Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1518: Despicable and shameless [four more]

This is the most appropriate coping style in the immediate situation. Just as the rhubarb dog has just been promoted to the late stage of the fairy king, it is much more powerful than before. The general array method is ineffective for him, and there is no use at all, and if the rhubarb dog bursts out, the general emperor In the early days, they couldn’t stop it. If Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog teamed up to fight against each other, they would not be afraid of these people. However, it is the key to save the talents. It is necessary to ensure the safety of Yandong’s father and daughter. Come over, then the next step is to resolve the grievances between yourself and Fukui.

"Okay, that's it."

The rhubarb dog said, his body disappeared when he swayed. He was like a ghost. When he disappeared, there was no swaying of the void. Such a powerful means, the old man who saw it was directly shocked. He deeply felt that he was Yancheng is completely a frog at the bottom of the well. If you don't come out, you don't know how big the world is. In this vast and innocent Dong Xuan domain, you can pull out a person casually. You can become a master of the Yancheng generation and become a supreme master.

"The son, the lady and the master of the city will give it to you."

The old man said.

"Do not worry, I will not let them have something."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Don, what do I need to do?"

The old man asked.

"You don't want to stay here, don't go out no matter what happens, if you don't want to die."

Jiang Chen took the old man's shoulder and said with a smile.

The old man is ashamed, but he is also very clear about his position. If he goes out, he will soon be killed by the second. The fairy is too weak. If you come in, the momentum of the casual battle will give you the opportunity. It’s crushed into powder, and he’s not only can’t help, but he’s going to be a big burden, so what he has to do is to stay here and save his life.

Jiang Chen’s body flew in the direction of the valley. When he was not far from the valley, he released a huge momentum. The turbulent waves and the vibrating void were shaking, as if they were torn at any time.

Such a powerful momentum and movement naturally attracted the attention of all people for the first time. On the side of Fukui, everyone looked at the past.

"Jiang Chen!"

When I saw Jiang Chen, Fukui’s anger could not be suppressed. He snorted and couldn’t wait to rush to tear the other person into pieces. It was this person who killed his two sons and cut off all his hopes. Let Fukui sleepless day and night, do not kill Jiang Chen, he is dead, not eye-catching.

"It turned out that he was Jiang Chen, the early cultivation of Xian Wang, I did not expect to be able to release such a powerful momentum, and sure enough, the strange talent, it is no wonder that he can kill Fu Kui's two genius sons, it seems not simple. ”

"Oh! What a great deal, today he dared to come, he died."

"I know that it is a must-have. It is a typical brainless person. A person without a brain, a reckless generation, even if it is genius, it is useless. The final outcome is still a death, but it is a pity."


Many people have seen Jiang Chen for the first time. I have only heard of it before. Today, I saw that Jiang Chen is really a dragon and a phoenix. It is an extraordinary force. At the same time, it is a pity that Jiang Chen is a reckless generation. Ming knows that in the case of the mortal situation, this is also the initiative to dedicate himself. This shows that it is to die.

In their view, the so-called loyalty, that is stupid, a stupid force can become a major event.

"Jiang Chen" "Jiang Da Ge."

Yan Dongliu and Yan Qingcheng also saw Jiang Chen. The two men were exclaimed at the same time. It can be seen that the two people’s eyes are extremely complicated. They are both worried and happy. They are worried about today’s scene. Jiang Chen is here, destined. It is very dangerous. I am happy that Jiang Chen has come. Jiang Chen came for them. It shows that in Jiang Chen’s heart, they still have a certain status.

Soon, Jiang Chen came to the valley and stood on the opposite side of Fu Kui. He was black and open, and moved with the wind. He said to Fu Kui, "Fukui, I thought you were a personal thing, I didn’t expect it. It is also a man of the next three abuses. So the means of the next three abuses can be used. Now I am coming and letting people go."

Jiang Chen’s attitude is extremely strong. He is not in a hurry to shoot, at least to delay the Dahuang dog to save people, and expect Fu Kui to release himself. It is impossible, even if he is doing himself in front of Fu Kui, the other party Will not let Yanchengcheng father and daughter.

"Let's let go? Haha, Jiang Chen, you are too naive, tell you, I have laid down the nets, as long as you dare to come, you will die, and Uranus can't save you. As for the two of them, it seems to you still Very important, I didn't intend to let them go. I will kill them in front of you, and let you try what it is like to lose important people."

Fu Kui said wickedly, he never intended to put Yan Dongliu's father and daughter. Since Jiang Chen came, it means that he is catching the right person. These two people occupy a certain position in Jiang Chen’s heart. So stay better, then he killed Yan Dongliu's father and daughter in the face of Jiang Chen, let Jiang Chen also taste the pain.

"Jiangda brother, let's go, don't worry about us."

Yan Qingcheng said loudly that Jiang Chen was able to make her satisfied for her own appearance. If she was to save herself from the life of Jiang Chen, even if she died, Yan Qingcheng could not be noticed.

"It seems that this woman has a special liking for you, Jiang Chen, there are many brothers here who have long coveted her beauty, do you want me to let a few brothers ruin her at the scene?"

Fukui's face is awkward.

"you dare?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes shot two cold men, and the boundless killings burst out from him. He never wanted to kill a person like this. It’s a great honor that this Fukui angered him completely, and he did not hesitate to pay for it at all costs today. He also wants to kill Fukui. This is a madman. Anything can be done. If you don't get rid of it, there will be big troubles in the future. It can be said that it is endless trouble.

"Haha, don't dare? Jiang Chen, the pain you left for me, I will let you experience a hundred times, come to a few brothers, and wait for this beautiful girl, the process makes Jiang Chen see clearly."

Fukui laughed, he is now doing everything he can, what face, no dignity, no need, he just wants revenge, he wants to kill everyone who can kill around Jiang Chen, he will run out Everything that can make Jiang Chen painful, he wants Jiang Chen to regret, let Jiang Chen know that killing his son is the wrong thing he has done in his life.

"Hey, let me come first, this little lady is simply a beautiful fairy, and Laozi has long been impatient."

One person has a look of obscenity, and his eyes are constantly spinning around Yan’s city.

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