Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1490: Goodbye Van Wang [one more]

After listening to Dong Fei’s words, Jiang Chen realized that Hu wanted to do this. Yang Bufan used to be the sinner. There are too many people to kill. He has always been strong, even if he returns to the Dagan Empire, the king who is high above. Wei will not change.

"Dong Fei, you go to Fan Wang and tell him that I am fine."

Jiang Chen said to Dong Fei, he knows that Yang Bufan must be worried about it. Since he is safe, he does not need to let Yang Bufan continue to worry, and Yang Bufan is now promoted to the Emperor, which is also a celebration.

"Okay, I will go."

Dong Fei turned and left. He looked very excited. He witnessed a miracle with his own eyes. How can he not be excited? He is now a man of the royal family. It is natural to listen to Jiang Chen’s words.

The news spread is too fast. Dong Fei has not yet reached the place where Yang Bufan is. Yang Bufan has already known, not just Yang Bufan, in just ten minutes, from the foreign government to the inner government, there is almost no People don't know this miracle. Some people have come out of the valley, causing the turmoil to be too big. It is definitely a major earthquake in the entire genius.

"What? Is Jiang Chen alive? Impossible, this is impossible. No one can live out of the valley."

In the palace of the prince, after hearing the news, the prince looked so excited and could not believe it, but this was said from Hu’s mouth, so he had to believe.

"Yes, the old man, he just saw him, he is not dead."

Hu wants to say, even he can't understand why Jiang Chen can live out from the inside. This can't be described by miracles. How many years of forbidden land, go in and die, even if Yang Zanqing doesn't know the valley. It is hard to imagine how Jiang Chen did it.

"Damn, this guy is the freak from where it came from. If this person does not get rid of it, it will become a big problem in the future."

The prince is gnashing his teeth and the fists are squeaking. If the performance of the prince in the palace can not really attract the attention of Jiang Chen, now the prince has deeply felt the threat of Jiang Chen, the potential threat, than the Fan The king is much bigger, because a person who is good at creating miracles, you will never know what miracles he can create.

On the other side, Ping Wang, who has never appeared before, was shocked after hearing the news. He never appeared. He wanted to use the hand of the Prince to get rid of Jiang Chen, but he did not expect such a thing to happen. Ping Wang started from the beginning. There is no small look at Jiang Chen, knowing how much the threat of Jiang Chen is. Now Jiang Chen can walk out of the valley, showing that its potential is unimaginable.

"This person is extremely harmful. If you can't be friends, you must get rid of it as soon as possible, and then you will end up suffering from infinity."

Ping Wang’s eyes flashed out of the cold, and he understood the fierce battle between the emperors in the palace. Although he was a brother, he was also a life-and-death enemy. Once this battle broke out completely, the consequences were unimaginable. Ping Wang really learned about Jiang Chen. It’s terrible, it looks like it’s ready to move.

As Jiang Chen said before, this Ping Wang is far more terrible than the Prince. The actions of the Prince are on the bright side, while the Ping Wang is very deep in the city. It does not show the mountains, but it is conceivable. Ping Wang is definitely not a simple character, otherwise it is impossible to achieve today's achievements.

In the foreign house, Jiang Chen lived in the other courtyard. This is the key that has just been taken from Hu. At this moment, there are more than a dozen people gathered in this courtyard. They are all foreign geniuses who have just turned to Jiang Chen. From now on, they are Anyone who is in the palace.

This is the first force of the Wangfu House in the genius, but it will definitely not be the last batch. The development of the palace is only just beginning.

Soon, Fan Wang and Dong Fei appeared together and came to other hospitals to see that Jiang Chen was really intact and returned from the valley. The ecstasy of Yang Bufan’s face could not be concealed.

"Haha... Brother, you are so amazing, and created the greatest miracle in the history of the genius."

Yang Bufan is very excited and does not care about his identity. When he comes up, he gives Jiang Chen a bear and expresses his joy.

“Congratulations to Fan Wang for his successful promotion to the Emperor.”

Jiang Chen laughed, and it is also a great joy for Van Wang to be able to hit the realm of immortality so quickly. After all, Yang Bufan represents the royal palace. If the palace is to be truly strong, the king must be strong first. This is The most basic thing is that only the king himself is getting stronger and stronger, and he is qualified to fight with the Prince and Ping Wang.

"I have seen the king."

Under the leadership of Dong Fei, more than a dozen talented disciples simultaneously saluted the king.

"Where the king, these people willingly follow, from now on, they are the people of the royal palace. Let's just start the power of the palace in the Prince's House. I believe that it will take a long time to compete with the Prince and the King. ""

Jiang Chen said.

"Well, we are the king's house, destined to become a genius, and become a sword of the great empire. If you join the royal palace, the king will not treat you badly."

Fan Wang’s eyes swept over these dozens of people, and then secretly nodded. Every disciple of the genius house is worthy of being wooed. They are all young sage kings, and their future achievements are limitless.

"I will wait for the death of the king and Jiang brother."

The crowd said in unison.

"Well, let's go ahead. The king and Jiang Chen have something to say."

Fan Wang said, he knows that the reason why these people can join the royal palace, all of them are the merits of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen can successfully come out of the valley this time, shocked the entire genius, the genius can see both up and down. The potential of Jiang Chen, following such people, will certainly have achievements in the future.

"Yes, Van Wang."

Dong Fei left these hospitals with these people.

"Brother, how did you get out of the valley? What is the secret of the valley?"

After the people left, Yang Bufan couldn’t help but ask, the secrets in the valley touched everyone’s heart, including Yang Yangfan.

"Where the king, the secrets in the valley are of great importance. If I tell you, you must not tell anyone, even Yang Zanqing will not do it, because once this secret is transmitted, it may cause the turmoil of the entire empire."

Jiang Chen’s tone is extremely dignified. He has no intention of concealing Yang Bufan from the secrets in the valley. Yang Bufan used to be the Lord of Sin. He has experienced everything, and his heart is much tougher than the average person. But the things of the devil are absolutely impossible. Others know that at least it is not the time. Once the secret is passed out, the entire empire will be in shock. The powerful genius, the whole empire can not afford.

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