Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1501: And slow

The people of the Big Cloud Empire were forgotten, and Yunxiao squinted at his eyes with a big smile on his face. He did not have any signs of stopping this situation. The same was true of the Seven Emperors. His personal performance was extremely humble, but However, he was allowed to sneer at his own hands. It seems that this is also the effect he wants. The purpose is to use this method to attack the genius and combat the morale of the entire empire.

"Mom, this **** is so deceiving. It’s unbearable to go to Danfu to humiliate us."

"It’s a hateful face. It’s a pity that we lost, and gave them the opportunity to humiliate us. It’s damn, I really want to rush to violently beat them.”

"Brothers don't want to be impulsive. After all, the Seven Emperors are coming to Danfu. It's useless to get angry. In the end, it depends on how Danfu responds."


In the face of the cynicism of the big cloud empire, the disciples of the genius house are all incomparably angry. There is no way to be angry. As a member of the genius, they are always high, and every genius is proud. Who dares to humiliate them, the genius is the facade of the Dagan Empire, the face, the representative, this is the first time to be humiliated, there is no way to refute.

Compared with other disciples of the genius house, the true anger and depression are the disciples of Danfu. These are the alchemists and powerful alchemists. This identity has always made them very proud. Now, in the face of such ridiculous ridicule, Say no anger, it is a devil.

The disciples of Danfu have an impulse to rush to fight against each other. After all, in addition to the first-class alchemy, the people in Danfu are also extremely horrible, but their dignity makes them unable to shoot because of the humiliation of the other party. Since their failure.

At this time, the only way to find the face is to stand up and defeat the other party in the same way. When you can then heal the person with his own way, how the other party is humiliated will double the shame.

But unfortunately, Xuanzhong has failed. The entire Danfu can no longer find any young alchemy teacher who can fight against the seven emperors. No one can refine the eight-piece flames of the emperor, so this is angry that they only Can stay in the heart, humiliation can only be recorded in the heart, if it is a big fight, then the last dignity of an alchemy teacher will be lost. If it is passed out, the Danfu of the genius will become the laughing stock of the entire Dongxu domain.

"The owner, I am sorry."

Xuanzhong was in the middle of the dynasty, and his eyes were red, and he could see that he suffered endless humiliation.

"You have tried your best."

The Oriental Royal took a shot of mysterious shoulders.

"Yes, mysterious brother, you have tried your best. You are our pride. For the first time, you have successfully produced the Holy Flame."

"It’s true that my alchemy is not under him, just because of the flames, and this guy must have been prepared for a long time. I don’t know how many times I refining it. I’m afraid he’s refining for the first time. At that time, even with the help of the earth, it is not necessarily possible to refine the six medicinal herbs."

"Mysterious brothers don't blame themselves, we are clear about your strength, and you have tried your best, don't blame you."


The disciples of Danfu came forward to comfort Xuanzhong. Jiang Chen saw all this in his eyes. He couldn't help but secretly nod. Danfu was a very human place. Xuanzhong failed, but it ushered in a comfort.

At this moment, the mysteriousness is very clear to everyone. The most painful thing is him. When he played, he carried great pressure. He knew that he was not an individual. The defeat caused him to hurt his heart. Big, it can be said that in the face of the sarcasm of the big cloud empire, the most uncomfortable is the mysterious.

Xuanzhong took a long sigh of relief and felt a little warmth in his heart. He lost the game. The most chilling thing was not the opponent’s look down, but his own people ridiculed. Now Dan’s brothers and elders come to comfort him. Xuanzhong’s heart is really comfortable.

"Haha, the owner of the East, the genius of the Dagan Empire, can't you find a genius who can refine the eight-product holy flame? If that's the case, it's really disappointing."

Yunxiao laughed and said that this time it is natural to take the opportunity to humiliate the opponent, otherwise, today is not white.

The oriental face is a bit ugly, but it can't be said in one sentence, because the provocation of Yunxiao makes him have nothing to say, he said that everything will be looked down upon by the other side. As the owner of Danfu, he cannot directly admit it. There is no one in Danfu. In that case, not only will the opponents look down on it, but also the morale of the disciples of the genius, and the reputation of Danfu will be damaged.

What is really embarrassing is that Dan House really can't find a second person to fight against the Seven Emperors. No one in the younger generation can refine the Eight Flames of the Holy Flame. This is almost certain.

"Oriental Lord, your genius is really disappointing to the king. Even a decent genius can't find it. Our big cloud empire is growing. One day, the big cloud empire will make you a big empire. There is a Tianyu dynasty to step on the foot."

The Seven Emperors said, they finally showed their arrogant side.

"Seven princes, I don't think it's interesting to see that we continue to stay. The seven emperors' alchemy has been invincible for the younger generation."

Yunxiao said that this old one sang one and one, and changed the law to humiliate the empire.

"And slow."

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded. The source of the sound was not from the people in the square above the square, but from outside the square. Everyone’s eyes followed the sound and they saw a handsome face. The young man in white came out.

He looks very young, with one hand on his back, and the scattered black hair is windless. He volleys and walks toward the square step by step. His cultivation is only half a step, and even the real king is not, let alone It is the emperor, and this kind of cultivation is the same as the whole genius, which can be said to be the lowest level of repair.

On this occasion, those who are cultivated are not qualified to speak, but the words just now are spoken from the white youth.

"Good boy, it seems that there is another good show, and Laozi has looked away."

Looking at the back of Jiang Chen, Yang Bufan seems very excited. He knows that he has looked away. He can basically confirm that Jiang Chen is an alchemy teacher, and he is a very powerful alchemy teacher, and he understands Jiang Chen. This guy never beats the unsure, and will not be embarrassed in the face of so many people. Yang Feifan is full of hopes. He knows that today’s genius may have a miracle.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, there will be six more outbreaks tomorrow, and the high tide will make everyone look cool. 】

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