Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1429: Such as the day of the day [three more]

Jiang Chen was taken away like this. The scene was quiet and terrible. Everyone felt a suffocating repression. In their hearts, Jiang Chen was killing God. Now they are killing, but they are a little bit. Did not relax, because there is a volcano here, it will erupt at any time.

"This hatred must be reported, no matter who your backstage is, killing my son, Fukui, you must let you die without a place to die."

Fu Kui's eyes have turned into blood red, showing how much anger has now become. He only wants to kill now. If he does not release the killing of the body completely, he is likely to be angry.

"The owner of the house, this Jiang Chen is really mad, so dare to shoot here, I did not expect that there is a support of the king behind him, today let him live out of here, it is really angry."

"Yes, the death of Futian's son is really regrettable. If the head of the house can appear earlier, Jiang Chen has no chance to start."

"I am waiting for a friend who is a son, both angry and helpless."


All the people were swearing, and they were rude to Fu Kui, trying to break the scene of this repression, because if they were always in this state of repression, they might have to go crazy.


Fu Kui snorted like a dull thunder. The people on the scene were shocked and pale.

"My son is dead. Are you still alive? Go down and bury with my son."

Fukui's incomparable indifference, after he finished, he waved his hand and waved like a sword to collide in all directions. Killing these people can all be pushed to Jiang Chen, and his sons are dead. People are living here so well that Fukui is very angry.

Ah, ah...

A scream of screaming sounded, and all the people in the place were beaten out by Fukui to wear the body, and there was no living on the spot.


At the same time, Fukui released the powerful momentum of the Emperor, and the energy of the turmoil turned into horror, and it went to the impact in all directions. In the blink of an eye, the whole mountain was covered, and all the houses and buildings collapsed instantly. The people in the villa, no matter how big or small, no matter how old or young, no matter how strong or weak, are all shrouded, and everyone is facing death.

For Futian Mountain Villa, this is the end of the world. Countless people can't stand the pressure of the Emperor, and the body collapses directly.

A beautifully splendid mountain village has become a large ruin in the blink of an eye. All the people in the mountain village do not have a living mouth. All of them are tragic and are drowned in the ruins.

Fukui is much hotter than Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen has always killed only the killer. Fukui is the real indiscriminate killing. When his son dies, he will let the whole village be buried. Fierce, mad.

The most ridiculous thing is that those who were not killed by Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, they thought they were saved, they could live out of this villa, but they did not expect it to be difficult to escape. They did not die in the hands of Jiang Chen, but died. In the hands of Fukui, it is even more ironic that they were still stalking Fukui the moment before, and they were killed the next moment.

Fu Kui suspended in the sky above the villa, looked at the mountain village that had become garbage, holding the body of Futian son in his arms, and then he glanced at the place where Jiang Chen disappeared: "This thing is not finished, you must kill the kid." , revenge for my children."

After that, Fukui's figure disappeared and disappeared. He did not dare to offend the king, nor dare to go directly to the king to kill, because it is no different from finding death, but he will not give up revenge, he will think Do everything possible.

A figure is like a ghost, not far from the mountain, this figure is not someone else, it is an old liar.

The old liar did not die. He did stand in a hospital full of war and killing. He was also present when Fukui destroyed the entire mountain, but the king was dead. His little fairy did not die, and lived. Good.

"Grandma's, there is no such thing as a place. It's really no one, and the old man is looking for a place."

The old liar shook his head helplessly, and it seemed to be a pity. Then he turned out to be volleying, disappearing step by step, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye, completely without shadow.

Extremely far away, the old man of Bai Weng took Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, stepping on a cloud of clouds under his feet and moving quickly.

"Thank you for the help of the seniors."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the old man of Bai Weng. His impression of the old man of Bai Weng was very good. Anyway, the other party came to help himself. Jiang Chen knew very well.

"It’s a late step when I go. If someone doesn’t secretly help you to destroy Fukui’s attack, you are now in the hands of Fukui. Even if I go, it will not help.”

The old man of Bai Weng said with a smile.


It was said that Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog could not help but be shocked.

"Did you not destroy the Fukui attack before you?"

Jiang Chen asked doubts.

"Of course not. Although I am a fairy emperor, I am quite similar to Fukui's cultivation. Even if I shoot, I want to destroy Fu Kui's attack silently, and let Fukui not notice it, it is impossible, secretly. There are also masters who are helping you. They are real masters, and they are much more powerful than me."

The old man of Bai Wen said.

“Is it an old liar?”

The rhubarb dog has a big eye. At this time, apart from the old liar who made him and Jiang Chen feel that it is not simple, he really can't think of other people, because they just went to Dongxuan domain and didn't know any master.

"It is very likely that the old liar is crazy, but the intuition tells me that he is not easy."

Jiang Chen nodded and agreed with the view of the big yellow dog.

"Jiang Chen Gongzi has such a strong strength at a young age. It is really shocking to kill the immortal mid-term with the cultivation of Jin Xian. It is no wonder that Van Wang values ​​you so much."

The old man of Bai Weng said, saying that Jiang Chen is extremely polite, of course, the most important reason is because Van Wang stood there.

"Predecessors, where is Wang Wang, is Yang Bufan?"

Jiang Chen asked, although he had already guessed it, he still had to make sure, because in addition to Yang Bufan, he really couldn't think of the second person.

"Yes, Van Wang is Yang Bufan. He was the emperor of the Dagan Empire. When he and the emperor were in conflict with each other, they left behind. Now they are coming back and repaired as Dajin. They were directly sealed by the emperor as the king. It is famous. At the time of the day, and when the king came back, it was the late King of the Kings. Now it is already a half-step emperor. His position in the Dagan Empire is increasingly valued and a powerful successor."

The old man of Bai Weng said with a smile, mentioning Yang Bufan, he was happy with his heart.

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