Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1528: North and South

Fukui is a move to death. All the attacks are scattered and cannot pose a threat to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen displays the unicorn arm and collides with Fukui's mace. The mace is directly bombed. Flying, at the same time, Qi Lin's arm is not reduced, hitting Fu Kui's head.

Fukui Lian screams did not come out, Jiang Chen gave a blow to his head, and died on the spot. Jiang Chen did not torture Fukui, gave him a happy, did not let him suffer too much pain, for Fukui No one can kill Jiang Chen. In this life, he can't take revenge. In that case, killing him is a kind of relief. Otherwise, he will live in the shadow of Jiang Chen for a lifetime, and will collapse sooner or later.

"Wow, addictive, enjoyable, little dust, your current strength is too fierce, especially the fusion of Kirin's arm and the dragon's combat skills, it's just too abnormal."

The rhubarb dog came to Jiang Chen, and he finally killed a fun today.

"Fukui is dead, and it is a kind of grudge. Such a person, once mad, is terrible. If you don't get rid of it, there will be other troubles in the future."

Jiang Chen said that such an enemy can never stay. Although Fukui can't threaten and hurt himself, he can find trouble with the people he has contacted before, just like the experience of Yancheng and Yandongliu. The trouble is that Jiang Chen is most afraid of it. Therefore, weeding must remove the roots and leave no trouble.

At this moment, three tyrannical figures suddenly appeared in the sky above the valley. It was three young people, all of whom were so arrogant and full of arrogance. Their faces were arrogant from the bones. Out of the world are full of pride.

What's more important is that the three men's cultivation, the leading one, is already the cultivation of the early Emperor of the Emperor, the young master of the emperor, each of them is a famous generation in the East Xuan domain, because every young emperor When it appears, it will always make some movements, and spread it throughout the East Xuan domain at the fastest speed, so that everyone knows.

The other two are also the level of the half-step Emperor. Such a character, even if placed in the genius, is a very powerful genius.

After the appearance of the three people, their eyes fell on the body of Jiang Chen, or fell on the unicorn arm of Jiang Chen. At this moment, Jiang Chen is still in a state of transformation. He just killed the blessing. Kui, even Qilin’s arm did not have time to close it up.

"not good."

Jiang Chen’s heart is shocked, the dark passage is not good. People like him have the most perceptive power. Sometimes they are enemies and friends. They only need to look at each other’s eyes to judge, and the three of them come to pay attention to him. Kirin’s arm has already made Jiang Chen understand something.

What is certain is that these three people will definitely not be the geniuses of the Dagan Empire, but Fucheng is within the geographical scope of the Dagan Empire. The geniuses of other forces, nothing will not appear here, that is, this The three people are likely to be attracted by the previous battles. However, although the battle here is fierce, it is absolutely impossible to pass outside the Dagan Empire. Then, there is only one explanation, that is, to attract the three people. The real reason for this is the Kirin arm.


Jiang Chen took up the unicorn arm and the dragon and changed his body. It turned into a normal look. He glanced at the opposite three and then said to the big yellow dog: "Rhubarb, let's go."

This place is not suitable for detention. He does not want to collide with these three people. Before the super-strong battle, he has caused a lot of consumption for him, and the person who led the other party, the master of the early Emperor, in the presence of Prince and Yang Bufan Really fight, Jiang Chen is not an opponent at all, this is beyond doubt.

After all, the geniuses such as Yang Bufan and the Prince are far from being comparable to those of Fukui. The two sides are not at the same level. They are enough to confront the mid-masters of the Emperor. They are supreme, not only horrible. And they all have extremely strong cards.


Jiang Chen just turned around, and the leading young man spoke up.

"A brother, the kid who just showed up, it seems like the skill of fire unicorn."

One whispered.

"I know."

The young man said that he was volleying and came to Jiang Chen.

"This brother, we don't seem to know?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"I am a north-south family of North and South. I have nothing to do with you here, but I want to know, where did your unicorn skills come from?"

The young man asked, his incomparable tone of indifference, the North and South family because of the search for fire unicorn, almost searched the entire East Xuan domain, but also nothing, no news, today he must lock Jiang Chen.

"This is my private matter. It seems that there is no need to explain it to you. The family of the North and the South is no longer able to control everyone in the world. What's more, here is the territory of the Dagan Empire."

Jiang Chen is also a cold-spoken language. In the face of the people of the North and the South, he really can't make any good face, not to mention the other person's face is extremely unsightly, he will not use his hot face to paste the other's cold ass.

Not to mention whether the Northern and Southern Dynasties are related to this North and South family. Jiang Chen has abolished the fire unicorn of the North and South families. His relationship with the North and South families has basically been doomed. Both morning and evening are hostile relations. Jiang Chen just does not want to. Now it’s right, it’s weak, and indirectly has offended the corpse Yinzong and Huang Quanmen and the Shenxingmen. Although he has a big empire behind him, for Jiang Chen, he is only powerful. It is the most reliable. In this world where the strong is respected, never look for someone to rely on, only you can rely on it.

"Kid, do you dare to talk to a big brother in this tone, look for death? Mo said that it is you, even if the Prince of the Great Empire sees us as a brother, then give a little face, what are you?"

One person next to the North and South was unable to stand up, pointing to Jiang Chen’s nose.

"It seems that your north and south family is arrogant, but I warn you, don't use your fingers, and some people have done this before, and they are all dead."

Jiang Chen saw that one day, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

The North and South were swayed and waved, indicating that the people around them should not be excited. He looked at Jiang Chen and said, "What is your name?"

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen said faintly, he never hides his name, because there is nothing to hide. If the other party wants to kill himself, he will not let himself go because he hides his name.

"Let's say, where is the fire unicorn? Release the fire unicorn, you still have a save."

North and South painted road.

"Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

Jiang Chen looked indifferent.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, you better not toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine, the entire East Xuan domain, no one dares to fire the unicorn, I don't know where you come from such a courage, the Chaozi has already sensed the fire unicorn The breath, so the orientation is given, so the unicorn skills on your body must come from the fire unicorn, because the dynasty will never be wrong, no matter whether you admit it or not, the disappearance of the fire unicorn is related to you. ”

If the North and the South are cold-sounding, if he relies solely on Qilin skills, he will not directly conclude that the disappearance of the fire unicorn is related to Jiang Chen. After all, the skill of the unicorn will not necessarily be the culprit of killing the fire unicorn, but the feeling of the priest is clear. To the temper of the fire unicorn, no one doubts about the ability of the dynasty, the whole north and south family will not be suspicious, so the North and South Yitu decided that the unicorn skills exhibited by Jiang Chen must have originated from the fire unicorn, also That is to say, the disappearance of the fire unicorn must be related to Jiang Chen.

To the son?

This name first appeared in Jiang Chen’s ear, but Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel the heart, because this title made him think of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the North and South family, the DPRK, the world will not have such a coincidence, he now dare It is concluded that the Southern and Northern Dynasties must be the people of the North and South families, and maybe it is this dynasty.

It is not difficult to hear from the north-south slogan that respecting the dynasty's sons, the status of this dynasty in the north and south family is absolutely detached.

"The pilgrimage that you said in your mouth, but the Southern and Northern Dynasties?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"The nonsense, the people of the North and South family, naturally north and south, you have never heard of the Chaozi son, but also the meaning of mixing in the East Xuan."

One person in the north and south, with a mocking tone, said that there is still no one in the East Xuanyu who knows the name of the sons and daughters of the North and the South. It is not a white mix.


Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at each other and finally found the Lord. He absolutely did not believe that there was a second Southern and Northern Dynasties under the sun. The Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Immortal World were definitely the pilgrim, the enemy of Jiang Chen, the original Jiang Chen. When I just got up, I suffered a very serious attack and almost lost my life. If it is not protected by a fairy mark, I am afraid that I am already dead. Now it seems that this is the son of the lord.

Moreover, it is not difficult to hear from this person's tone that the Southern and Northern Dynasties have a very good reputation in the East Xuan domain, and even the role of the North and the South must be respected.

"Jiang Chen, I will give you the last chance to hand over the fire unicorn, you may have a chance to live."

The North and South paints once again said, but in the depths of his eyes, there has been a strong killing, because in his view, the entire East Xuan domain, dare to move the holy beasts of the north and south family, there is only one end, is death, Jiang Chen did, then he must die, and he will die.

But now the most important thing is to find the fire unicorn, so the North and South paint can promise that as long as Jiang Chen surrenders the fire unicorn, it can make it alive.

"It seems that I have said that I have not seen it. You certainly will not believe it. But if you are a arrogant person in the north and south, I will not care about Jiang Chen. You can’t threaten me. If I want to leave, I am afraid you can’t stop it.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and there was almost nothing to say. He could feel the killing of himself by the North and South.

[There will be one more in a while. 】

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