Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1477: Strong in the end

When the king’s killings appeared, many people were stunned, and even Yangling was stunned. He did not expect that Yang Bufan actually released the killing intentions. It seems that he was going to kill himself, but Yang Ling firmly believed. Yang Bufan dares to kill himself. After all, he is a Yang family. It belongs to the same line of Yang Bufan. If Yang Bufan kills himself for an outsider, it would be too mad.

In fact, where the royal family has any feelings of love, the brothers have to fight for the head, and he has a small Yangling, what counts.


Yang Bufan directly shot, a slap in the face of Yang Ling, the strength of this slap is not small, Yang Ling did not even have the opportunity to react, the film was taken, the mind was dizzy, fell to the ground .


Yang Ling wow vomiting blood, Yang Bufan this slap, his mouth directly smashed, the teeth all destroyed, it is clear how slap in the palm of this hand.


The whole audience was in a state of utter disappointment. Everyone was frightened. The king’s momentum was too strong. He said that he would fight, regardless of whether the other party is an elder or not. In fact, a small elder of the foreign government compared with Van Wang is not a Level, violent elders, this thing happened to Jiang Chen's body, it is called the big rebellion, to be punished, but it happens to be the king, it is totally different, who dares to punish the king, a young emperor.

Seeing that Yang Bufan slaps Yang Ling into this dog-like appearance, the disciple who was slap in the face immediately shuddered and tried harder. He really did not dare to stop, for fear that he would stop after Yang. Uncommonly come to slap in person, then you don't have to live. With Yang's extraordinary strength, you can send him to see the prince.

"Where Wang, you and I are the same, do you want to kill each other for an outsider?"

Yang Ling looked up and said unclearly. In the face of the mighty Van Wang, he began to be somewhat scared. He knew that if he was killed as an immortal, he would probably die.

"Hey! An old dog is also worthy of being with the king, and he doesn't look at what he is. Since you are so loyal to the Prince, then the king will kill you now and see if the Prince will come out to save you."

Yang Bufan’s body is killing. Today, it is necessary to stand up. Everything has just been established. If there is no means of iron and blood, then someone will treat the Wangfu as a soft persimmon.


Yang Bufan immediately took a glimpse of it, and a dappled dagger just fell in front of Yang Ling’s face.

"Look at your surname Yang, give you a chance to commit suicide."

Yang Bufan said indifferently, his eyes did not have a little bit of feelings, and many people noticed that among Yang's eyes, Yang Ling was already a dead person.

This situation made the atmosphere on the scene even more tense. At first, everyone thought that Yang Bufan was just a sigh of Yang Ling, but he did not expect to really kill. At this time, who can see that Yang Bufan is not joking. It is really necessary to kill Yangling.

Killing the elders of the Foreign Affairs Office, this is the first time in the genius.

No one dared to speak, everyone looked at it quietly. There was only the slap in the face of the disciple. The disciple seemed to play very hard, as if the slap was not his own, the faces on both sides were The fan is swollen.

Yang Ling’s look at the dagger that fell in front of him, a cold chill that instantly forced the soul, he only knows that Yang Bufan is really not joking with himself, but playing really, really want to kill himself. .

"Where the king, this thing has nothing to do with me, is that Elder Hu punishes Jiang Chen into the valley."

Yang Ling’s voice trembled and said, he was afraid. Everyone is vulnerable in the face of death. Especially people like Yang Ling are naturally afraid of death. He has always been pampered in the genius and feels that death is so far away from himself. One thing, but did not expect that death will come as soon as it comes.

"You are going to die, Hu wants to die, you want Jiang Chen's life, then use your life to pay back. Since you don't shoot yourself, then the king will help you."

Yang Bufan is ironic to kill, because he is too angry, his voice just fell, pointing a finger at Yangling's eyebrows, a golden light slammed into the mausoleum of Yangling like a sword, the Yangling body shocked The brilliance in the eyes began to diverge, the vitality gradually lost, and then it lingered on the ground.

Yang Ling died, and there was still fear and unwillingness before death.

Such scenes saw people frightened, many people did not even dare to force their breath, and they were completely frightened. Yang’s means were too fierce. They said that killing would kill, and that no feelings would stay. When he killed, his eyes were all Without a little bit of turmoil, he seems to be a murderous madman, and blood can no longer cause his emotions to fluctuate.

No one knows how many people Yang Yangfan had killed. He stayed in the abyss of sin for ten years. He is the Lord of sin. In his eyes, life is like the ants, and the strong is the esteem.

This is the first time he murdered after he returned to the Imperial City. Jiang Chen’s own strong side was exposed in front of everyone, cruel, overbearing, and unrelenting.

"A good king who is overbearing, killing and killing, for the sake of his own people to kill the elders in the genius, such a person is worth following."

Dong Fei looked at the powerful Van Wang and was directly attracted and fascinated by the momentum of the strong hegemony. In his view, Yang Bufan and Jiang Chen are both the same kind of people, very strong, in this strong Respect, the world of the weak and the strong, only strong people can survive very well.

Yang Ling died, but watching Yang Bufan's posture, this matter is not finished, but just started, Yang Bufan just said, killing Yang Ling, Hu wants to run.

However, people do not believe that Yang Bufan really wants to kill Hu. After all, Hu’s identity is not comparable to Yang Ling’s. Hu is the real master of the Emperor, and is the elders of the foreign government, not killing.

However, this kind of assumes that Yang Bufan does not exist here at all. Yang Bufan did not look at the body of Yangling. The body flew up when he swung. He went in the direction of a palace in the foreign government. It is the place where Hu wants to be.

"Yeah, the king is really angry this time, and he wants to make trouble with the genius, let's look at it."

"He won't really want to kill Hu to be an elder? It's too crazy."

"It is very likely that Van Wang is obviously more ferocious than the Prince and Peace King. He and Jiang Chen are kind of people. They are not afraid of anything. Hu wants the elders to be dangerous today. Although he is also a master of the emperor, how can he and the king Compared with such a genius, even if the king is half-step of the emperor, he is not necessarily his opponent, let alone now."


The foreign government suddenly boiled, and many disciples rushed to the direction of Hu’s palace. The days when Wang was promoted to the emperor were also the days when the foreign government made a big event.

People are almost gone, the disciple of the uterus is still slap in the face, he is very serious, and he can’t remember how many slaps he fanned, but hundreds of them must have The fan of the fire does not dare to stop.

It’s really the murder of the king who scared him. He didn’t dare to stop when he was scared. Yang Ling was dead. If he stopped, he might have to die. He didn’t have to deal with Jiang Chen, just because he had a word. It’s too embarrassing to kill the body.

Where Wang Lianhu wants the elders to kill, and this little shrimp has nothing to do, and he will die.

"Hey, don't fight, Van Wang has gone."

Someone came to this disciple and said with great defiance.

"Ah! Already gone?"

The disciples' obese face showed a panic color. Only then did he think that Yang Bufan’s command was that he could not stop before he left. Now that Van Wang has left, he can stop.


After stopping, the disciple sat down on the ground, only feeling that his hands were numb, his face was numb, and the whole person seemed to be emptied.

Hu wants to go to the palace, Yang Bufan directly stepped on, the moment when his footsteps fell on the mountain peak, the whole mountain was shaking, the rock fell directly from the top of the mountain, and the palace was shocked by a crack. The same happened to a major earthquake.

"Hu wants, get out."

Yang Bufan’s voice fluctuated and the sound waves rolled.

Hu, who was already retreating and retreating, was immediately alarmed. He looked very angry. He was an elder of the foreign government. With his own identity and status, some people dared to run to himself to scatter wilderness. This is enough.

"Whoever comes to the elders here to scatter wild."

The voice of Hu wants to come out of the palace. The next moment, Hu wants to go out imposingly, but when he sees that the other is the king, his face immediately changes, and the original anger is also received.

"Congratulations to the king who advances to the emperor, do not know what the king came to this elder here, but also moved so much anger?"

Hu wants to speak.

"Is you let Jiang Chen go to the valley wall?"

Yang Bufan said coldly.

"The original Van Wang came for the boy who didn't know the height of the sky. Yes, it was indeed my order. Let the boy go to the valley to reflect. He is too arrogant, unrespected, and beat the elders. As a departure, I am an elder of a foreign government. It is natural to shut down."

Hu wants to say it seriously.

"Hu wants, you have listened to the king, and the king's people will not be able to punish you. You want Jiang Chen's life. Today the king will use your life to pay for it."

Yang Bufan is full of power and does not hide his murderousness. Yang Ling has already killed. This Hu has to pay a heavy price. Everyone knows that he is not so good offended.

"Where the king is still going to work with the old man."

Hu wants a glimpse, did not expect Yang Bufan to be so strong, but he is not afraid, after all, he will also be a master of the emperor, and he has a certain identity, even if the other party is the king, can not say kill himself, kill himself, Plus, he is too uterus, can not lose the face of the uterus.

"This king is coming to kill you."

Yang Bufan said that the whole person turned into a light and shadow and went to Hu to attack. Hu wants to change his face. He knows Yang’s movements and he knows that he is definitely not Yang’s opponent.

Yang Bufan was shot in the middle of the road, and the horrible palm of his hand went to Hu’s face in front of him. Hu did not dare to neglect, and immediately raised his hand to meet.



The palms of the two great emperors collided with each other, and the infinite waves rolled up. The sound of a broken bone sounded, and Hu wanted the whole person to be shot and flew out, and the arms were distorted.

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