Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1537: The emperor appeared [four more]

Yang Bufan looks good and can't help but reveal a passion. Jiang Chen is right. Their goals are far more than this. This realm, they will arrive sooner or later, and the time will not be too long.

Everyone in Danfu came out. When they saw the success of Dongfang Yu, they felt the happiness of the half-step fairy. Everyone felt very happy. The oriental body was the owner of Danfu. The prestige was extremely high. No one does not admire him. In other words, in the heart of Dan's elders and disciples, the status of the Oriental Royal is higher than Yang Zanqing.

"The government has finally waited until today. For this day, the government owner does not know how much effort he has made."

"Yeah, I am really happy for him. I hope that after becoming a half-step fairy, I will be able to complete the next step and become a true master. In that case, the foundation of the Dagan Empire will be even more profound."

"It's not easy. From half-step to the true sage, it seems to be just a step away, but in reality it is a hundred thousand miles. This step is difficult to get out, but we believe that the owner will be able to ""

The people in Danfu are very excited, especially some old people in Danfu. They all know very well about Dongfang, knowing what kind of efforts Dongfeng has made for today, and the achievements of Dongfang Yu today, for Danfu, That is a big good thing.

Shortly after Yang Zanqing appeared, the emptiness of the genius’s sky suddenly shook, and the five figures appeared at the same time. When the first person was wearing a robes, the face was cut, not angry, and he had a dragon crown on his head. Exuding the momentum of the superiors, people are born with awe. This is a middle-aged man in his 40s. Standing there, the sky will rotate around him.

What is even more shocking is the cultivation of this middle-aged man. The pressure that he casually exudes is far beyond Yang Zanqing and the Oriental Emperor. It is a truly powerful fairy, by his side, An old man, this old man is dressed in plain, old-fashioned, very thin, completely inconspicuous, but his eyes are very bright, and he can penetrate the void with a single look, and he exudes and the middle-aged The same momentum of people, it is also a powerful fairy strong.

The other three, the same is also tyrannical, each one is a master of the high hand, they exude a sense of the Supreme, and like Yang Zanqing, is a half-step Xianzun cultivation.

The sudden appearance of these five people immediately caught the attention of everyone. Yang Zanqing first flew past and gave a deep ritual to the middle-aged man wearing a robes: "The Emperor."

"The father is coming."

Yang Bufan did not dare to neglect, jumped into the sky, flew with him, and Prince Peace King, as well as some other emperors, and some high-level figures of the genius, they all saw the existence of the emperor. When I saw the emperor coming in person, I dared to be slow.

"I have seen the emperor."

At the same time, everyone is giving a ceremony to the middle-aged robes. The scene is very spectacular. This is the king of the king. The following countless eyes are on the emperor of the Dagan Empire. Many people are the first to see the emperor, the emperor. The status is noble, it will not appear on weekdays. If you want to see the emperor, it is harder than going to heaven. Today, the Eastern Yujin is half-stepped and respected, and the emperor is attracted.

"It is the emperor. It turns out that he is the emperor of the Dagan Empire. It seems to be awesome. This is the real fairy, and it is really powerful. Any expression and look are trembling, too horrible."

"This is the first time I saw the emperor, the supreme figure of the Dagan Empire, I did not expect such might."

"You see, the old man is also a sacred master, and the other three are half-step sages. There are only five appearances. I didn't expect that the foundation of our empire is so rich, it is worthy of the 11th power of Dong Xuanyu. One."

No one is shocked. All eyes that look to the emperor are full of fanaticism and worship. For an empire, the emperor is a god-like existence. No one is nervous in the face of their gods.

The appearance of the Emperor of the Dagan Empire directly grabbed the limelight of the Oriental Emperor, but the emperor was able to appear in person, and it was also a great relief for the people of the genius and the upper and lower, because it can be seen that the Emperor attaches importance to and values ​​the Emperor. .

"Do not disturb the promotion of the Oriental Royal."

The emperor waved his hand and gestured to everyone to stop swaying. Don't influence the tyrant of the East because of their appearance. This is the most crucial.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the five people who appeared here, especially on the emperor’s body. Just relying on these, you can basically see the true heritage of the Dagan Empire. Compared with Dong Xuan, it is still very incomparable. Strong, but it is also clear that the foundation of the Dagan Empire, Jiang Chen really worried.

"Are you worried about the devil?"

The rhubarb dog saw the dusty brow of Jiang Chen and couldn't help but ask. He knows the most of Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen's expressions. He can see what Jiang Chen is thinking.

"Yes, the foundation of the Dagan Empire is indeed not weak, but compared with the Heavenly Devils, it is too much. If one day, the Devils will break through the prisoners of Yang Junlong's predecessors, for the Dagan Empire, That is an unimaginable disaster."

Jiang Chen said that he has seen the power of the scorpio, and is infinitely close to the existence of the half-empire. It is a kind of existence that can be confronted with Xiao. If it is released, it will be a big empire. For the scorpio, it will be between the fingers. Can be destroyed, that is the real disaster.

Ten minutes later, the momentum released by Dongfang Yu gradually disappeared, and the sky above Danfu began to return to calm. This also indicates that Dongfang Yu has successfully advanced and become a true half-step fairy, just like Yang Zanqing. Master.

I saw the empty sky of the palace and the sky trembled, and a figure gradually became apparent. An old man wearing a robes was not an oriental prince or a lord. At this moment, the oriental imperial, from the surface and before, did not change significantly. But if you look closely, he is rejuvenated and seems to have gained a new life.

After the appearance of the Oriental Emperor, he immediately noticed the strangeness. When he saw the emperor, his face was also mad. He immediately came to the emperor’s side and bowed to him. “Long live the emperor, I didn’t expect my movement to lead the emperor. It’s really embarrassing to come in person."

The emperor came to the front of the Orient Royal, smiled and patted the shoulders of the Oriental Royal, and said: "Ha ha, good, good, Dong Yu, you can successfully promote the half-step fairy, it is a gratifying Things, we have a big empire, and there is another powerful master."

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