Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1491: Unpredictable secret [two more]

Yang Bufan's face changed slightly. He never saw Jiang Chen's tone so dignified. In his heart, Jiang Chen is confident, powerful, and arrogant. No matter what kind of things and things he faces, he can maintain basic calm, even if It was the sinful abyss of the time, and it never let Jiang Chen discolor, but he can now feel the fluctuation of Jiang Chen’s emotions from Jiang Chen’s tone. This can only explain that the secret in the valley is terrible and terrible. He must be prepared in advance to be able to listen.

Yang Bufan can almost certainly be sure that the entire Dagan Empire, in addition to himself, replaced the second person, Jiang Chen will not tell the secrets of the valley, the secret must be great, but this also really evokes Yang's interest, after all, The valley has been around for many years, and it has been a forbidden place for the genius house long time ago.

"There is another glory in the valley, sealed with a powerful peerless demon, a powerful genius, a horrible peerless man, who is infinitely close to the existence of the semi-emperor..."

Jiang Chen said everything in the valley. There is no hidden point. This is the secret of the Dagan Empire. Yang Bufan is qualified to know.

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Yang Bufan was involved in a huge earthquake. Rao was fully prepared in advance, and he was also shocked by the soul. He was infinitely close to the semi-emperor’s peerless man, a madman, and he finally knew Jiang. Why is the dust so solemn, because once the news spread, the entire Dagan Empire could not be quiet.

"It’s no wonder that all the geniuses who have entered it before are gone, such a powerful demon, who can resist, if this peerless demon appears, for the entire Dagan Empire, it is the end."

Yang Bufan can't be calm in his heart. He is very clever. He knows what it means to be. The emperor of the immortal world is basically not born. Every peerless immortal is a legendary existence. The Dagan Empire is naturally tyrannical and powerful. Sitting in the town, but there will never be such a peerless sage.

"Where the king does not have to worry too much, the Heavenly Devil is imprisoned for three hundred years without coming out, so as long as no one touches the natural prohibition, there will be no way to get out of the devil."

Jiang Chen said that he could understand how big the vibration of Yang Bufan was at the moment.

"That said, the demon scorpion was imprisoned by the ancestor Yang Junlong. The ancestors used the means to pass the sky, but unfortunately there was no way to destroy the scorpio, but they were imprisoned, but they did not know whether the ancestors were still alive."

Yang Bufan said that he mentioned the ancestor Yang Junlong. His face is full of worship and respect. As a descendant of Yang family, he is naturally proud of having such a strong ancestor. Unfortunately, Yang Junlong has disappeared for too long. No one knows so far. Whether he is still alive in the world.

"Yang Junlong's old predecessors just disappeared. With his cultivation, even if he failed in the impact of the emperor, he could not die. He reached his step and it is very difficult to die. I believe that Yang Junlong's predecessors still live in the world."

Jiang Chen said that he is convinced that this is because the old liar is still alive. You must know that you have reached the level of Xianzun, and you can have at least a million years of life. If there is no accident, it will not die.

"To the brother, you said that you entered the space, how did you come out alive?"

Yang Bufan suddenly thought of the most critical place, and asked, knowing that Jiang Chen was facing the devil, and Jiang Chen’s current cultivation was in front of the devil, that is, the little ants, just take a breath. They can all blow to death. If there is no adventure, they will be able to come out. Yang Bufan will never believe it. Jiang Chen is naturally perverted, but even if he makes all the stops, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the devil. .

"This is thanks to the old liar."

Jiang Chen said that when he mentioned the old liar, his heart was full of gratitude. He felt that his luck was really good. Who could think of a ragged old man outside Futian Mountain Villa who turned out to be a peerless person?

"Old liar?"

Yang is not a glimpse, he never listened to what Jiang Chen said about the old liar.

"When I first came to Dong Xuanyu, I met a swindler old man outside Futian Mountain Villa and had some friendship. This time I was able to escape from the scorpion scorpion, that is, the old swindlers shot and rescued. What I didn't expect was that a seemingly pickled old man turned out to be a hidden master. He forgot the feelings of the sorrowful, and did not know if the king had heard it?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile, he is full of respect for the old liar, he hopes that the old liar can regain his own time this time, with enthusiasm, successfully break through the semi-empire.

"Forgetting the sorrowful dissatisfaction, I didn't expect this person to be alive. There are quite a few legends about the sorrowful sorcerer. I naturally heard that this is a powerful peerless person who is in love with the Yang family ancestor Yang Junlong. Yes, I didn’t expect the hidden masters to reappear in the world. Brothers, your luck is really good."

Yang Bufan's tone is full of shock and envy. Jiang Chen's experience is indeed enviable. A hidden world is willing to save, this luck is also against the sky, Yang Bufan finally knows why Jiang Chen can succeed. Out of the valley, I forgot to be personally shot, naturally it is foolproof.

"Yes, the old predecessors drifted away. I don't know when I will meet next time. I hope that when I meet next time, the old predecessors have already solved the shackles of happiness and shocked the legendary realm."

Jiang Chen is awkward, the old liar has been hidden for three hundred years, and the waves are not sloppy, but Jiang Chen knows the sorrow of the old liar.

"This matter is of great importance. It does not make it known to other people. Otherwise, it will cause great turmoil, but the existence of the devil is a great threat to my great empire."

Yang is not a frown, although the surface of the Dagan Empire looks very prosperous, but the devil is the biggest hidden danger. His existence, like a time bomb, can break out at any time, bringing unimaginable to the Dagan Empire. disaster.

"So we have to be strong as soon as possible, strong enough to fight against the devil."

Jiang Chen said that his scorpion shines, and the heart of the strong in the body begins to jump.

"It's easy to talk about."

Yang is not a wry smile, a sacred person, that is a powerful existence, the entire Dagan empire can not find one, and he is now just a fairy emperor, that realm is too far away for him.

"We don't want to be so good, we can do it ourselves for a while. Since the secrets of the valley have been hidden for three hundred years, we can continue to hide."

Jiang Dash, what you have to do now is to work hard and improve your own strength.

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