Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1486: Can't forget

The devil scorpion looked at the wound in his hand, hated his teeth, and then roared in the sky. No one can understand his current mood. When a person is desperate, despair will become a habit. At least, the devil is already used to it. For three hundred years, you can continue to get used to it. If you get used to it for three hundred years, there is no problem.

But when a desperate person suddenly sees hope and then hopes to burst, the feeling is completely different. The current genius is this feeling. He is surprisingly angry, but he is just angry. He is destined to go. Out here, and he knows that he can't stay in the dark.

Guanghua flickering, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog walked out of the space and returned to the other courtyard. At this time, the sky has begun to be bright, and the old liar seems to have recovered its original appearance, and walked to the big rock that the big yellow dog often climbs. Above, a **** sat down.


Jiang Chen came to the old liar and gave him a fist: "Thank you for the help of the seniors. Jiang Chen was disrespectful to his predecessors. It shouldn't be."

Jiang Chen is a person who will not be easy to give gifts, but the old liar feels worthy of giving himself a gift. This is a life-saving grace. He just understood the scene just now. If it wasn’t for the old liar to appear in time, he and the big yellow dog were really fierce. Now think of it, it is still a worry.

"Your boy suddenly became so polite, and the old man didn't adapt."

The old liar waved his hand and signaled that Jiang Chen would not be restrained in front of himself.

"Old liar, you are hiding deep."

The rhubarb dog came to the side of the old liar, and the tone of his speech was as casual as before. For this, the old liar didn't care at all. If he cares, he won't make himself so pickled. The old liar is like It is a person who has seen the red dust.

"You guys are really daring, and dare to go anywhere. If it is not the old man, I will appear in time. You two will become the feces of the big guy."

The words of the old liar are blamed, but the appreciation is still very strong, especially for Jiang Chen, the young people have such a bold amount of people, there are not many.

“Predecessors, how did you find it here?”

Jiang Chen asked.

"Is it difficult to find you with the strength of the deity?"

The old liar took a look at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen said, the old liar is not wrong, the powerful Supreme, to find a person, it is too easy, but Jiang Chen is still very confused, the old liar to find their own The valley is very simple, but I am afraid it is not easy to find the enclosed space.

"Predecessors should know who Yang Junlong is? If I guess correctly, the seniors should know Yang Junlong. Otherwise, how can I find the space?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Your boy is really smart, yes, the old man I used to make friends with Yang Junlong. In that year, the konjac was murderous, killing a city, killing tens of millions of people, and Yang Junlong introduced it into a natural ban. The time when the ban was in existence was very long. It merged with the essence of heaven and earth. After being transformed by Yang Junlong, the konjac was imprisoned. I knew this thing, so I was able to find the space."

The old liar said.

"Yang Junlong is the ancestor of the Yang family of this great empire?"

Jiang Chen said that this is his speculation, but it is estimated that it is inseparable from the ten, and he listened to the old liar, he still admired Yang Junlong, imprisoned the konjac, but also for the human race to get rid of a scourge.

"Yes, it is the ancestor of the Dagan Empire."

The old liar nodded, and there was nothing to hide about Yang Junlong’s identity.

"Since the konjac is killing sex, why didn't you kill it?"

The rhubarb dog did not ask.

The old liar shook his head: "It’s so easy to kill the devil, even if Yang Junlong and I join forces, it will definitely kill him. At most, it will only suppress it. Just now, it’s right, if not When Yang Junlong used his scheme to frame him, it was impossible to imprison him."

“Predecessors, is Yang Junlong still alive in the world?”

Jiang Chen continued to ask, this is a question in his heart. He once saw the statue of Yang Junlong in the royal palace of Wang Wang. According to Yang Bufan, this ancestor has disappeared for a long time, it is life or death. No one knows.

"When Yang Junlong imprisoned the devils, he disappeared and disappeared. It has never happened again, but I think that Yang Junlong is not dead. With his ability, it will not be so easy to die."

The old liar said that when he mentioned Yang Junlong, his eyes were deepened. In any case, he and Yang Junlong were friends.

"The old liar, the dog has a question to ask, this guy is obviously a powerful sage, and it is only a step away from the half emperor. Why do you want to make yourself like this bear?"

The rhubarb dog curiously asked, this is also what Jiang Chen wants to know.

The old liar did not speak, and seemed to be in meditation. Yes, why did he become like this, even he did not know it. He always wanted an answer, but this answer has never been confirmed.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog did not speak, and did not want to disturb the thoughts of the old liar.

After a long time, the old liar stood up from the big stone. He looked up and looked at the dark clouds in the sky, as if to see the day.

"Forgetting the sorrowful, ignoring the emotions, Xiao Yisheng pursues the ultimate in spiritual practice, but finally he has embarked on the way of forgetting the feelings. He wants to use the feelings of love to attack the legendary emperor. Unfortunately, some emotions are destined to be forgotten. I entered the road with affection and finally walked on the road of forgetting the feelings. However, when I used the way of forgetting the feelings to attack the emperor, I found that I still couldn’t forget it. So I failed to attack the emperor and chose to live in seclusion. Yushan, the big hidden in the city, I chose the latter, I am bohemian and made a rogue."

The old liar said, he never said anything to anyone, but today he said to Jiang Chen, it is a feeling.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh, and felt that the old liar was very pitiful in his life. He can see that there are many secrets in the old liar. He is a temperamental person, but he has to go to the way of forgetting the truth. This is in itself a contradiction. .

"Predecessors, some words, I don't know when I talk about it."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Tell me."

The old liar looked at Jiang Chen with great interest.

"Predecessors have a temperament in their temperament. In the past, they entered the road with affection. Later, in order to attack the emperor, they embarked on the way of forgetting the feelings. I don’t know if this is self-defeating, because you can’t erase the shadow of your heart, and practice is important. Naturally, people have seven emotions and six desires. Can people who are truly unrequited, can they be called people? How can a person with feelings be able to truly forget the feelings, why should the predecessors not abandon the way of forgetting the feelings, follow the guidance of the heart, go your own and want to go The way."

Jiang Chen said.

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