Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1448: Longing for a battle

The prince himself almost did not squirt the old blood, and looked at Fuwei with an angry look. Is this **** specializing in running himself? Ming knows that the other party has the strength to kill the immortal mid-term, but it has only been said until now. If he said it earlier, does his prince still use two consecutive people?

Fuwei’s dark road was broken. Looking at the expression on the other side, he knew that he had just said something wrong. He really wanted to fan himself, but unfortunately he couldn’t take it back if he said it.

"Prince, you have already played twice, and we should have played in the Pingwang Palace. Otherwise, the king will laugh at our Pingwang government."

Seeing the atmosphere is a bit awkward, Ping Wang stood up and spoke. At this time, he had to stand up. Fuwei’s words have already made the Prince angry. The character of the Prince is not to give Fuwei this face, even if Fuwei is a god. The same is true of the door. After all, Fowe is only a genius of the gods. Compared with the position of the prince in the Dagan empire, it is not a grade at all. Let the sage of the gods come out before the prince can ratio.

"Fu Wei, go, you must kill this kid and give out the prince."

Ping Wang did not give the chance to respond to the Prince. He said directly to Fu Wei. As long as Fu Wei enters the mask, the Prince cannot say anything. After all, today’s battle is a battle between geniuses, not his prince’s own affairs. Anyone can go on, Prince can send people, he can also be Ping Wang.

"His Royal Highness is relieved, and he must have killed him and give you a gas."

When Fowe finished, he stepped out and went straight into the mask.

When I saw it, the eyes of the Prince were about to spurt out the fire. He looked at Ping Wang. It seems that he was going to eat people. This Yang Buping is really leaking. Now Jiang’s strength has been fully revealed. Everyone knows that only one fairy is sent. In the late period of the king, the genius master can kill Jiang Chen. At this time, Fu Wei went out on behalf of Ping Wangfu. When he killed Jiang Chen, his face made Ping Wang occupy, and he let himself lose, how the Prince was not depressed.

But depressed is depressed, Prince can not say anything more, he looked at the battlefield inside the mask, there is actually an impulse to hope Jiang Chen continues to overcome, of course, he knows that this is impossible, even if Jiang Chen is more powerful, It is impossible to be the opponent of the late King.

"This Jiang Chen will die."

At this time, many people think so. After all, Jiang Chen killed Futian, and Fuwei had a hatred of disobedience. Fuwei is a rare genius master of the gods. Now he has a hateful shot. The purpose is to have Jiang. The life of the dust, the shot will certainly not have a little bit of mercy.

The prince nodded. Although he was very depressed, he had to admit that it was most appropriate for Fu Wei to take the shot. After all, Fu Wei had a deep hatred for Jiang Chen, and the means must be fierce. Moreover, even if he sent the late Xian Wang The master killed Jiang Chen, and he did not get any good glory. After all, there were three wars. In the end, it was a late stage of the Xianxian who had killed a golden fairy. It was not a glorious thing to spread.

Because the world is not a fool, everyone can understand that if it is the same level of battle, the entire Dagan Empire can not find Jiang Chen's opponent, this is the real genius.

Jiang Chen looked at Fu Wei, who was standing opposite him. He finally understood why this guy had only released such a big killing effect on himself. It turned out that this guy is Futian’s brother.

"It seems that in order to kill me, you are also trying your best."

Jiang Chen smiled and did not have a slight emotional fluctuation due to the power of Fuwei. This matter has been very clear. After being taken away by the old man of Bai Weng, he entered the Wangfu House. Even if Fuwei hates himself, there is no such thing. The method went to the Wangfu to revenge. Today is just the royal ceremony. Fuwei naturally wants to seize this opportunity to find a way to get rid of himself, so he followed Ping Wang to the royal palace.

"You know it, kill my brother, do you think that this is the case? Today I will use your life to pay homage to my brother's undead."

Fu Wei said with a gnashing of his teeth. Although he and his younger brother practiced in different sects, the feelings between the brothers were still very good, and the two brothers were all talented and different, and they were the father’s two prides. I didn't think that my brother would die one day, and he would die in the hands of a little Jin Xian. This made him very angry. This kind of anger can only be vented in Jiang Chen's body. Only Jiang Chen is killed. Only to be able to solve the hatred of the heart.

"Ping Wang, I am afraid this fight is unfair? Fu Wei is the **** of the door, not from the genius of the Dagan Empire, what qualifications are in the battle of the King of the King's ceremony, is it that Ping Wang has already No one else?"

The old man of Bai Weng spoke. The things of today have long since disappeared. Too much has not been excessive. Jiang Chen has already won two consecutive games. The other side has to fight the wheel wars without shame. If this continues, who can stand it? Even if Jiang Chen has three heads and six arms, he must be jealous.

Moreover, the old man of Bai Weng knows the power of Fuwei, and the hatred of blessings is mixed in. This kind of battle is very unfavorable for Jiang Chen.

"Yes, it’s too much."

Everyone in the Wangfu was very angry. Everyone began to feel bad about Jiang Chen. In their hearts, Jiang Chen’s image has begun to become great.

"This king does not feel excessive. Fuwei is indeed not a genius house. Isn't Jiang Chen a genius person? Today is just a contest between geniuses, but it does not say that it must be a genius from the genius. In the battle, although Fu Wei is a god-walker, but he is good with the king, that is the genius around the king, he is qualified to play, isn't it?"

Ping Wang said with a smile, he is gentle and elegant, Yushu is in the wind, but the city is too deep.

The old man of Bai Weng still wants to say something, but he can't say anything, because Ping Wang's words made him have no way to refute. Fu Wei is indeed not a genius person, but Jiang Chen is also not a genius person. If Fu Wei can't play, Jiang Chen is also not qualified to play.

Yang Bufan raised his hand and motioned that everyone would not have to talk any more. He looked up at Jiang Chen: "How? Can you fight?"

Yang Bufan’s tone is already very dignified. Although he knows Jiang Chen’s ability, but Fu Wei is too powerful, Jiang Chen may not be his opponent at all, and Fu Wei is determined to kill Jiang Chen, which makes Yang Bufan very worried. Although it is said that the direct retreat at this time has a great impact on Yang Bufan, Jiang Chen’s life is more important. As long as Jiang Chen says he will not fight, he will definitely protect Jiang Chen and will not give Fuwei a chance.

"Longing for a fight."

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't seem to care. His eyes were full of war, no matter what the ending, he was eager to fight with Fuwei, and with his current combat power, he played against a master like Fuwei. Interesting, can only stimulate the passion of Jiang Chen.

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