Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1462: Take care of it [five more]


The quiet outside of the foreign government has become a lively moment. On weekdays, the registration office is the most boring and most uninhabited place. Now all the figures are moving towards this side. They can appear in the genius house, and each one is a master. They I can feel the situation here. It is the momentum to break out of the battle. They all want to see. In this foreign capital, what kind of person is angering Yang Ling’s anger, who is so courageous and dare to Yang Ling is directly facing the dry.

Soon, the outside of the registration office was full of people, and some people hang directly in the sky, clearly seeing what happened in other hospitals.

"Who is the dragon? How do you work with the elder Yang?"

"The man should have shown a transformational skill, but his cultivation seems to be only half a step of the king. This kind of cultivation is so direct to confront the half-step fairy. Isn't that looking for death? It took a long time to be a moron."

"That is Dong Fei, ask him what happened before."


There was a lot of discussion, and I didn’t know what happened before, and the dragon man seemed to be strange. I never saw it. Someone pulled Dong Fei out and asked: “Dong Fei, who is that person? How courageous it is, why do you work with Yang Elder."

"He is the Jiang Chen of the Wangfu House. Today, it was reported to register. The result was that he was killed by Yang Elder. It was hard to divide Jiang Chen’s residence into the valley. Jiang Chen was furious and married Yang Elder. It’s not like this. It’s going to be hit. This Jiang Chen is really bloody. If you don’t agree with it, you will open it, and then you will start playing, no matter what the other person is.

Dong Fei whispered, everyone in the speech can admire Jiang Chen's admiration. After all, what happened before he is clear, he believes that if you switch to any one, you can't do it like Jiang Chen, because this is simply It is a behavior of death.

"What? Jiang Chen? He is the Jiang Chen of the Wangfu, no wonder so arrogant."

"Yang Elder is a man, so it will be difficult to get the dust, but it is too much to let Jiang Chen live in the valley."

"Sure enough, it is a man of arrogance. Today is an eye-opener. I heard that Jiang Chen killed Fuwei in the late Xian Wang. That is to say, Yang Elder is actually not an opponent of Jiang Chen, because he is a half-step fairy. The emperor’s cultivation is, but his ability is clear to everyone. If he does, he will not even beat Fowe, but he does not know that Jiang Chen dares to play Yang Elder. Of course, I also want to see this legend. Half-step Xian Wang can kill the enchanting genius of the late King of the King, to what extent."


Everyone was curious, and the eyes of Jiang Chen’s body fell on Jiang Chen’s body, which made Jiang Chen’s battle immediately become the focus. These days, the battle of the King’s Day was rumored, and this dust is undoubtedly the biggest protagonist. Today, it has finally appeared in the genius house, which will naturally cause countless attentions.

After learning about Jiang Chen’s identity and knowing the things from Dong Fei’s mouth, everyone knows what happened. Yang Ling’s hardships are absolutely understandable. After all, the Prince was lost in the royal palace. With all the face, this is the true hate of Jiang Chen, and the fact that Jiang Chen’s talent is too high is a great potential threat. If it can’t be removed as soon as possible, it will become a big threat in the future. .

Yangling is difficult to imagine, but Jiang Chen dares to directly confront Yangling, but it is why no one has thought of it. This is a big excitement. If Jiang Chen really dares to fight Yangling, things will be big.

The battle in the other hospital seems to be at a glance, and Yangling’s eyes are about to burst out.

"Jiang Chen, this elder now gives you the last chance to kill the dog and then give the elder a girl."

Yang Ling shouted loudly. Nowadays, so many people look at it. He must take out the elders' temperament. Today, he must rectify Jiang Chen. Otherwise, he will not have to mix his face in the future.

Moreover, Yangling has already prepared for the shot. He is ready to kill Jiang Chen. He will not give Jiang Chen a chance. He knows that Jiang Chen is very powerful. Even Fu Wei of the Xianwang period has killed, but he has the confidence to kill. Jiang Chen, because he is a half-step emperor, although not a true emperor, but it is also half a foot into the ranks of the emperor.

In fact, Yang Ling could not understand what the real half-step Emperor was like, and after he was promoted to the half-step Emperor, he did not experience the battle, so he did not know much about his own combat power. It can be said that it is blind and arrogant.

He is not clear in his heart, but the people who are clear in other people's minds, Yang Ling's cultivation is the most unstable, the most lacking in content, throwing away Jiang Chen first, if you join Yang Ling and Fu Wei, then Yang Ling is definitely not a blessing. Wei's opponent.

"You are really a lot of words. You are the most hated. You seem to be teaching you today. Don't think that you are an elder. You shouldn't forget that this is a world of strength, no such thing. Don't be too arrogant."

Jiang Chen said, a slap in the face of Yangling fanned over, he must smash Yangling today, otherwise it is absolutely unsatisfactory, and he will grow up in the foreign capital in the future, to help the king to win the talent, then it must be strong Let people know that they are not irritating. Whoever dares to provoke themselves will not be too good. If so, take this Yangling to establish his majesty.

Seeing that Jiang Chen took the initiative to take his own shots, Yang Ling couldn't believe it. The courage of this guy was really a sacred day. If he was disrespectful to the elders, he would dare to take the initiative. This is simply unbearable.


A slap in the face of Yang Ling, the two places of Yang Ling shot.


Yang Ling exclaimed and felt the burning pain on his face. He realized that he had just been beaten and was directly fanned in front of so many people. What surprised Yang Ling was that he had just resisted it. Did not play the slightest role, Jiang Chen's slap is still unbiased on his face.

what on earth is it? He is a half-step master of the Emperor level, a half-step Xian Wang hit his face, he can not hide.

Yang Ling is somewhat flustered. Although he is an elder, although he is a lot older, he has always been pampered and lacks combat experience. Compared with the killing madness like Jiang Chen, the gap is definitely not a little bit, so he can’t hide the river. The slap in the dust is a very normal thing.

Of course, in this Yangling view, it is really abnormal.

[Thanks to the two brothers of Jinniu and the red envelopes of the flowers and brothers, the originally scheduled six more, now become seven, the brothers continue to give strength to see if there is an eighth. 】

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