Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1476: Fan Wang’s anger (below)

Yang Bufan himself carries the prestige beyond the ordinary people. It is the breath of the real superiors. The pair of blind people don’t know how much blood they have seen. Now he is promoted to the realm of the emperor. The momentum is more abundant, and he can look at it with a single look. It is frightening, and his eyes reveal the smell of sin. It is the atmosphere of the sinful abyss, the Lord of sin, the ruler of a region.

"Opening the king, Jiang Chen, he is already dead."

The man was shocked by Yang's imposing manner. Wherever he dared to be a little bit scornful. When Wang asked his own words, he did not dare not answer, unless he did not want to die, not only to answer, but also to lie.


The voice of the disciple just fell, and an anger was like a tidal wave. It was sprayed out of Yang’s body. The momentum was too strong. The three disciples were too close to him. They could not bear the momentum and immediately flew. Go out and land on the ground beyond a dozen feet.


The three men spurted blood almost at the same time, struggling to get up from the ground, bowed their heads and dared not speak. The faces of the three men were full of fear. They knew very well that the anger that Wang Wang had just released was not intended to target them. If it is intentional, the three of them are already dead, and it is impossible to stand here well.

Everyone felt the anger of the king, and the whole scene became surprisingly quiet. No one dared to say a word. Although the disciples just said something is straightforward, it is not wrong. Jiang Chen is dead because he entered it. In the valley, even if Jiang Chen has another big skill, it is impossible to come out alive.

Yang Bufan is really angry. Jiang Chen is dead. He died only half a month later. If it is true, Yang Bufan’s heart should be more uncomfortable. However, after calmness, Yang Bufan’s heart is sneer, Jiang Chen is so easy to die. of? He knows Jiang Chen too well. He has 10,000 reasons to believe that Jiang Chen will not die so easily.

Yang Bufan stood there, like a god, the shock is too great, he is not a fool, no matter whether Jiang Chen died or not, but one thing is certain, that is definitely something wrong.

Yang’s gaze once again swept through the people in the foreign government and said faintly: “Who stands up and says what is going on?”

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to stand up. After all, Jiang Chen’s death is likely to provoke the anger of the king again. The kind of anger is not what they can bear, the young king of the Dagan Empire. Who can get it, not to mention the fact that it is now a master of the Emperor. In front of Yang Bufan, they feel that they are too weak.

However, one person still bravely came out, it is Dong Fei.

Dong Fei came to Yang Bufan before, first gave a gift to Yang Bufan, and then said: "Where the king is, this is the case. When Jiang brother came to register, he was excluded by the elder Yang Ling. Jiang brother was straightforward and shot. Elder Yang, also played Cheng Jun who was too uterus, and finally Hu asked the elders to come forward and punish Jiang Chen."

Dong Fei did not dare to hide it. He said everything that happened on the day. Among the entire foreign government, only he was the clearest source of the day, because he accompanied Jiang Chen to the registration office.

"Punish? Hu wants to kill Jiang Chen? Hey! Even if he wants to be a fairy emperor, it is impossible to kill Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is so good to kill."

Yang Bufan snorted, Hu wants to be a master of the Emperor, to say that Hu wants to easily kill Jiang Chen, he has not such a big skill, even if he wants to kill Jiang Chen with his current strength, he Not confident at all.

"Hu wants the elders not to kill Jiang Chen, but to punish Jiang Chen to go to the valley forbidden land, let Jiang Chen face the wall for a month, the king should be very clear, where can not enter, no one can live from It came out there, so everyone decided that Jiang Chen was dead."

Dong Fei said.


Yang Bufan’s face was fierce and cold, and the powerful anger rose from the body again. He didn’t care about Jiang Chen’s punishment, but he didn’t even think that Hu wanted to let Jiang Chen enter the valley, which is clear Jiang Chen’s life.

Even if Yang Bufan is more confident, but involves the mysterious valley, these self-confidence moments are gone. As Dong Fei said, it is a very evil place. Almost no one has come out from the inside. The valley has already It is an indisputable forbidden place, and it is usually not allowed to enter it at ordinary times.

However, Yang Bufan is not a fool. He knows that Yangling and Hu are both too uterus. Jiang Chen swept the face of the Prince on the day of the King’s ceremony. More importantly, Jiang Chen’s performance was too horrible, and the Prince was born. Under the hustle and bustle, I will be thinking about getting rid of Jiang Chen. Hu wants to take advantage of this opportunity to punish Jiang Chen and ask for Jiang Chen’s life.

This is a very good abacus, but whoever Wang Wang is who wants to kill can kill, not to mention Jiang Chen is his brother, this thing, absolutely can not stop.

"Dong Fei, go, bring the old things of Yang Ling to the king."

Yang Bufan said coldly, others are afraid of too uterus, he is not afraid.


Dong Fei turned and walked toward the registration office. Jiang Chen’s affairs also made him depressed for half a month. Today, when Wang Wang came forward, he was finally able to release the depressed gas in his heart.

"Where the king, Jiang Chen is already dead, and it doesn't make sense to do this again?"

One person said that the person who spoke had already reached the late stage of the immortal king. He was also a man with too much uterus. He was used to it on weekdays. Now he saw that Wang Wang had to deal with Yang Ling and could not help but speak.


Yang Bufan brushed and looked at the disciple. The cold eyes instantly made the disciple fall like an ice cave, and his body trembled fiercely. The disciple was scared almost, and he had a lot of masters, even the Prince. I have seen it, and the prince is angry. He has seen it, but even if the Prince is so high, there is absolutely no such thing as Yang Bufan.

The disciple can be sure that this is the momentum of death. Anyone with a look can be sentenced to death. This is the real superior. The king is like a master, and people dare not have a slight violation.

Regret, the disciple regrets, he really should not talk more, he thought that he is too uterus can be put in front of the king, it is funny.

"Tell you, everyone who is too uterus is dead, Jiang Chen can't die, he is in the palm of his hand, don't wait for the king to shoot."

Yang is incomparably indifferent, even if he knows that Jiang Chen has entered the valley, he still feels and believes that Jiang Chen will not die. Jiang Chen is definitely not the kind of person who is easy to die. Of course, Yang Bufan believes that there is a certain basis. Because he understands Jiang Chen’s personality, Jiang Chen’s character is definitely not where Hu wants him to go. He will go there. Jiang Chen has the courage to despise everything.

It must be that Jiang Chen knows the mystery of the valley, he wants to enter it, and Jiang Chen basically does not do things that are too uncertain, so since Jiang Chen is going to enter, then Yang Bufan has reason to believe. Jiang Chen will not die.

No matter whether Jiang Chen is dead or not, Yang Bufan can't be good. When he returns to the Dagan Empire and seals to the Van Wang, he must fight the imperial power of the Wangfu. The Jiang Chen violent elders have already played the momentum of the Wangfu House. Today, He is going to vent gas for Jiang Chen.

Yang Bufan just said a palm of his hand, the disciple slowly raised his palm. His palm trembled and looked reluctant. With his habit, even if the other party was a fairy emperor, it could not be given by the other party. Frightened, after all, he is a man with too much uterus, standing behind the Prince, this is his cuddling.

But in the face of Fan Wang, he felt that all the cuddlings were useless. If the king is too terrible, it is the real superior. The majesty is inviolable. He firmly believes that if he does not talk, Yang Bufan may directly waste To get rid of him, in this genius, with the status and status of Fan Wang, it is said that a foreigner disciple is abolished. Even if he is directly killed, no one will pursue his responsibility.

Many disciples looked at the disciple with a cold eye. The face was ridiculous. It was obvious that the people who were too uterus were arrogant in the weekdays. It also caused a lot of dissatisfaction. Today, this stupid force suddenly slammed into the head of the king, and immediately became a joke.


The disciple was helpless, and he could only endure the humiliation and slap his face to himself, and the one he called was a squeak.

"Before the king has not left, he can't stop, or I will throw you out of the genius."

Yang Bufan said faintly, in a sentence, the disciple was about to spurt blood, but he really did not dare to stop, because he did not have the courage to disobey the words of the king. Now the only thought of this disciple is regret, and it is really stupid to conceal himself. Nothing to say anything, this is to lose people, and later in this foreign house, there is no face to mix again.

Accompanied by the slap in the face, Yang Ling followed Dong Fei from the registration office. Yang Ling was violently smashed by Jiang Chen on the same day, but it was only a skin injury. Half a month has long since recovered. He is half a step after all. The master of the emperor, the resistance is still very strong.

When I saw Fan Wang, Yang Ling suddenly laughed: "Congratulations to Fan Wang, He Xifan Wang, we have a peerless genius again. It seems that the royal family will be able to make a big feast again soon."

"Yangling, less in the face of the king, what is the day against Jiang Chen?"

Yang Bufan did not give face once, and immediately said coldly.

The smile on Yang Ling’s face is a bit sullen, but he is not awkward, but he is not afraid. He is different from those foreigner disciples. He is also an elder, and he is a Yang family or a uterus, regardless of his identity. Backstage, not the average person can compare, so he believes that even if Yang is not ordinary, do not dare to drop himself.

"Where the king, the Jiang Chen children are not respectful, disrespectful to me, but also take the initiative to beat me, this is seen by many people, so Hu wants the elder to punish him, it should be."

Yang Ling said.

"Is it? I can hear that you also want Jiang Chen to go to the valley at the beginning. Your heart is not clear to the king?"

Yang is not sneer.

Wen Yan, Yang Ling could not help but glanced at Dong Fei next to him. When he said this, Dong Fei was next to him. It must have been told by Dong Fei that Wang would not know.

"Jiang Chen’s fight against elders is a fact. It is a punishment for itself. I believe that Wang is also a reasonable person. This matter is to be handled by the elders and only to punish Jiang Chen for a month."

Yang Ling said.

"Don't you know that entering the valley is tantamount to death? One month is enough to kill 10,000 times. Since you want to kill me, then don't live."

Yang Bufan’s sentence was shot directly to kill, and it seems that he is going to kill.

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