cold as a demon. He was full of bloodthirsty taste. He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. The sign of Huang Quanmen's disciple has always been his most proud. He believes this. The identity is enough to make him unimpeded in the East Xuan domain.

Unfortunately, he met Jiang Chen.

Feeling the vital loss of the body, Huo Ying really realized what is called despair, fear and despair. It is two completely different feelings. Huo Ying has surpassed the fear, Jiang Chen directly gave him despair.

"The people of Huangquanmen are also guilty of sinning me."

Jiang Chen exchanged and pulled out the long sword. When he came up, he killed Huo Ying of Huang Quanmen and gave other people a fatal blow. Those who were already ready to shoot, the momentum suddenly wilted, panic, it was too frightening. They didn't even know how Jiang Chen shot, even Jiang Chen's movements did not see clearly. In the case of so many people, Jiang Chen was able to enter their camp to kill the master of the king. How can he fight? .


Jiang Chen can't care about their shock. He shot like a power. He didn't give the other party a chance to react. The sword was thrown out. The two-and-a-half-step masters of the Xianwang level were directly smashed, and the flying head was still with the former. The color of horror, blood donation is like a fountain, leaving a trace of the most vivid, that is the last color they live in this world.

Death, panic, pervasive in everyone's heart, Jiang Chen destroyed their last psychological defense, so that they finally understand that not many people are powerful, and they can't do anything together, even if there is a blessed son in the middle of the immortal The masters are also unable to save their lives.

Jiang Chen is a demon king, a bloodthirsty demon king, hot, fast, fast, like ghosts, ghosts, unable to resist.


I don't know who snorted, the crowd was in a big mess, and everyone realized that they could escape. So they started to escape. Most of them were masters of the king. They all realized the power of space. You can run away from the space with your bare hands.

No one cares about loyalty anymore. No one chooses to stay and fight, because no one is a fool, this is a completely meaningless battle, leaving only blood and death.

"No, it was blocked here, we can't escape."

"It's a big yellow dog. The dog doesn't know what means to block it. We can't escape it. We can only wait to die."

"Damn, these two heartbreaking guys, is it really impossible to kill all of us here, isn't he afraid of offending people?"

Everyone's face changed a lot, because they were shocked to find that they didn't even have the chance to escape. When a person lost the last chance to escape, then the rest left only despair.


The rhubarb dog hangs on the top, shaking his head and laughing, very incomparably.

The old liar sees it all in his eyes, and there is still no sway in the depths of his eyes. For the practice of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, the deep inside of the old liar is extremely incomparable, the kind of character that is lawless and fearless, is really In line with the appetite of the old liar.

There will be a third party in the evening.

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