Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1461: If you don’t agree with one word, you can start playing [four more]

The rhubarb dog is about to spurt out the fire. This kind of person is the most annoying. His rhubarb is absolutely unbearable. The only way to deal with this kind of person is to fight and fight.

Both Yang Ling and Dong Fei were stunned. They all looked at the dog with wide eyes. They just used this dog as a pet beast around Jiang Chen, but they didn’t expect this dog to be so temperament. Breaking the mouth and seeing the shape of his teeth, there is quite a feeling that Yang Ling should be directly torn away.


After a short embarrassment, a powerful anger erupted from the body of Yangling. It was like a tidal wave. It instantly filled the entire courtyard. Yangling finally stood up from the wicker chair. The old-fashioned beard shook, what identity? The people of Yang family, the elders of the genius house, the feeling of the half-step emperor, in this foreign capital, anyone on weekdays sees that they must be respectful, even if the Prince will give himself a few faces, today a dog actually Dare to yell at myself, shouting at his own old hair, but also to do his own grandfather, grass, this dog's courage is not a big surprise, no one has ever dared to marry himself, let alone a dog.

"Bastard, bastard, a dead dog who doesn't know where to come from, even dare to speak out in front of this elder, looking for death, it is really a big rebellion, Jiang Chen, what kind of dog I see next, your dog Disrespectful to this elder, you can't escape responsibility, this elder now orders you to kill this dog immediately, killing in the face of this elder."

Yang Ling said with anger and anger, looking at Jiang Chen with a cold eye.

Yang Ling believes that Jiang Chen will not dare to offend himself for a dog. Even if Jiang Chen loves this dog, he must kill the big yellow dog himself. Otherwise, he will not give up.

"Old guy, give you a face, you really have to be a root, you have no talent, relying on drugs to upgrade to the half-step of the emperor's old hair, what can be bragging, old miscellaneous, I Advise you not to provoke Laozi, otherwise, the consequences are not what you can afford. If you are now registering Laozi’s place of residence, the previous things, Jiang Chen has nothing to happen."

Jiang Chen said coldly that his patience has always been limited. This Yangling once again challenged his own limits, which is a serious act of death.


Jiang Chen’s words made Yang Ling squat on the spot again, and Dong Fei was the same. The eyes of the two looked at Jiang Chen as if they saw ghosts, especially Yang Ling. He had waited for Jiang Chen to kill himself in his own face. The rhubarb dog, at least, must also say apologizes, but where did he think that Jiang Chen said that he turned his face when he turned his face and said that he would be more vicious than the dog.

Dong Fei was shocked and could not himself, but he had to secretly give a thumbs up and admire Jiang Chen, and he was so admired.

"Rebellion, this is to rebel."

Yang Ling is about to run away. He has never seen such a arrogant new disciple. He said that it is new. Even the geniuses of the old disciples in the genius, no one dares to insult himself, so disrespectful to himself, what is this nature, very The harsh nature is not honorable.

"Jiang Chen, this elder gives you the last chance to kill this dog, then kneel down and give me a sin to pay for it, otherwise, today's things will not be a good time, you should not be a joke to the elders."

Yang Ling said that he is a *** person, knowing that Jiang Chen has a certain threat to the ***, so the prince secretly confessed that Jiang Chen’s residence should be brought to the forbidden valley, but did not expect this. Jiang Chen is too arrogant, and he does not give himself a little face.

This made Yang Ling’s heart have already produced a killing intention. He just took advantage of this opportunity to get out of Jiang Chen. As long as Jiang Chen does not plead guilty to himself, then he is welcome.

"Old hair, you want to kill the dog, you are not too funny."

The rhubarb dog snorted and did not put Yang Ling in his heart.

"Yangling, I advise you to rush to register for me. I haven't happened before. You shouldn't think that I am joking. I only make fun of my friends, and you don't even have the qualifications to be my enemy."

Jiang Chen’s body exuded a strong domineering spirit, and Dong Fei was almost convinced by Jiang Chen’s momentum.

Yang Ling almost squirted out an old blood. Today, I finally saw what was arrogant. This is already arrogant to the endless. With his half-step cultivation of the Emperor, in Jiang Chen, even the qualifications of the enemy are even No, can you be more arrogant?


A tyrannical momentum suddenly erupted from the body of Yangling and turned into a beam of light from the other hospital. He was murderous and ready to be shot. For him, this is an opportunity to kill Jiang Chen, insulting Elders, he can use this to kill Jiang Chen and remove a potential threat for the Prince.

"Little dust, don't be polite, just slap him half-length, the elders count as a fart."

The rhubarb dog shook his head and said that it was a master who looked at the excitement and was not too big.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen said, directly showing the dragon's change, as the rhubarb said, the elders are a fart, they are not the first time to beat the elders.


In the dusty mouth of the river, a stunned dragonfly was heard, and a wave of gas was spread out. The entire external government of the earthquake shook.


Dong Fei was so scared that he couldn’t help but shudder. The speed of this contradiction is too fast. Dong Fei’s chances of reaction have not yet been met, and he has never seen such a **** person. If he does not agree, he will shoot. The elders dare to fight, Jiang Chen in front of him, and Jiang Chen, who gave his first impression, are completely two people.

Moreover, Jiang Chenlong's appearance is also somewhat scary, so Yang Ling and Dong Fei are both shocked, but they all know that Jiang Chen has a transformational skill, and the scene on the day of the King's Day has been spread.

"Is this horrible transformational skill? It is horrible to be able to display ten times more combat power."

Dong Fei was shocked.

The movements on the side of the registration office were too big, and the geniuses who were practicing in the whole foreign government were alarmed. The powerful momentum was quickly shaken. Whoever could not sense it was stupid.

"What happened? The registration office seems to have someone to fight. It is the momentum of the elder Yang Ling. It is half-stepped by the Emperor, but it is extremely unstable. The whole genius is only like this."

"It is difficult for Yang Ling to fight against people. The old man is a *** person, or a royal family. Whoever has nothing to dare to provoke him."

"Go, look at the past and see what happened."


The entire foreign government was alarmed, and a sturdy figure flew towards it.

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