Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1519: Invisible [five]

This person looks like he is in his thirties, and he has a pair of peach eyes. At first glance, he is a **** slut. From the first sight of Yan’s city, he is completely fascinated by this fairy-like woman. Was stopped by Fukui. He had thought that Fukui had a good man. Now it seems that Fukui is more sinister than himself.

Many men in the scene are full of evil, and all evil things are done. Faces are clouds for them, and benefits and enjoyment are the most important.

"The beauty of the little lady, I am also coveted, it is better to come together."

"I’m counting Laozi, and I’ve been thinking about it for so long.”

Two people stood up again, and the two shook their heads and began to discuss one by one.

"I will come first, brother, I am not welcome."

The person who came out at the beginning stepped toward the Yancheng City in the cage. This is a master of the Xianwang. Looking at the Yancheng City, this person is about to spurt the fire.

"You are going away."

Yan is in a hurry, she is not afraid of death, but she is never willing to be ruined. In the face of this increasingly demon, Yan’s mood is extremely exciting. She would rather die than let this person succeed.


Yan Dongliu screamed, and he took Yan Yancheng in his arms. This person wanted to move his daughter. He would never agree, unless he crossed his body.

"Kill the old."

Fukui said lightly.

"You are playing with fire."

Jiang Chen’s gaze has been cold to the extreme. His tone is even colder. An elephant can freeze to death. The actions of these people have already touched his bottom line seriously.

"Play with fire? Jiang Chen, you are angry, but it is useless. Today you are sure to die, but I want you to die and die."

Fu Kui looked at Jiang Chen's anger, and his heart was refreshed. The depression and depression of these days seemed to be released.

"He will die very badly."

Jiang Chen said.


Just as Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, an earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded from the cage. This sudden movement immediately alerted everyone. When everyone looked at it, they saw a majestic rhubarb dog suddenly appearing. The big mouth of the blood basin bite the person facing the man.


The man’s gaze was still free on Yan’s city. Suddenly he felt a great crisis. It’s too late to want to dodge. His head was swallowed by a rhubarb dog, only to hear the scream, the man’s head. Being bitten off by the rhubarb dog, the screams are abruptly stopped.

"Wow...the dog is here."

The big yellow dog smirked.

"Damn, how could this dog come into silence without a break, kill him soon."

Fukui drank, a master of the early Emperor directly shot, and he explored a big hand and grabbed it toward the big yellow dog.

Upon seeing it, the rhubarb dog was wary, and originally planned to fight with the masters of the early Emperor, but it is most important to think of saving the talents now. If the war is over, the repair of Yandong’s father and daughter will be ruined on the spot. .

"Don't play with you first."

Two big wings were born behind the rhubarb dog. The mouth was bitten in the cage, the light wing flashed, and the rhubarb dog disappeared with a cage brush, and the attack of the master of the immortal was emptied.

"The blockade method, he can't run."

Fukui once again drank, but unfortunately his voice just fell, the body of the big yellow dog appeared next to Jiang Chen, and there were Yan Dongliu and Yan Qingcheng, and the cage for holding the two had disappeared. It turns out that The arrogant array of methods is also ineffective for the rhubarb dog, and can be followed.

Yan Dongliu and Yan Qingcheng also had a shocking color on their faces. The changes in that moment made them seem like dreams. With their cultivation, the means of the big yellow dog was simply unimaginable.

However, the two quickly reacted. I saw the Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog around me. This was the ecstasy on the face. The two thought that they would die today, but they didn’t expect the big yellow dog to be so powerful. After a long time, they were saved easily, and if they were not personally experienced, how could they be happy.

"Jiangda brother."

Yan Qingcheng could not control his emotions and suddenly rushed into the arms of Jiang Chen.

"never mind."

Jiang Chen took a picture of Yan’s shoulder. He knew that Yan’s city had been greatly wronged. This is all because of himself. Fortunately, the two are now saved in good condition. If there is anything wrong, Jiang Chen will live forever.

On the other side, everyone was shocked, and the faces of the six emperors were also changed. Their hard-working arrays did not expect to be ineffective. The key moments were completely ineffective, but they knew clearly. It can't be said that their formation is not strong enough, but the dog is too different, and the accomplishments in the formation are not generally high.

"Damn, how is this dog so powerful, coming in and out of our array, so that we can't even detect it."

Someone shouted.

"Hey! What's the matter, even if you don't use the law, they will die today."

Fu Kui snorted, this situation is also what he did not think of, he originally thought of using Yan Dongliu two to stimulate Jiang Chen, but did not expect to come up with a powerful dog, the key moment to save people directly This makes Fukui very angry.

"Jiang Gongzi, thank you for your help."

Yan Dongliu hugged his fist against Jiang Chen and looked at Jiang Chen in front of him. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed. The change was too big, too fast. At the time of Yancheng, Jiang Chen was only a small one. The small earth fairy, the current Jiang Chen, has grown to the point where it is terrible. The breath of Jiang Chen’s body exudes, and Yan Dongliu feels that the soul is shaking.

"The city owner is not polite. This thing was originally caused by me. You have been suffering because of me. Jiang Chen’s heart has been very unwilling to go, and those who have been killed in Yancheng, I will revenge for them. I will do a break with them today. ""

Jiang Chen said that there is nothing to say between Fu and Kui, not that you are dead or that I live.


The old man who was hidden far away was directly stunned by the earthquake. He had been worried about the safety of Yandongliu and Yancheng, because it was too difficult to save people in such a scene. I didn’t expect the dog to be so horrible. It’s so easy and casual to save people, just like dreaming.

"Jiang Chen, even if you have saved people, you are also dying today, and you don't want to escape."

Fukui said with anger, today, spending so much experience to find so many helpers, if Jiang Chen to escape, then he must vomit blood directly.

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