Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1529: Genius confrontation

Jiang Chen did not directly deny whether the fire unicorn is a fact of his own hands, because in his view, this is not important, and because of his own relationship with the unicorn arm, he has been sensed by the North and South, so his sophistry is useless. of.

Jiang Chen knows very well that since he is eyeing the North and South family, there is basically no room for relaxation. The North and the South want to kill himself, just thinking about killing himself after seeing the fire unicorn, nothing more, he is In the eyes of the people of the North and South families, it is already a dead person.

"Jiang Chen, it seems that you are toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

When the North and the South were angry, he felt that he had given the other party a chance. The other party did not know how to cherish it. Since the other party was stubborn, there was nothing to say. He got the instructions of the Chaozi, and he had to find the fire unicorn at all costs. The fire unicorn is obviously associated with Jiang Chen.

Therefore, the North and South Yi Tu decided to take the shot, first to abandon Jiang Chen, and then take it to the north and south family.

The incomparable air and waves suddenly came out from the north and south of the body. In the early days of the same Emperor, from the perspective of imposing manners, Fukui and others were not a little bit worse than the North and South. It is unceremonious to say that if Fukui and the North-South confrontation, it is simply a spike, this is the difference between genius and ordinary people, they are higher than ordinary people, not only the speed of talent and cultivation, but also the horrible power.


At this moment, a loud drink suddenly sounded, only to see the sky above the sky shaking, then, a young man in black volley came out, the momentum of his body, not weaker than the North and South, and he There is a strong position of the emperor on the body. It is the performance of a superior. His every move, even an ordinary look, is with a fierce color, and his body is full of arrogance.

The visitor is not someone else. It is Yang Bufan. After Jiang Chen left, he went to Danfu to find Jiang Chen. He happened to meet Xuanzhong, and then asked the direction of the disciples Jiang Chen, and he guessed something. After all, Jiang Chen and Fukui’s grudges are very clear.

Yang Bufan was not worried, he rushed over, just happened to touch the North and South, to Jiang Dust, Yang Bufan naturally does not rely.

Yang Bufan’s momentum collided with the North and South paints, and the void was blown out of a big hole. This is just a collision on the momentum. The outcome is naturally not a winner. Although Yang Bufan has just been promoted to the Emperor, he has played with the Prince. The same is true, and it is natural to play against the North and South.

Yang Bufan came to Jiang Chen and saw Jiang Chen safe and sound. This was relieved. His eyes swept through a messy battlefield and the broken bodies. He basically understood what had just happened.

"What kind of thing, why don't you tell me?"

Yang Bufan is slightly blamed.

"I am not solving this myself?"

Jiang Chen shrugged. He knew that Yang Bufan was worried about himself. Otherwise, he would not appear here at the moment.

"Where is the king of the Dagan Empire, is it necessary to intervene in our north and south family?"

Nanbei Yitu said that Yang Bufan’s sudden appearance made him look very unsightly. He recognized him at the sight of Yang’s unidentified identity. He and Yang Bufan were people of an era after all, although Yang Bufan disappeared for ten years. However, they had dealt with it ten years ago, and after Yang Bufan returned, he was named a king, and it was also famous. The entire East Xuan domain basically did not know.

But what I didn’t think of in the North and South was that Yang’s cultivation was so strong. The collision just now made him understand that Yang’s current cultivation and combat power are not weaker than himself.

Moreover, it seems that Yang Bufan is specially created for Jiang Chen. If the king of the Dagan Empire comes out to protect Jiang Chen, then it will be a little troublesome. If he wants to take Jiang Chen today, he will never be too smooth.

Yang Bufan turned and looked at the north and south, faintly said: "North and South, you can not care about the things of the north and the south, but Jiang Chen is the brother of the king, you want to touch the brother of the king, the king Nature does not agree."

When Yang Bufan came up, he expressed his attitude and intentions very clearly. He and Jiang Chen were obsessed with each other, and they were brothers. They said that they were a family of the north and the south. Even if the king of the king wanted to kill Jiang Chen, he would also want to stop.

"Jiang Chen has taken away the Zhenshan holy beast fire unicorn of the north and south family. This thing will definitely not be stopped by our north and south families. It is impossible for Van Wang to protect him."

The north and south are cold and cold.

Wen Yan, Yang Bufan could not help but frown, this is his most worrying thing, Jiang Chen moved the fire unicorn, the most fear is the exposure, in fact, today, the North and South paint a door to find, he has already guessed.

The north and south families are not well prepared. This is an ancient family, with an extremely strong heritage, even surpassing the Dagan Empire.

"The loss of the fire unicorn of the north and south family is not necessarily related to Jiang Chen. The Dagan empire and the north and south families are not guilty of river water. I hope that you will not take the trouble."

Yang Bufan said that he knows the importance of the fire unicorn to the north and south family. It is the symbol of the north and south family. If they really let them know that Jiang Chenyu took the fire unicorn, then the north and south family will kill the river at all costs. dust.

"Since Fan Wang said this, then I will bring Jiang Chen back to the family. If Jiang Chen does not catch the fire unicorn, our north and south family will not move him."

Nanbei Yi Tu said, look at his appearance is also not wanting to be too stiff in this place and Yang is not too busy, according to his previous ideas, directly on Jiang Chen, let him did not think that Jiang Chen and Yang is not ordinary The relationship is so good.

"No, I don't agree."

Yang Bufan’s attitude is determined and he is joking. If Jiang Chen is taken to the north and south families, he may still come back alive.

"Where Wang, I have already given you a face. You should not think that this is a big empire. I will not dare to do it. I must take Jiang Chen away today. If you stop it, don't worry about me."

When the North and the South were angry, he felt that he had made a lot of concessions. The entire young generation of Dong Xuanyu, he has never been afraid of anyone, and the North and South families have never been afraid of things. Today is the account of the dynasty. He has to complete it. Otherwise, there is no way to go back.

Moreover, the North-South coating can basically confirm that the loss of the fire unicorn must be related to Jiang Chen.

"What are you doing? You are afraid that you will not be a king."

Yang’s imposing momentum, the decade of sinful abyss, made him not afraid of everything.

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