Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1502: Is it funny? [一一]

Everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and he noticed that Jiang Chen's cultivation was done, and countless people have widened their eyes.

"It’s Jiang Chen, this guy’s recent troubles in the foreign capital, but it’s boiling.”

"He is now a celebrity of the genius, and he is able to walk out of the valley and create the greatest miracle in the history of the genius."

"This person is a wizard, although the half-step Xian Wang level is repaired, but the combat power is extremely horrible, but today's scene seems to have nothing to do with him, I don't know what he is doing at this time."


Many people have recognized Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen is now a celebrity. In the genius, almost no one knows it. Even if he doesn't know, he has heard that he started to be famous from the royal palace of Wangfu, until not long ago. It’s hard to let people know that it’s such a big thing to do when they come out alive in the valley.

Dongfang Yu looked at Jiang Chen, and screamed at the brows. The people in Danfu also looked at Jiang Chen with sorrow. I don’t know what this guy is up to. A small half-step fairy king, even on weekdays, even qualified to step into this mountain.

Ignoring a lot of gaze, Jiang Chen went straight to the square and hugged the fists of the Oriental Yu: "The disciple outside the house, Jiang Chen, I have seen the Oriental House."

Jiang Chen is not humble, and from his face, he can't see the slightest tension. Even with so many masters, such a big scene, his face still does not change.

"Haha, the owner of the East, it seems that your genius is really no one, even the half-step fairy kings are directly recruited, the threshold is directly reduced, and today the king and your Dan government contest, this one does not know What are the things that are so thick and thick, and what are you doing?

The seven emperors laughed and laughed at each other. When the words came out, many people in Danfu looked at Jiang Chen with anger, as if they were going to transfer the anger, and the guy did not understand the rules. I can't see my identity clearly. This is not the place where Jiang Chen should appear. A small half-step fairy king is standing here. Is it too much to throw away the genius?

The oriental face is ugly, he ignored the ridicule of the Seven Emperors, but said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, this seat knows you, but you better explain to this seat, what are you doing here?"

Obviously, for Jiang Chen’s actions, even the Eastern Royals are angry. If Jiang Chen does not give a reasonable reason, the anger of the Oriental Royal is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"The disciple can refine the Holy Flame Emperor Dan. The Seven Emperors have uttered madness and insulted our genius. No one can discourage this disciple and feel that it is necessary to shoot."

Jiang Chen said incomparably calmly.

What? Alchemy? Holy Flame Royal Dan?

Jiang Chen’s words made everyone stunned, but everyone understood that this guy was so crucial that he really wanted to refine the alchemy, but also to refine the holy flame, which is not the Nima. It’s a shame, this is funny.

"Haha... laughing at the king, is your kid coming to be funny? The owner of the East, I did not expect that your genius has fallen to such a point, just a small shrimp will dare to come out and shame, the face of your big empire, It’s really worthless.”

The seven emperors laughed, and they would let go of this great opportunity of cynicism. He could not find a reason to continue to ridicule. Jiang Chen’s appearance is simply to help himself.

"Dry! This **** doesn't know what his surname is. He has to run out to refine the flames of the Royal Flame. He has to compare with the Seven Emperors. Isn't that funny? It's too shameful."

"Sheng Yan Huang Dan is the emperor's medicinal medicine. Jiang Chen is only a small half-step fairy king. Even if he is an alchemy teacher, it is absolutely impossible to refine the holy flame. I don't think this guy has a problem. Do you know that today’s people have lost enough to lose, and they have to run out and lose one."

"Idiot, this guy is an idiot, even Xuan Zhong's brother is defeated, he came out to find a sense of existence."


Many people in Danfu and the genius house are angry. Some people are forced to resist the impulse and do not directly throw Jiang Chen out. They say that the seven emperors have uttered madness. Who is in the mouth?

"Oh, I thought it was a very powerful character. It was just a fool for a long time."

Yu Xiaohe smiled. At the beginning, he did make Jiang Chen an opponent. But after watching Jiang Chen’s performance today, he has not put Jiang Chen in his heart. In his opinion, this kind of brain is in the water. Is not qualified to pay attention to it.

"Jiang Chen, this is not your place, let's go."

Dongfang impatiently waved his hand. He is in a bad mood now, and he does not want to compare with Jiang Chen for the time being.

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't care. This situation was originally in his expectation, but he believed that these people would not laugh at it for a while. Today is an important opportunity for Jiang Chen. He is against Dan. The government has a very strong interest.

"The head of the house, only the disciples can only save the face of Danfu today."

Jiang Chen looked at the Oriental Royal, and he released the power of his own soul invisibly. The impatient Oriental face suddenly changed, and it was incredible to look at Jiang Chen.

"The power of a powerful soul can almost be compared with Xuanzhong. Moreover, this kid’s control over the power of the soul is so familiar to this point."

Dongfang Yu was shocked. He could feel that the power of the soul that Jiang Chen had just released was only felt by himself. Others did not feel that such a subtle control method was rare in the world, and the soul of Jiang Chen was freely distributed. The power is not weaker than the mysterious.

Moreover, for Jiang Chen, Dongfang Yu also heard about it. This is a miracle of the genius, and the only genius that was half-stepped by the king. The genius was only half-stepped, but the horror of the war, the late king The genius is not his opponent, what he did not think is that such a genius is actually a powerful alchemy teacher.

Dongfang Yu saw strong self-confidence from the eyes of Jiang Chen, and that self-confidence originated from the bones, inspired by the depths of the soul, absolutely disguised.

"Jiang Chen, don't be fooled."

Elder Liu said rudely, he still wants to say something, but he was blocked by the Eastern Emperor.

"Are you sure?"

Dongfang Yu looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Full grasp."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is shocking, and confidence is born.

After a long time, the Oriental Yu Wei’s eyes finally made a decision: “Well, this seat will let you try.”

In fact, even if he felt the power of Jiang Chen's soul, Dongfang Yu still had no confidence in Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's eyes made him feel that he could gamble once.

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