Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1427: White old man [one more]

"It is the Lord of Fukui. This is a powerful emperor. Haha, we are saved. Jiang Chen and the dog are finished. He killed the Futian son and will definitely violate the anger of the Fukui government. The anger, they will die, and they will not be able to resist."

"Yes, we are saved, but it is a pity that Futian, the famous genius of Dong Xuanyu, is dead. I am afraid that it will not die."

"Don't say so much. I think that the Fukui government will not let Jiang Chen die so easily. It will definitely torture Jiang Chen. Otherwise, it will be difficult to eliminate his hatred."


Those who have not been killed by Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are all excited. Some people are already crying. This is really a savior. Fukui appears. They almost never doubt the ending of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. In front of a powerful emperor, even the most powerful genius genius is just an ant, and the two sides are not at all a level.


Fukui's anger is like a tidal wave. It turns into an invisible barrier. It is pressed against the river dust. Even with the reaction of Jiang Chen, it is impossible to avoid it. The pressure of anger will completely bury Jiang Chen.

Under this sudden pressure, Jiang Chen couldn't help but make a sigh, and the mouth was overflowing with a trace of blood. This pressure is too big, just like a giant mountain, the pressure of the river dust can not breathe.

When I saw it, many people were surprised. Even Fukui was shocked. How strong is this pressure? His heart is the clearest. He said that it is a small golden fairy. Even if it is a fairy king, it is fundamental. Can not bear, and Jiang Chen only spilled a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, he can still stand there tenaciously, just from this point, it is enough to admire.

Even Fukui is very admired, but admire is not the reason why he spared Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen killed his son. In this area, no one dared to kill his son, but now his son is dead. The beloved son died in front of himself.

"Kid, who are you? Why kill my son?"

Fukui asked angrily. He knows the genius among the eleventh forces in Dong Xuanyu. This person, even if it is only Jinxian, has such a strong combat power, it should have been famous for a long time, but Fukui But I don’t know it at all.

"Because he is damned."

Jiang Chen’s tone is still indifferent. Even in the face of a powerful emperor, he still has no fear. There is a ancestral tower, and he is sure to escape from the master of the emperor.

"Rhubarb, hurry up to me."

Jiang Chen passed the voice to the big yellow dog. The master of the emperor was not able to fight against him. In the face of Fukui, he only had to escape, or he could not even escape. He could only choose to escape to the Zulong Pagoda, so he It is necessary to remind the rhubarb dog to enter the side as soon as possible. In that case, once the portal of the ancestral tower is opened, they can enter it in the first time.


Don't use Jiang Chen to remind that the big yellow dog has moved. The scene in front of him is as clear as Jiang Chen. It is absolutely impossible to fight. The immediate consideration is to save lives.

"Haha, a arrogant boy, you killed the son of this seat. No matter who you are, you must avenge your son. This seat will not kill you directly. This seat will catch you. A little bit of torture, so that you can not die, let you experience the numerous kinds of torture between the heavens and the earth and then die."

Fukui laughed, he said that his teeth were lying there, his son’s body was lying there, lying underneath, there was no way to save the dead. What he can do now is to avenge his son and let the enemy Bear more pain than your own son.

After that, Fukui moved directly. He explored a big hand and evolved a huge palm. Like a mountain, he grabbed it toward Jiang Chen. This piece of space was completely imprisoned and completely destroyed. For a cage, everything is under the control of Fukui.

This is the power and power of the Emperor's master, and the gestures are strong.


Jiang Chen’s face changed and he really felt the shot of the Emperor’s master. He was truly aware of the horror and metamorphosis of this realm. He knew very well that he had a long distance from that realm, even if he made his own milk. The strength will never be the opponent of Fukui.


However, just as Jiang Chen was ready to open the portal of the Zulong Tower, the big hand that had attacked half of it suddenly shattered and became a piece of debris disappearing into the void.

No one is attacking, or no one sees any attacks, and the big hand is so strangely broken.


Fukui's face changed greatly, and immediately yelled at the void. Only he knew that his big hand was broken. It was someone who secretly shot, but what really scared him was that even with his early emperor's repair For the sake of, he did not see who made the hand. In the void, just a gentle wind drifted away, and his attack was destroyed.

Fukui can't be calm, there is only one explanation for this situation, that is, the person who secretly shot, repaired far above him.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are also a glimpse, and they immediately show the color of surprise. Although they used to focus on the ancestral tower, if someone shoots it, they will definitely find a little clue with their perception, but now everything It was not found that the big hand that Fouquet showed was as if it had burst, and there was no trace.

The scene was quiet, and Fu Kui's nephew shone with brilliance. He looked around and looked at every corner. He did not find any extraordinary things, and he could not find someone who secretly shot.

The more so, the more shocked Fukui’s heart is, the more terrible the enemy can’t find.

Fukui does not give up, he is ready to shoot again, the enemy of killing must be reported, he must destroy Jiang Chen today.

A tyrannical momentum once again sprang from the body of Fukui.


And just as Fukui was about to prepare for another shot, a big drink suddenly sounded from the far air. The next moment, an old man dressed in white appeared, the old man was white and fluttering, and the bones were like a fairy. After he appeared, the pressure of Jiang Chenfu Kui, who fell on Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, was destroyed and the body was already in front of Jiang Chen.

"Little dust, who is this old man? How do you help us?"

Rhubarb dog voices.

"Where do I know, I don't know him."

Jiang Chen shook his head. He really didn't know the old man in white. As for why the old man suddenly appeared to help himself, he didn't even know it, but there was a little Jiang Chen who could see it. The old man exuded the momentum and Fu Kui was the best. It is obviously also a master of the early Emperor.

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