Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1527: All killing [five more]

Said, Jiang Chen directly shot, there is no hesitation, Qilin's arm crushed the void, like the Mount Taishan, smashed the past against the Emperor, he did not pay attention to Fukui, because he knows Fu Kui will not choose to escape. Of course, even if he wants to escape, he has no chance. Jiang Chen, who has displayed his cards, has enough ability to control all situations.

"Jiang Chen, I am fighting with you."

On the side of Fu Kui Tong red eyes rushed toward Jiang Chen, the mace in his hand is about to spurt out the flame, leaving a long shadow in the void, he has now completely lost his senses, unable to control his emotions. Jiang Chen seriously irritated him. His last hope was shattered. He deliberately wanted to avenge his son. I didn't expect it to be empty.

"You don't have to worry, you will kill you."

Jiang Chen said coldly, in fact, if Fukui and the Emperor of the Emperor are united, it is still a terrible force, but unfortunately they have lost their fighting spirit, a person who has lost his fighting spirit, and a madman, already on the river. There is no threat to the dust. Sometimes the battle does not depend entirely on the combat power. Especially for opponents with similar combat power, psychological warfare is often very important. Whoever has good quality can control the battlefield situation.


Jiang Chen’s work was still faster than Fukui’s. Before Fukui attacked, the Kirin arm was bombarded on the master’s body. The sword in the master’s hand was suddenly blown, and the energy defense outside the body surface. The cover was also directly shattered, and the killing power of Kirin's arm was applied to him. Like the previous one, he was broken and pulled by the Kirin arm.


Jiang Chen shot ruthlessly, once again exerted the violent energy light column, directly smashed the Emperor's master, killed the emperor, and turned back to fight Fukui.

The Kirin arm was unmatched, and Yu Wei and Fukui's mace collided together and directly defeated Fukui.

On the other hand, the Emperor of the Emperor, who is inextricably linked to the Rhubarb Dog, saw that the four Emperors were dead, and only one of Fukui was left. He was already scared and frightened. He had no fighting spirit. He tried to give up. Rhubarb dog, ready to escape, do not fight, but also a hair, and then fight is definitely a death, a big yellow dog has been difficult to deal with, did not expect Jiang Chen more horrible, they initially thought that Jiang Chen is the biggest The snuggle is this dog. It seems that it is a big mistake. Jiang Chen is much more powerful than this dog. It is a super metamorphosis.

"Want to run? If you let you run, the dog lord will not have to mix in the future, 诛仙剑."

The rhubarb dog is domineering, and he will give the other party a chance to escape. Jiang Chen has killed four people in a row. If he does not even die, he will have no face.


The horrible 诛仙剑 was exhibited by the rhubarb dog. Now the 诛仙剑, the level is equivalent to the phoenix of the peak of the royal prince, but if the real power is more powerful than the average esteem, after all, the 诛仙剑 is the 诛仙王The patriarch of the life is a true soldier of the Great.

With the rehearsal of the rhubarb dog now in the late stage of the immortal king, it is possible to display the power of the sacred sword, and it will not fall into a too severe period of weakness after the exhibition.

The sword of Xian Xian is too horrible, carrying the mighty power of the great emperor, and the breath that comes out casually makes people feel trembling. The horrible sword of the immortal, like a **** of the gods, sprinkles a net of swords and shrouds the master. Get up and then slam down.


Such a strong card is even more horrible than Jiang Chen's Kirin arm. The master of the early Emperor was originally frightened and warless. At this moment, he faced the sword and had no resistance at all. He was split in the spot.

After killing this master, the big yellow dog put away the sword of Xian Xian, and the breath of the body began to weaken. Forcibly exerting the soldiers, the consumption is too big. Even if the rhubarb dog is abnormal, it can not be continuously displayed. It is already terrible to be able to perform once.

At this point, all the masters of the early five emperors died, leaving only one Fukui still not dead. The remaining kings, who have already been scared, are going to pee, they have been completely demented by the scene. It is very regrettable that these guys did not escape from the battle just now. It seems that they had great hopes for those masters.

"Rhubarium, but kill those kings, one does not stay."

Jiang Chen said that the people who appeared in this valley today, one can't let go, all must die. This is Jiang Chen's acting style. Treating his own enemies has always been ruthless, leaving no half-hearted feelings.


Jiang Chen’s words made those fairy kings react from the shock, and they began to exclaim. They were aware of the crisis and knew that this battle was not only between Xianhuang and Jiang Chen. In the battle, they realized that they were also involved.

"No, don't kill us, ah..."

Some people shouted, but it was already late. With their ability, how to resist the terrorist attacks of the big yellow dog, the rhubarb dog killed the past with fierceness. It was a massacre, destroying the ancients and ruining them.

Only a few breaths before and after, all the kings were slaughtered by the rhubarb dog, and one did not stay. At this time, only one of the commanders of Fukui was left on the entire battlefield.

The father and daughter in the ancestral tower, and the old man in the distance, have already been shocked and unable to speak. This kind of battle has never been seen before. This is the battle of the peak, the small place of Yancheng, It is impossible to have such a battle.

"Fukui, now it's your turn. At this time, do you still want to avenge your son?"

Jiang Chen sneered at Fu Kui.

"Ha ha..."

Fukui suddenly laughed, but this kind of laughter was filled with despair. Yes, it was despair. He looked at the bodies and flesh and blood of the mountains and plains. He couldn’t say anything. He felt like he was dreaming.

"Jiang Chen, I will still work hard with you."

Fukui moved again and took the initiative to inject all his energy into the mace and sneaked toward Jiang Chen. He knew that this might be his last attack. He knew that he was not an opponent of Jiang Chen. In the case of a single-on-one, it is almost certain that Jiang Jiangchen will die, but Fukui will definitely take the shot because he is very clear that Jiang Chen will not let himself go.

"Come on, so die in battle, I can still see you."

Jiang Chen’s arm swayed and the Kirin arm was again displayed.

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