Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1428: Fan Wang [two more]

The old man’s bone fairy wind, his appearance, makes the scene quiet again. Few people know the origin of this old man, but the horror of the old man is obvious to all, because this is a master of the emperor, and can make people It can be seen that this old man appeared for Jiang Chen and was to help Jiang Chen.

Many people began to speculate, what is the identity of this Jiang Chen? Even let a master of the emperor help the key moments, the original Jiang Chen also has a strong background, so dare to kill the Futian son.

The appearance of the white-haired old man, before the destruction of Fu Kui’s big hand, is very well explained. It must be the old man’s shot. Even Jiang Chen thinks so, but only Fu Kui’s heart understands that the shot just made is definitely not this white hair. The old man, but another person.

Because the white-haired old man knows that the other person's cultivation is equal to himself, it is impossible to make a silent shot, so that he does not have a little bit of awareness.

"White Weng old, what do you mean by this?"

Fu Kui said that the famous Bai Wen old man, others may not know, but he knows, he knows better, this white man is not terrible, the real fear is the power behind the white man, if it is normal, Fu Kui see To the old man of Bai Weng, you should also be pleasing to the eye, not afraid to have a little scorn.

But now, his son was killed, and the old man of Bai Weng was also helping to kill his son's murderer, which made it difficult for him to show kindness.

"What? The old man of Bai Weng, he is the old man of Bai Weng, isn't Jiang Chen a man of the Dagan Empire?"

"The old man of Bai Weng is the master of the Emperor of the Dagan Empire. I heard that he has recently followed Fan Wang. I did not expect to appear here today to help Jiang Chen."

"The old man of Bai Weng has appeared. It seems that things are not easy. Fukui is even more powerful and does not dare to directly offend the Dagan Empire. Although he still has a son at the gate of God, he does not dare to be easy. Offend any of the eleven major forces."


Many people whispered. Although they have never seen the old man of Bai Weng, they have heard the name of the old man of Bai Weng. Perhaps Fu Kui can provoke the old man of Bai Weng, but he can't provoke the power behind the old Bai Wen.

"Oh, isn't the meaning of this seat obvious enough? This Jiang Chen Gongzi is a friend of our Fan Wang. The old man was appointed by the King of the Kings to bring Jiang Chengong to the Dagan Empire. I think Fu brother should not Block it?"

The old man of Bai Weng smiled and seemed to say that it was a very common thing. After all, the Dagan Empire was too strong, and no matter what he did, he would never give a tone of discussion.

"Where is the king?"

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are a glimpse. They seem to have no friends like Fan Wang here, but soon they think of a person, Yang Bufan.

When Yang was not leaving, he specifically confessed to Jiang Chen. When he arrived at Dong Xuanyu, he went to the Dagan Empire to find him. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog did not care at the beginning. It was only at this moment that they realized that this Wang Wang might be Yang Bufan, let What they can't think of is that Yang Bufan has such a position in the Dagan Empire.

"No, this kid just killed my son. Didn't you see it? I can't give it to this face."

Fukui immediately said that he certainly guessed the intention of the old man, but he could not put Jiang Chen, otherwise his son would really die.

"Hey! Fukui, I am not here to discuss with you. Where the face of the king is, you will not be able to give it to you. The king is now in the position of the Dagan Empire, and the reputation in the East Xuan domain. I think you are also clear. If you are a friend of the king, do you dare to touch it? As for your son, if I am right, Futian should be the mid-term cultivation of the immortal king, and the mid-master of the sacred king will not beat a golden fairy. White died."

The old man of Bai Weng snorted and talked a little bit unceremonious. It is a strong force of the big forces. Every sentence is full of strong emboldenedness. This is something that other elite emperors can't afford.

"White Weng old man, you should not be too much, this person killed my son, this must be reported, and my son is the genius of the corpse Yinzong, the corpse Yinzong will not let him go, can the king want to Is the corpse Yinzong an enemy?"

Fu Kui screamed, he is very angry now, because his late step has caused his son to die, which has made him very sad. If you look at others and take the murderer away, I am afraid that you will be directly spurted. .

"Jokes, the corpse yin is a evil door. My empire is not guilty of being friends with it. Even if it is an enemy, do you think that the king will care? In addition, you really think that the corpse yin will be for your son and Can the king not go through it? I am afraid that your son is not so big in the corpse."

The old man of Bai Weng said that the corpse Yinzong is indeed powerful. It is ok to suppress ordinary people, but it is impossible to suppress the king.

It is said that Fu Kui’s face is extremely ugly, because the old man of Bai Weng said that it was right. After the genius of the Dagan Empire came back, he was immediately sealed by the emperor as a king. Recently, he was famous in the entire East Xuan domain. As in the middle of the sky, the corpse Yinzong itself belongs to the evil door, and it is similar to the magical religions in other regions. It is not very stable among the eleven major forces. It is necessary for the corpse to go to the king who is proud of it. Fukuda's son is afraid that there is not such a big skill and charm.

"Fukui, even if there is no king, today is standing here, do you think that you have the ability to cross the seat to kill Jiang Chen?"

The old man of Bai Weng has one hand behind his back and the other hand keeps his beard constantly. It is a kind of calmness and a kind of self-confidence.

Fukui’s eyes are almost spurting out of the fire. It is a kind of almost murderous gaze. Unfortunately, his eyes are not able to kill people. At least his eyes can’t kill the river dust, but he can’t kill the old man. He didn’t think of Jiang Chen. Behind it will be Van Wang, and the old man of Bai Wen is here, he is very difficult to kill Jiang Chen.

The old man of Bai Weng turned around and looked at Jiang Chen. He said with a smile: "Let's go, Van Wang waits for the son."

Said, Jiang Chen took Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog to leave directly, disappeared in the blink of an eye without a trace.

Fukui’s fist is screaming, but there is no way. Today’s thing, if it’s just a white man’s old man, he’s going to die, he’s going to fight with the white man’s old man, killing Jiang Chen, but he’s Kui Xinli understands that in addition to the Bai Wen old man, it is likely to hide a real master. It is a terrible master than Bai Wen’s old man. He knows that the person who broke his hand before is definitely not the white man, so Fukui was allowed to leave by Jiang Chen. He did not choose to shoot. The biggest reason was not because of Bai Wen’s old man, nor because of Wang Wang, because of the invisible first shot master, no master.

[The third and twelve o'clock. 】

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