Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1426: Emperor master

Kirin's arm is really terrible, and its degree of power is even beyond the imagination of Jiang Chen. Once it is displayed, the arm of the **** is much more terrifying than the powerful squad. Just like now, the sage of the blessed son is directly shot. Going out, and the power of Kirin's arm is still not reduced, hitting Jiang Chen's chest.


The whole person of Futian’s son was shot and flew out. The blood spurted in his mouth was like a fountain. Just this blow was enough for the blessed son to drink a pot. Even if he could not directly ask for the life of the blessed son, he could Let the Futian son lose 90% of the combat power.

The blessed son of the lost power has no capital to compete with Jiang Chen, and the two sides themselves are not at all a level.


Futian’s son fell heavily on the ground and pulled out a big pit. His face was ugly to the extreme. He said that in this area, even the entire East Xuan domain, he has never been humiliated today, but now his In my heart, fear has far exceeded humiliation. It is a fear of death. He is not a fool. Naturally, it can be seen that Jiang Chen is a person who is not afraid of fear. This kind of person has always been a slap in the face, killing and decisive. It is the most terrible to go to such an enemy, because all your identities and status cannot pose a slight threat to him.

Therefore, the Futian son did not hesitate. At the moment when he was seriously injured by the Kirin arm, he had a golden charm in his hand. A **** read into the charm, and the charm suddenly disappeared into a blue smoke.


In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen’s figure has appeared like a ghost in front of Futian’s son. Tiansheng’s sword arrived in front of Futian’s neck and exudes extremely cold murder.

"Futian son, do you know who he is?"

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"who is it?"

Futian’s son asked, in fact, this question is also what he is eager to know. Even if he dies, he must die. But one thing is certain, the woman must have a certain relationship with Jiang Chen, otherwise Jiang Chen will not explode such an irresistible anger when he sees the other party.

"He is my wife, so you know what kind of mistakes you made, what means you used to ruin the corpse, I don't care about who I am, and I have nothing to do with you, but you will use the mean way of corpse Yinzong. Used on my wife's body, it must pay a very heavy price. The price is death."

Jiang Chen’s tone is indifferent to the extreme. At this moment, he is like a living god. He is a judge and directly sentenced the son of Futian to death.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, what about your wife, if I look at the things that my blessed son looks at, I must get my hands. Do you think that if you hurt me, dare to kill me? I have already sent me a letter, I am immediately I can rush, the son has to admit that you are the most genius I have ever seen, but unfortunately, even if you can beat me, but it is definitely not an opponent of the emperor, offended the emperor, the entire East Xuan domain has no Your place of residence."

Futian’s son laughed and seemed to be not afraid of Jiang Chen. He did not believe that Jiang Chen dared to kill himself.

"I am not an opponent of the Emperor, but I can guarantee that I will only accept the corpse when you arrive."

Jiang Chen said, the sword in his hand suddenly rushed forward, and the cold sword mans pierced the neck of Futianzi.


Futian Gongzi frightened and fought a cold war. He saw Jiang Chen’s attitude. He was truly fearful. He has already seen it. This is a Lord who is not threatened at all. It seems that his relatives are immortals. Emperor, even if it is a fairy, Jiang Chen still wants to kill himself, the other party is already ironed.

"What other words do you want?"

Jiang Chen’s tone is still not mixed with emotions, and indifference seems to be a **** of death.

"Jiang Chen, you don't dare to kill me. I have planted a soul seed in your wife's body. If I die, her soul will soon collapse, and I will die with you. I don't believe you kill, try to die. Your wife can't live."

Futian’s son said that under normal circumstances, the soul of the soul will not be closely related to the soul of the controlled person, just like the women who are controlled by the blessed son, they are also controlled by the blessed son using the soul seed. But there is no close connection, as long as the Futian son is dead, they will be free.

But why the Futian son danced the bamboo, but they connected their souls closely. This situation will lead to the death of the soul of the dancing bamboo if it is dead, as the Futian son said.

"Sorry, your soul seed has been isolated by me. As long as you are dead, your soul seeds will disappear and will not affect my wife."

Jiang Chen said incomparably indifferently that he had already discovered this situation before. For Jiang Chen who practiced the refining of the soul, there is nothing to escape his perception. The situation of dancing bamboo is indeed very tricky. However, Jiang Chen did not care. The Futian son said that their souls have been closely linked, but now, because of the existence of the ancestral tower, the soul connection between Futian and Wu Ningzhu has been directly isolated.

In other words, the Zulongta and the outside are completely two worlds. Even if the means of the Futian son are so powerful, it is impossible to control another world. Therefore, even if the Futian son is dead, Wuzhu will not Will be affected by a little bit.

"Impossible, Jiang Chen, how did you do it?"

Futian’s son was stunned with red eyes. In fact, he had already expected it because he could not sense the existence of Wu Ningzhu. The other party seemed to disappear completely.

Futian Gongzi does not believe that Jiang Chen can do this, but Jiang Chen really did, so he urgently wants to know what method Jiang Chen uses. At the same time, he is so entangled with Jiang Chen in his speech. In order to delay the time, delay to his father appeared.

You know, for a powerful fairy, it is easy to appear anywhere, even if it is far away from Fucheng, as long as your father receives his help, he will soon appear. Here.

"You don't have a chance to know, Futian, let's go on the road."

Jiang Chen will kill the blessed son, and he will never give the other party a chance. In front of him, all the little means of the blessings have no effect, including delaying time.


Jiang Chen’s long sword stabbed decisively and slammed the head of Futian’s son.

"Do not……"

Futian's son is doing the final struggle. His eyes are full of unwillingness, remorse, and incredible. However, all emotions are useless, and he can't make up for his ending and miserable ending.

"Fukutian is dead, he killed the blessed son, we are all finished."

"Damn, how can this person be so ferocious, even the blessed son can dare to kill, this is a madman, a killing God, what to do, what do we do?"

"Dead, we are going to die, we are all going to die. I really regret that I am here today to participate in the exchange meeting. This person is too strong. The repair of the Futian son of the immortal king is not his opponent at all, let alone us."

The rest of the people were scared and frightened, and the gallbladder was about to break down. The rhubarb dog itself was so fierce, killing many of them in this short period of time, before the camp of 30 people, now Only half of it is gone, and now even the Futian son is dead, they are completely desperate.

At the moment of the death of the blessed son, the women who were controlled by him immediately recovered their minds. They saw everything here and saw that Jiang Chen killed the blessed son and thought of the time he received. *, I can't help but shed tears in my eyes.

A strong woman screamed in the sky, and then chose to succumb to death on the spot. Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shake his head in this scene, but there was no way. He could help these people out of the sea of ​​fire, but could not control their next choice.

In the ancestral tower, Wu Ningzhu also restored his mind. He was first stunned, and then saw what happened outside through the space inside the ancestral tower. When she saw that Jiang Chen killed it, it was a nightmare for her. The Futian son is also unable to restrain his emotions.

"Jiang Chen."

The dance tears instantly collapsed. Nothing is more happier than this moment. Desperate, extravagant, and finally ushered in a surprise. The man, who has long been branded in her heart, knows that Jiang Chen will surely save himself. When desperate, the figure that is not strong enough and has a sense of security is her greatest hope.

It is a happy thing to be rescued by the beloved man. At least for the dance bamboo, this moment is happy.


At this moment, a voice full of sadness and anger suddenly came out of the void like a thunder. Then, a middle-aged man with a strong body appeared. After the man appeared, the whole sky was unspeakable. The pressure was covered and the array of rhubarb dogs was immediately broken.

This is a powerful emperor, the real emperor, in this Dong Xuan domain, the emperor can be regarded as the superior, can be regarded as the real master, the gap between the fairy king and the emperor, it is unimaginable, is An insurmountable gap.

Fukui, the city owner of Fucheng, the father of Futian, this band has a very famous reputation, and the powerful master of the emperor is simply the existence of no one dares to provoke.

At this moment, seeing that his son was pierced with a long sword, Fukui's anger was imaginable, and the power of the Emperor was released, and no one could resist.

Even Jiang Chen, his face changed, he is just a golden fairy, and before the Emperor, there is an unimaginable gap, completely not a level, this is the first time Jiang Chen saw the Emperor, in my heart How much is a little shocking.

[These days are too busy, the update is not to force, there are at least three more tomorrow. 】

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