Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1450: tenacious

After listening to the reminder of the rhubarb dog, Jiang Chen quickly took the unicorn arm that was about to be displayed and took it back. Just after the brain was almost hot, it was displayed. The unicorn arm is the current powerful skill of Jiang Chen, against Fuwei. It is still very powerful when it is displayed.

But the rhubarb dog said yes, the fire unicorn must have a great origin, maybe it is a sacred beast of a large force in the East Xuan domain. If you display the unicorn arm under the public, you will be suspected, maybe Will cause unnecessary trouble.

However, Jiang Chen is still very annoyed and depressed for not being able to display the unicorn arm. After all, this is a very powerful skill. It is a loss for him to play. This is his own fight against Fuwei Luochao III. The card of the palm, now the card is gone, can only use the big heaven machine to circulate.

"Rakshasa three palms, the first palm."

Fu Wei moved, directly showing the first palm of the Rakshasa palm, the horrible waves rolling around, a horrible palm print was hit by him, it was originally a golden palm print, but with a black mans in the middle, just The momentum that comes out is shocking.

The huge palms, like the palm of your hand, are overwhelming and continue to grow.

"The sky is in front, the dragon sword is one."

Jiang Chen also moved. He became a real dragon, and he was completely integrated with the Tiansheng sword in his hand. He smashed the past toward the Rakshasa palm.


Under the operation of the big heavenly machine, Jiang Chen seems to have the ability to predict. The resistance of the dragon sword and the palm print collision is exactly the weakest place in the Luosha printing. It is also the soft underbelly of the Raksha print. This blow makes Rakshasa The power of the palm can not be fully exerted. In other words, Jiang Chen’s use of the predictive ability of the large-scale machine forcibly interrupted the display of the Luosha palm, which greatly reduced the power of the Luosha palm.

The void was torn apart. Even if it was not fully exerted, the Luochazhang was still not able to compete with Jiang Chen. He was directly separated from the Tiansheng sword by the earthquake, and there were many wounds on his body.

"What kind of means does this **** use, it can be extremely accurate to find the weakness of my Luochazhang."

Fu Wei was shocked. He looked at the opposite side of Jiang Chen with a look at the ghost. He is very clear about how powerful the power of Luo Zazhang is. However, in the previous match, Luo Zazhang did not fully exert the power, otherwise Jiang Chen is not only as simple as being shaken off, but also seriously injured without death.

"Rakshasa three palms, the second palm, I have to see how long you can resist."

Fuwei was furious, and Jiang Chen’s metamorphosis really surprised him, but no matter what, he would kill the other person today.

The second palm of the Rakshasa palm was displayed, but Jiang Chen was once again lightning-fast. He once again applied the dragon and sword together, and found the weakness of Luochao's palm accurately and collided with the past.


The second collision, the ending is the same as the first time. The Luochao palm was destroyed by Jiang Chen’s sword when it was not fully displayed, but Jiang Chen was also uncomfortable. Once again, the dragon sword separated by the earthquake, the body The scales were all flew out of the earthquake, and the blood flowed out a lot.

Such injuries can not be said to be heavy. If they are replaced by other people, they will not be able to continue to adhere to them. However, Jiang Chen has the aura of wood and is always helping Jiang Chen to repair the injury. In this case, the persistence of the battle. It has been greatly improved.

"Where the king, the Jiang brothers are very changing, they can predict the trajectory of Fuzhou's Luosha, but the Luochao is too powerful. The Jiang brothers are obviously not opponents. He has already suffered a minor injury. If you continue to fight, you will not be able to stand up in the morning and evening."

The old man of Bai Weng said with great concern that through the battle between Jiang Chen and Fu Wei, everyone has been very admired by Jiang Chen, not only admire his means and metamorphosis, but also admire Jiang Chen’s perseverance.

At the same time of admiration, there is still a distress, because they all see very clearly in front of the battle situation. Even if Jiang Chen has the ability to do it again, there is a big gap in the repair. Under such a gap, it is impossible for Fuwei. Opponents, continue to fight fiercely, and the final outcome is definitely not good for Jiang Chen.

Yang Feifan’s eyes stared at the battlefield without hesitation. The words of the old man of Bai Weng were ignorant and did not know what to think.

On the battlefield, Fu Wei has already shown some anger and ruin. Although he has always had the upper hand, he has suppressed Jiang Chen very much and even caused damage to Jiang Chen. However, this kind of battle also made him feel great grievances. Can not be fully displayed, who is replaced, is very depressed.

"Jiang Chen, pick me up in the third palm, I see how long you can hold on."

Fuwei's eyes are red, and his palms are constantly condensing and printing. The third palm of Luochao's palm is about to be displayed. The power of the third palm is the superposition of the power of the two palms. He believes that even Jiang Chen finds weaknesses. Wherever it is, it can also bring Jiang Chen a heavy blow.

"come on."

Jiang Chen was not afraid, and the big heavenly machine was running to the extreme. The Tiansheng sword in his hand broke out with a deafening whistle.

The huge palm prints began to condense at the beginning, and Jiang Chen also decisively shot. The horrible big celestial technique still made him find the weakness of Fuwei accurately and accurately. Tianshengjian became a long dragon and collided with the past.


This time, the void was completely smashed, and it completely became a chaotic battlefield. The colorful light obscured everything. The entire mask was full of devastating energy fluctuations. The earth shook violently, if not with a hood. Existence, the entire Wang Wangfu must be instantly turned into nothing.

Everyone is nervously watching the battlefield and wants to know the battle and the ending.

Soon, the light disappeared, and the scene inside again appeared in people's eyes. At this moment, Jiang Chen recovered to the appearance of a half-man and a half-dragon. He was wearing a golden sacred sword in his hand, but his body was shaking violently. They are all scars, and his blood is on the ground, but the wood aura is helping the river dust to repair the injury quickly.

Jiang Chen had to admit that the genius of the East Xuan domain is indeed a horror. This Fuwei is not comparable to the general Xian Wang in the later period. It can be said that it is not at one level at all. Jiang Chen has already exerted his full strength, still not Forway's opponent.

"Little dust."

The face of Wu Ningzhu is full of worrying colors. Jiang Chen’s state at the moment is too scary, so she has no way to worry about it.

"Damn, how is this **** so tenacious."

Fuwei was even more depressed. Even if he injured Jiang Chen, it was not the ending he wanted. The strongest palm of Rakshasan’s palm was displayed. He still didn’t want Jiang Chen’s life. For him, This is simply a shame.

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