Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1487: Heart of the strong

Jiang Chen’s words made the old liar into meditation. His whole person seemed to be silent. He looked down and thought, and the scorpion continued to shine with strange brilliance. His brows continued to rise and stretch again. This state lasted for half. Hours of time.

This half an hour, the other hospital is unusually quiet, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog did not speak, they know that the old liar is thinking, reaching the level of the old liar, need an opportunity, a chance, three hundred years ago the old liar to forget The way to attack the half emperor, and ultimately ended in failure, this thing is destined to leave many shadows in the heart of the old liar, for most of the peers, I am afraid that there will only be one chance to attack the emperor in life, once it fails, it will not There will be a second chance.

Because they have a hard time to give up all the roads they have before, failures have hit them too much. This kind of blow not only affects their mind and state, but also affects their air transport. This can be ruined by the old liar for three hundred years. See it.

Jiang Chen’s cultivation is far worse than the old liar, but he has different cultivation experience in past and present life. He has his own unique insights on the perception of spiritual practice. Some things are called bystanders, and the old liar is now caught in a kind of In the quagmire, there are constant struggles, but they can't get rid of them. In the end, they can only listen to them. Jiang Chen hopes that his own words can help the old liar.

Suddenly, two fine mans flashed from the eyes of the old liar, only two eyes, illuminate the entire courtyard, he Huo stood up from the stone, a pair of stars as bright as stars look at the river Dust, full of strange colors, then the old liar began to mutter: "Forget the emotions, forget the love, it turns out that I am destined to not forget the way."

The old liar seems to have some epiphany. He has never thought of things in these years. I didn’t expect that today, Jiang Chen said a few words in his heart. The old liar suddenly saw a bright light from his already dim world. The endless brilliance will soon be released.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't think that I had forgotten it for hundreds of years, and I was finally lost by you. I am going to find the old feelings now. I am eager to enter the road. Now I have to break the way and forget to step in. The method of the emperor."

The old liar went to Jiang Chen's front, and stretched out some boring hands to take a shot of Jiang Chen's shoulder.

"Predecessors only have to find themselves and find the original heart that belongs to them. As long as the initial heart is still there, the heart will remain unchanged, and it will be just around the corner."

Jiang Chen said that he can feel the change of the old liar. This half hour is very important to the old liar. It is much more than his three hundred years of sentiment. The so-called epiphany is better than the millennium. Dust knows that as long as the old liar can find his own self and break through the emperor, it is not a problem at all.

"The deity will leave soon. I don't know when I will have a goodbye. If he can break through the emperor's day, it will be your friend's credit. But before the deity leaves, he will take you out of this valley, or you will be the devil. I am not going to give up."

The old liar said that he would leave here and look for his own self, but he could not let Jiang Chen stay here alone. The devil will not be willing to stop, and he will definitely find trouble.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at each other and then nodded. The purpose of their coming to the valley was only for the secret here. Now the secret is already known, and there is no need to stay, and the old liar said that it’s right. They will be okay, they have seen the horror of the devil, and such a powerful peerless person, even if there is no way to get out of that space, but there will be other unfathomable means, any means, not the current Jiang Chen And the big yellow dog can deal with it.

The old liar robes and wraps Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. The next moment, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog leave the valley and appear on the edge of the foreign house. When they react, the old liar has disappeared. It’s gone, it’s gone without a trace, it seems to have never happened.

With the strength of the old liar, the world can go anywhere, not to mention this genius, even the palace of the Dagan Empire, he can still enter silently, will not let anyone notice.

Forgetting the sorrowful person, he and Yang Junlong represent an era. His reappearance, if it is spread out, will inevitably lead to an uproar. If Yang Zanqing, the genius’s lord, knows that Xiao’s sorrow is here, I’m afraid I will come out to meet. .

Jiang Chen looked at the valley below, couldn't help but groan, it was a feeling of restoring the rest of the life. This trip to the valley had a great influence on Jiang Chen, let him know what is the real master, the devil The existence of the level of sorrow and sorrow, he did not dare to think about it now.

"A generation of sages have such a thoroughness, what is the existence of the legendary emperor?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are full of embarrassment. He thought of the smoke and rain in the burial fairy, and after seeing the horror of the old liar and the devil, Jiang Chen finally realized that his own path is far and far. There is still a long way to go to find the secret of the smoke and the morning rain.

"This experience is a good thing for you, and it allows you to truly define your goals and positioning."

The rhubarb dog said that he knows that Jiang Chen is a arrogant person. He has his own goals, but he does not know exactly what the goal is. This valley experience has witnessed the horror of the devil and the old liar. Jiang Chen really understood the gap and the goal in his heart was more clear.

"Yes, I got to know myself again."

Jiang Chen nodded and thought of the horror of the devil and the old liar. His heart suddenly jumped. It was the heart of a strong man. After Jiang Chen cultivated the dragon, he had already had the heart of the strong, now The heart of the strong thinks that Jiang Chen has changed this time, and there are signs of change.


The sound of the squeaking sound in the body of the river dust, from the heart to exude a good man, this is a kind of potential stimulation, equivalent to an epiphany.

The rhubarb dog's eyes lit up. He didn't think that the stimulus was so big to Jiang Chen that he could let him directly change and stimulate the true heart of the strong.

"This guy is really a good luck, unique, and fascinating. This change of the heart of the strong can make his cultivation progress again. Even if he can't directly break through the king, he will not be bad."

The rhubarb dog’s heart is dark, although it has experienced too many miracles with Jiang Chen, but in the face of the transformation of the heart of the strong, it is somewhat surprising.

[There are two more, 12 points to update together, can not wait for the brothers to see again tomorrow morning, recently used to the night code words, so the update is late. 】

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