Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1530: Fight again

Both the North and the South and Yang Bufan have released their powerful momentum. The two geniuses have not given each other. One wants to take Jiang Chen to find the whereabouts of the fire unicorn, and the other to protect the river dust from being harmed. Since it is not compromised, the result It can only be seen in the hands of the real chapter, Yang Bufan as the young king of the Dagan Empire, not afraid to offend the North and the South family, and the South and North are painted as the first-class genius of the North and South family, also not afraid of Yang Bufan this young king. Net 8

"Wang Wang of the Dagan Empire, I heard that it has disappeared for ten years. After I came back, I became famous. Now I am already a master of the Emperor. Today I will see what the little prince of the Dagan Empire is."

The North and South paints released their own powerful war.

"Get out, this king also wants to see, the first-class genius of the North and South family, what is the tyrannical level."

Yang Bufan’s nephew shines. The most fearful thing for him is fighting. People like him are born to fight for survival. He is destined to fight for battle with the North and the South today. Jiang Chen is indeed the most common cause. But the young and proud hearts of the two are eager to fight against each other. They are the same level of people. They are the most capable of winning the heart and the war. Once they can defeat each other, the winning heart will be satisfied. This is of great help to their future practice.

"Little dust, you and Dahuang first left here, I am going to fight the genius of the North and South family today."

Yang Bufan is black and open, and the whole person's momentum is sturdy to the extreme.

"It’s not so easy to go, you guys took the Jiang Chen."

The North and South Painted a pair of people behind him and said that they directly issued instructions. In the north and south, it seems that Jiang Chen is just a master of the king. Even if it is powerful, it can be awesome. As for the fighting situation here, After all, he did not see it with his own eyes, so he did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes. He thought that the two-and-a-half-step genius of the North and South family would take the genius of the Emperor and easily take Jiang Chen. It is a very simple matter.


The two genius bodies of the north and south family shook, and instantly blocked the way of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. When they saw each other, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at each other and saw each other’s smile. If it is really hands-on, he absolutely Will not mind anyone who kills the North and South families.

"North and South, I advise you not to let your people touch Jiang Chen."

Yang Bufan kindly reminded.

"Hey! Yang Bufan, today we will take Jiang Chen, dare to move the fire unicorn of our north and south family, and his ending will be one."

The attitude between the North and the South is tyrannical, and it seems that it does not give Jiang Chen a chance.

"Oh! It's a pity."

Yang Bufan shook his head and looked at the two geniuses of the North and South family with a pitiful look. The North and South may not know what kind of battle was born here, but Yang Bufan is clear, and how does Jiang Chen’s combat power change? He also knows that even the early Fukui of the Emperor of the Emperor died in the hands of Jiang Chen. The two major sacred geniuses of the North and South family, even the powerful genius, but the most powerful is the same as Fukui, Jiang Chen has The ability to kill Fukui can naturally kill them.

Moreover, with Jiang Chen’s mentality and acting style, the Jedi will not keep his hands, so Yang Bufan can almost certainly be sure that if these two people insist on taking Jiang Chen’s shot, then there will be only one ending, that is, death.

"Do not talk nonsense, Yang is not ordinary, look at the move."

The North and South paints took the lead, and he smashed out a large number of gods, and the red-golden gods were completely condensed by the devastating energy of terror. They carried the power of sweeping everything and attacked the past with Yang Bufan. The gods are like a sword of the world. Everywhere they pass, the void is directly torn into two halves. The degree is almost to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, Yang is not near.

"It’s good."

Yang is not war-torn, he can feel that this North-South coating is not under the prince. The cultivation has reached the peak of the early Emperor, but Yang is not afraid of it. He is most eager to fight like this. .

The two instantly opened up a battlefield, Yang Bufan and pointed to the sword, and also pointed out a gods, this is a horrible fingering, the killing power is incredibly amazing, more powerful than Jiang Chen’s Jiuyang Xuan finger, but Said that it is not a level at all.

Jiang Chen’s Jiuyang Xuan refers to the war skills of the lower bounds, and the anonymous **** method that Yang Bufan has displayed is a real fairy technique, which cannot be compared.


Yang Bufan instantly battled with the North and South, and the two geniuses fought for the first time. They did not give each other. They represented the two forces of Dong Xuanyu. Victory and defeat are not only personal glory. They all have their own families. Glory, this glory and its own pride drove them to fight against each other.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Bufan and the North and South have been fighting for more than a dozen rounds. The result is naturally no match, and they are equal. Their geniuses want to win and lose in a short time. It is not a very simple matter.

On the other hand, the two great geniuses of the North and South family completely blocked Jiang Chen. Their eyes were cold and fierce. Seeing Jiang Chen’s eyes was like watching prey. Yes, in their eyes, Jiang Chen is a prey, they must take it. Object.

"Jiang Chen, you are really courageous, touched the fire unicorn of our north and south family, no one dares to do this in the entire East Xuan domain, I advise you to smash it, the two brothers of our province."

The North and South family members said coldly, dare to speak so arrogantly in front of Jiang Chen, indicating that they did not understand Jiang Chen.

"Then I also advise two sentences. You'd better get out of front of me now, before I think about killing you."

Jiang Chen said faintly, and he did not put the two in his heart. Of course, he dared to say this because of his great self-confidence.

"Hey! A arrogant generation, a little fairy king in the district, dare to speak like us. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

In the other day, he only snorted. His temper looked very bad. He said that he directly shot Jiang Chen. He grabbed a large volley and directly crushed a piece of void. He developed a horrible palm and went to Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye. Recently, I have to say that the genius of the North and South family is really tyrannical. Although it is a half-step sacred level of cultivation, the real combat power is not weaker than Fu Kui, the master of the early Emperor.


Jiang Chen screamed and instantly displayed the state of the dragon. Today, he first killed Fu Kui and others. Now he is fighting against the genius of the North and South family. Jiang Chen’s killing can be said to be enjoyable. He suddenly played the real dragon handprint, and that day. The palms that evolved came together.


The horror of the horror smashed out a large hole in the void. Under such a terrible force, Jiang Chen was stabilized by three steps in the back of the earthquake. This was the first confrontation, but the opponent had the upper hand, but the ending was Let the two geniuses of the North and South families be shocked.

"This guy is so powerful?"

The man was surprised to say that he was confident in his own strength. In his opinion, he used his own ability to deal with a fairy king, just like an ant, but he did not expect such a strong attack. It just shook the other side, and even did not cause any damage to Jiang Chen.

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