Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1517: Tianluo network [three more]

Yan Dongliu sighed and did not speak. His daughter’s thoughts on Jiang Chen were the clearest, but Jiang Chen was once a benefactor of their city’s government, and saved the entire city’s government. Even today, because of Jiang’s hardship, Yandong’s flow is not I will say more, and there will be no more complaints.

Now Yan Dongliu’s only worry is his daughter. Yan’s city is insulted by Jiang Chen. They are not a world person at all. Jiang Chen is a peerless genius. In the future, he will stand in the pinnacle of this world, and Yan’s city At most, there are only talents in small places. Although they are very beautiful, how can they match the characters like Jiang Chen.

And Yan Dongliu is worried about how the Yancheng City is unclear. She knows how big the gap between herself and Jiang Chen is, but love someone is sometimes uncontrolled, since Jiang Chen came into her heart. At that moment, Jiang Chen’s shadow is destined to be lingering. In her life, she will not be able to pretend to have a second man.

Therefore, Yan Qingcheng is not eager to get Jiang Chen in the end. She has a concern in her heart, and nothing more.

At this moment, a large number of masters have already trapped the entire valley. These masters are the lowest ones. They are all in a position where the position is exquisite. The void is filled with invisible volatility, which shows that it has been laid a strong The array of methods, these masters of the king are to support the array of law, in order to provide a steady stream of energy to the array.

These masters are divided into six directions, and the valley is firmly sealed. In each direction, there is a powerful master of the Emperor. Like Fucheng, it is the early stage of Emperor Xian. Fucheng is a famous figure in this generation. Yes, I got to know a lot of friends. In order to kill Jiang Chen this time, Fucheng also made a lot of preparations and paid a great price. It took a lot of money to bring in so many masters. After all, it’s a big deal. Even if it’s a friend, you can’t let people help out.

Fukui stood in the farthest position of the east. It was also the most important position of this law. His face was dignified and his look was extremely unattractive. He thought of his two sons who died. His anger could not help but spurt directly. This mountain is burned.

"Fu brother, I think you are too nervous, and a little fuss, killing Jiang Chen in a district, still use such a big squad? Six masters of the early Emperor, Fu brother can not afford to see the Jiang Chen Is it?"

An old man in the early days of the Emperor said.

"That is, to deal with a small fairy king, even let our six masters of the Emperor shot at the same time, it is very faceless."

"I don't dare to come over the kid who is 80%. People are not fools. Do you know if you will come to die?"

"That is to see how the two of the two brothers caught in Fu Chen are in Jiang Chen’s heart. If Jiang Chen comes, he will die. With our current position, killing a fairy king can be squeezed into slag. ""


The emperor's masters looked relaxed and did not take Jiang Chen seriously. In their view, Fu Kui lost his mind because he lost his son. He used such a big battle against a small fairy king. It’s just a waste. This time Fukui asked them to take out their hands and almost exhausted their savings. But for these emperors, they also saw that there was basically no danger in this matter. It can be said that it was a hand-to-hand thing, and There are benefits to take, so when Fukui finds the door, he even agrees without even considering it.

"Hey! Don't underestimate the kid."

Fu Kui snorted, and he had already inquired about everything about Jiang Chen. He knew that this young man was not as good as he thought. Of course, this is not because he is afraid of Jiang Chen, but he does not want to have any accidents. In the genius, if you want to kill him, it’s hard to be tempted. If you want to seduce it, you must be foolproof, you must kill it, don’t give Jiang Chen a chance to survive, and because it loses this opportunity. It is difficult to find another opportunity.

"Oh, everyone should not say more, Fu brother is vengeful for the son, we should understand that if the Jiang Chen came, we must help the blessing brother to take it down, let the blessing brother commit suicide."

A fairy king said, the words are very easy to understand, it seems that there is no Jiang dust in the eyes, but this is also a normal thing, after all, want to let a master of the emperor to pay attention to a fairy king, it is really a Very difficult things.

It is a pity that there has never been a deal with Jiang Chen. I will never know how terrible Jiang Chen is. It is terrible, not what they can imagine.

"I have been waiting for such a long time, then the kid should not dare not appear?"

Someone has waited for some impatience.

"Jiangda brother will not come, you will die, and you will kill us if you have the ability."

Yan Qingcheng said coldly, she looked at these legendary masters, her face was full of disgust, and she only used despicable means to use her opponent's friends to do tricks and make the world feel bad.

"Hey! As long as Jiang Chen doesn't come, you will die."

Fukui said coldly, his eyes raging.

"You, the so-called masters, are nothing but shameless people. You can’t fight Jiang Chen, just use his friends to ask for help. It’s really shameless. It’s a shame. Unfortunately, you are looking for the wrong person. Our father and daughter are in Jiang. The dust is not so important, Jiang Chen will not come, you are destined to be busy, haha..."

Yan Dongliu laughed and laughed. At this time, he was not afraid, because he knew that fear was useless. Both sides were dead. Even if Jiang Chen came, it would be difficult to rescue their father and daughter from the madman. Down, they are now being firmly besieged. Jiang Chen wants to break through the defense of so many masters and come in to save people. It is really difficult. I am afraid that I have not rushed in. I and the Yancheng are killed by the madman for the first time. .

The words of Yan Dongliu made the faces of the people on the scene somewhat unsatisfactory. After all, Yan Dongliu said the facts. What they are doing now is not disgraceful. It is a bit shameful.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog have already arrived. They hide the mountains not far away. They can see the situation here clearly. Jiang Chen’s face is ugly and difficult to cover his anger, but he did not have a reckless shot. Coming forward, fighting is not the first priority, saving people is the first priority.

"This scene looks a little tricky. The entire valley has been sealed. It is difficult to shock to save people."

The big yellow dog said.

"Rhubar, you and me are acting, I am coming to confront them, and you secretly crossed their big array to save people."

Jiang Chen said with a slight eye, this kind of thing is best for the big yellow dog. The rhubarb dog is proficient in the source of the book, and the research on the law is very thorough. The big array under Fukui is powerful, but it can’t stop it. Rhubarb dog.

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