Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1449: Rakshasa

Yang Bufan did not speak any more, because he knows Jiang Chen very well, knows that Jiang Chen’s decision will not change, and knows that Jiang Chen itself is also a fighting madman. The genius of the immortal mid-term has been unable to put pressure on him, and The genius of the late King of the Kings was exactly what Jiang Chen hoped.

Moreover, today is his king's ceremony, but also can not retreat, in addition to let Jiang Chen continue to fight, Yang Bufan has no other good way.

Of course, letting Jiang Chen play, the ultimate decisive factor is Yang Bufan’s trust in Jiang Chen. He believes that Jiang Chen’s means are even more convinced that Jiang Chen is a man, although the ending of this war is unpredictable, even the late Xian Wang Fu Wei, who wants to really kill Jiang Chen, is also absolutely impossible. This is almost certain for Yang Bufan.

The anger in the field suddenly became dignified, and everyone’s gaze once again fell on the battlefield covered by golden glare. Although no one believed that Jiang Chen could fight Fuwei, no one would laugh at Jiang Chen again. In two consecutive battles, Jiang Chen has conquered everyone with his own strength. Even the enemy will not be scorned by him.


Fu Wei released his own murderousness, and the whole body screamed. The strong murder was about to condense into substance, and the void creaked, and the void crack appeared directly, making the scalp numb.

Jiang Chen slightly squinted his eyes and his face was somewhat dignified. After all, this Fuwei is not a blessing. The practice of God's door is also biased towards authenticity. The dragon can't really make a fuss for Fuwei. I need my own skills.

If it is against the corpse Yinzong or Huang Quanmen, even if the other party is a master of the late Xian Wang, Jiang Chen is enough to deal with it, but now Jiang Chen is not afraid. In his mind, there is no fear of this concept.


The huge dragon gas condenses into a wave of air, spreading like a tidal wave, smashing a layer of ripples in the void.

Fuwei regards Jiang Chen as a life-and-death enemy, so there is no extra word. When he comes up, he prepares to shoot. His palms bloom with colorful brilliance. Countless energy begins to gather toward the palm of his hand. Soon, the energy of horror reaches a peak.

Fu Wei slammed and slammed his hand, and the power of the infinite fairy king was released. A palm knife was taken out by Fu Wei.


The voids trembled, and the air rubbed out the harsh sound. Everyone saw that a colorful **** broke through the space, like a rainbow of ripples. In the blink of an eye, it was near Jiang Chen. This is a tough battle. Skills, the king's fairy skills, the power is not the same, if you change to the average person, the scene will be split into two, just like the space here.

Fu Wei came up with such a sharp offensive, which is enough to show his murderous heart for Jiang Chen. He does not want to give Jiang Chen a little chance.

"It's good."

Jiang Chen’s reaction was also extremely fast. He had already prepared for the full confrontation. The real dragon’s handprints went out of the way, and the horrible blood-colored dragon claws directly caught the colorful gods.


The two kinds of horrible energy collide with each other. The impact of energy suddenly feels like a storm, and the golden mask outside the earthquake trembles. It seems that there is a possibility of collapse. Of course, it is the energy defense of the Prince’s personal arrangement, even if Trembling, it is impossible to collapse.


After all, the horror of the real dragon handprint is still unable to resist the gods of Fuwei. The dragon claws are torn apart on the spot. The gods continue to impact, and the river dust is blown to the river dust. The river dust is severely flashing, and the heavenly sword appears in the hands of lightning. When a sword is thrown out, it will destroy the glory of the gods.

However, Jiang Chen is not easy. He has been retreated to the edge of the mask. The corner of his mouth overflows with a trace of blood. He only feels a sullen chest, and the blood in his body is overwhelmed. He can’t tell the uncomfortable, but this kind of injury is for Jiang Chen. It’s not a big deal. Under the aura of wood, it instantly recovered.

"I am now fighting against the genius of Fowe, and it will be very difficult. It is not an opponent. If I use the big celestial technique and the unicorn arm, I might be able to fight with one."

In the heart of Jiang Chen’s heart, this is his first time against the masters of the late Xian Wang, and Fu Wei is not the average master of the late Xian Wang, so it is still very difficult to confront, it can be said that it is not an opponent.

"Good boy, can you resist me so much?"

Fu Wei was really surprised. He was very clear about the amount of lethality he had just made. Even such a strong attack was actually followed by Jiang Chen, and the injury he suffered just now. It was restored in the blink of an eye, how to prevent Fuwei from being surprised.

The shock is definitely not just a Fuwei one. Almost everyone's thoughts are the same as those of Fuwei, and they are once again shocked by Jiang Chen's strength.

"Where does this kid come to the road, how can it be metamorphosed to such an extent, it seems that even the master of the late King of the King wants to kill him."

"Yeah, I have never seen such a perversion. It must have been met by Fan Wang. But even if he is abnormal, he can't be the opponent of Fuwei. Fuwei is the supreme genius of God's door. Very, to kill Jiang Chen, it should be no exception."

"Look, this Jiang Chen has killed Futian. Fuwei will not let him live. The good drama has just begun. I have to look at what kind of tyrannical means Jiang Chen will do to fight against Fuwei."


No one is not surprised, but surprise does not mean that Jiang Dust is optimistic. No one dares not to admit the strength of Jiang Chen, but can not deny the power of Fuwei.

"Jiang Chen, I have to say, you really surprised me, but I am not surprised to save your life. Next, I will use the real killing. Your means have been exhausted. Let you try it. I am very good at Rakshasa."

Fuwei's momentum is more reinforced than just now. He wants to display his most horrible means. Rakshasan's three palms are the famous stunts of Fuwei, and they become the incarnation of Rakshasa. One palm is stronger than one palm, and the other three palms are combined. Shocking.

"Come on, I have to see how strong your Rakshasa palm is."

Jiang Chen said that the more powerful Fuwei is, the more excited he is. His left arm is already moving. Similarly, his eyes show the taste of a big heaven. In the face of the powerful Fuwei, Jiang Chen can no longer kept.

"Small dust, don't use the unicorn arm. The fire unicorn is probably uncommon. Before you figure it out, it is best not to display the unicorn arm under the public, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Look at Jiang Chen to display the unicorn arm, the rhubarb dog quickly reminded.

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