Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1489: irony

Someone succeeded in getting out of the forbidden place. This is a big event. It is a big news. Everyone feels incredible. It’s too much to describe it with incredibleness. Everyone is very curious. Curious about what Jiang Chen has used to come out. More curious about what is in the valley, perhaps Jiang Chen knows.

More and more people are coming out, and the people who come out are behind Jiang Chen and walk in the direction of the registration office.

After Dong Fei learned the news, he came out the first time. He flew to Jiang Chen in the near future. When he first heard the news, Dong Fei was absolutely not convinced. He felt that someone was joking because he never No one can walk out of the forbidden place, but at this moment, watching Jiang Chen stand in front of himself intact, Dong Fei had to believe.

"Gang brother, you are really alive and coming out."

Dong Fei seems very excited, more excited, it is the excitement from the heart, it can not be disguised, and soon, a large group of people are surrounded, these people are friends of Dong Fei, each look The eyes of Jiang Chen are full of admiration. It is an admiration that has never been seen before. They have already seen Jiang Chen’s ability. Now Jiang Chen has created a miracle in the history of the genius. They are not fools, know this. It is enough to prove that Jiang Chen is a person with air transportation.

"I said I will come back alive."

Jiang Chen smiled at Dong Fei. For Dong Fei, his feelings are still very good.

"Jiang brother, you have created a miracle in the history of the genius. I said Dong Fei, as long as you can live out, this life will follow you. After that, Dong Fei is the person of the royal family."

Dong Fei held a fist at Jiang Chen. He said this at the time, but he felt that he would not have a chance. He did not expect that the miracle really appeared. In his opinion, following the peerless enchanting like Jiang Chen, It is already a very proud thing.

"We also follow Jiang brothers, and are willing to join the Wangfu House. Many people in the foreign government believe that they will be willing to join the Wangfu."

"Yes, Van and Jiang are brothers who have the atmosphere, and we are willing to follow."

"This is our pleasure."


Everyone was screaming, and they all talked with dignity. They have not joined any forces. Now they are determined to join the royal palace. From then on, they will follow Jiang Chen. They are not blind. They can naturally see Jiang Chen and Fan Wang. The potential of these two people to gather together, sooner or later is to become a major event.

When I saw it, Jiang Chen smiled directly, and my heart was very satisfied. This was the result he wanted. The power of the Wangfu government was one of the main purposes of his coming to the genius. He could see that these were in front of him. People are willing to follow themselves and willingly join the royal family. This is the first step in strengthening the power of the royal family. He believes that this is just the beginning.

"Well, since you are willing to follow me to join the royal palace, then from now on, you are the people of the royal family."

Jiang Chen said that he was very clear about the value of these people. Everyone here has the potential to be promoted to the Emperor. Every disciple in the genius is excellent and is the object of competition between the young kings. Their potential is endless, and grasping them is equivalent to grasping the future of the Dagan Empire.

"Jiang Shixiong, tell us what terrible things are in the valley, how do you get out of it?"

Someone asked, many people came over and looked very curious.

"You still don't know the things in the valley. It is not good for you. I am going to find Yangling now and arrange for me to live."

Jiang Chen said that the secret of the valley is impossible for him to say. If it is passed out, the whole genius will be quiet.

"Jiang Xiong, Yang Ling is already dead."

Dong Fei said.

"Dead? How did you die? It won't be suicide after being humiliated that day."

The rhubarb dog stunned and heard the death of Yang Ling, and did not say how it died. The rhubarb dog has already begun to be happy.

"Where the king killed, yesterday, Wang Wangsheng, the emperor came to look for you, I heard that you entered the valley, the king was furious, immediately killed Yangling, but also killed the elders, but was blocked by the prince. Fan Wang also had a fierce battle with the Prince. Every victory and defeat, Van Wang is really terrible."

Someone spoke up and sounded the scene of yesterday’s Wang’s troubles. They still felt that the blood was boiling. The strength of the king left them with the impression that they could not be erased.

"What? Where the king was promoted to the emperor."

Jiang Chen was shocked. Yang Bufan was able to promote the Emperor so quickly. It was really amazing, but he was surprised that he also felt happy for Yang Bufan. At the same time, Yang Bufan killed Yang Ling for his own troubles. Fighting with the Prince, this makes Jiang Chen very moved. It can be seen that Yang Bufan is very concerned about himself and completely regards himself as a brother.

"This kid is not bad, Yangling's old miscellaneous hair is good, if it is not dead, today is inevitable and it is a violent."

The rhubarb dog shook his head and said.


At this time, a light and shadow flashed over and appeared in front of Jiang Chen. The visitor was not someone else. It was the Hu Yao who was smashed by Fan Wang yesterday. The news of Hu’s elders is still very well-informed. So quickly, Jiang Chen is alive. The valley came out.

At this moment, Hu wants to see Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog really appear here intact. My heart is really complicated. He wants to get rid of Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen has come back well and created a miracle. At the same time he It is also very happy, because Jiang Chen is not dead, his life is saved.

"Jiang Chen, this is your key, No. 8 hospital."

Hu wants to throw out a key, Jiang Chen took the key and saw that there is an [eight] on the key, which is the sign of the No. 8 hospital.

After giving the key, Hu wanted to turn and left. This kind of move made Jiang Chen directly stunned. He thought that Hu’s presence must be difficult for himself. After all, Hu had to face himself in the valley for a month. I am now coming back in advance, saying that Hu should seize this point and continue to find his own troubles. Wherever he thinks so bold, he gave the keys and arranged a very good practice place.

"How do I feel that this old man is very happy? This is not normal. When we see that we are alive, shouldn't he be mad?"

The rhubarb dog also smashed directly, and Hu’s reaction was that he did not think of it.

"Jiang Xiong still doesn't know. Yesterday, Wang Wang can leave a sentence. If you can't live out from it, the king will kill Hu, and the Emperor will not want to block it. If you come back alive, it will save his life. ”

Dong Fei said with a smile, feeling that this is a great irony.

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