Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1538: The love of the Oriental Yu [five]

"The old man will continue to work hard. c"

Dongfang Yubi has a feeling of being flattered. Today, there are five people here. Any one of them is a figure that has to be trembling in the big empire. Dagan Emperor Yang Yu, Taishang National Teacher Ye Dingtian, Taishi Wilderness, The other two are also highly respected princes, Yang Yu’s brother, Yang’s family.

These five people, each of whom is distinguished and distinguished, each of them is the mainstay of the Dagan Empire. They rarely appear on weekdays, or even appear at all, unless there is something big happening, I didn’t expect to hit the half step fairy today. The movements made, the five people appeared together, how can this not let the Oriental Royals be flattered.

"Well, today is the day of great joy, I am very happy, haha."

Yang Yu laughs very loudly. It seems that he has not been so happy for a long time. He naturally has a happy reason. The appearance of each half-step sage symbolizes that the empire has added a strong foundation. Such a master can not be met. After all, it’s better to cultivate it, and Dongyu is loyal to himself. Yang Yu is still certain.

"Opening the emperor, the reason why the old man was able to quickly promote a half-step fairy, is entirely because of one person's help."

Dong Yu said.

"What? The promotion of the Oriental House is actually because of the help of a person. Who is this person? To know that the promotion of the half-step fairy from the Emperor's Peak is not something that ordinary people can help. This level is entirely in need of their own efforts."

"Yeah, but the government has said this, it must be true. It does not look like Yang Zanqing, but in this genius, who else can help the Eastern Royal Government to attack the realm?"

"I really can't guess, but I can imagine that this person is definitely not ordinary."

The words of Dongfang Yu immediately caused an uproar. Everyone thought that the Oriental Royal Palace could successfully break through today. It relied entirely on its own efforts, but did not expect anyone to help in the dark, and listened to the tone of the Oriental Yu. If it was not someone who helped, he simply Can't advance.

"Oh? Who is it?"

Yang Yu also curiously asked, obviously this situation is beyond his expectations, because even him, can not really help a master of the Emperor's peak to break through half-step Xianzun, if you can do it, then the big empire Half a step of Xianzun, far more than that.

"It is Jiang Chen. He is a genius disciple who has just joined the genius house. This person is not only a terrible horror, but also an excellent alchemy teacher. Before the Seven Emperors of the Great Cloud Empire came to provoke and refine the eight-paste Flame Emperor Dan came out, but I didn't have a young genius to refine it. Finally, Jiang Chen shot and refining the ten-piece flames of the Royal Flame, defeating the Seven Emperors, and saving the face of our Dagan Empire. ""

Dongfang Yu said that he is a person who knows how to be grateful. This time he owes Jiang Chen a big love. He doesn’t know how to return it. He didn’t expect the emperor to appear in person. He just took the opportunity to introduce Jiang Chen to the emperor. If he can be valued by the emperor, it is undoubtedly an opportunity for Jiang Chen. He understands Yang Yu's temper. After knowing this, in addition to praise, it will definitely give Jiang Chen some practical rewards.

It is said that everyone’s eyes fall on Jiang Chen’s body, and every gaze becomes hot, worship, envy, oh!

It is only then that people know that the reason why the Oriental Royal Palace was able to promote the half-step Xianzun so quickly is actually the credit of Jiang Chen. If this happened before, I am afraid no one would believe it, but Jiang Chen defeated the alchemy. The prince is a fact. It is also a fact that the refining of the ten flamboyant sacred flames. This incident has almost alarmed the entire genius, the entire imperial city, but Yang Yu is an emperor, but generally asks things, so it is not clear.

"I didn't expect Jiang Chen to help the Oriental House. This person has some friendship."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for him before, we would have lost the adult in Dan, and now he is helping the government. It is equivalent to helping us in Dan, it is very good."

"This guy is going to be in the limelight again, **** it, this time it is still in front of the emperor."

The voice of the argument suddenly sounded, and the people of Danfu naturally expressed gratitude and appreciation to Jiang Chen, and some people were different. For example, the people of the Prince and the King of Peace, they always regarded Jiang Chen as an enemy. Naturally, it is impossible to see the scenery of the river, especially in the face of today's emperor.

"Oh, the little dust, the Lord of the East has a feeling of righteousness and has not forgotten you."

Yang Bufan’s thoughts passed to Jiang Chen’s ear for the first time, and then he said loudly to Jiang Chen: “Jiang Chen, I’m not coming over to see the emperor.”

Yang Feifan's posture is high, Jiang Chen can show his face, he is naturally very happy and excited, after all, he and Jiang Chen are on the same front, Jiang Chen is still the person of the Wangfu, he personally wooed to the genius.

Jiang Chen quickly flew into the sky and came to Yang Yu. He said, "The disciple Jiang Chen, I have seen the emperor."

"Jiang Chen? District, a foreign disciple in the early days of Xianwang, can actually refine the ten products of the Holy Flame, Dan, will not be wrong?"

After Yang Yu saw the repair of Jiang Chen, it also revealed a trace of doubt.

"The emperor of the emperor, Jiang Chen does have the ability to refine the ten products of the Holy Flame."

Dongfang Yu said.

"It’s true that the emperor, that day, Jiang Chen refines the ten products of the Holy Flame, Huang Dan defeated the seven princes of the Great Cloud Empire, and the whole city has been passed down. This is a testimony."

Taishi’s wilderness said that the day’s events did cause a great sensation. As a prince, the wilderness naturally heard about Jiang Chen’s character, but he also saw Jiang Chen for the first time, and his eyes were forbearing in Jiang Chen’s body. Stay back and forth.

"Father and the Emperor, Jiang Chen's alchemy means you have never seen it, you can use the shocking world to describe it. This, the Eastern House Lord can testify."

Yang Bufan said.

"Yes, Jiang Chen's alchemy, I am convinced."

Dong Yu said with a smile, saying that he can say such things in his capacity is enough to prove that Jiang Chen has a real ability, which makes Yang Yu couldn't help but start to carefully look at Jiang Chen. This look, suddenly found Jiang Chen's Uncommon.

"A good dragon among the people, I did not expect that the Dagan Empire appeared so capable."

Yang Yu couldn't help but sing praises, and did not say how Jiang Chen's alchemy technique was so powerful. This kind of heart is not the average genius that can match, standing in front of himself, facing so many sages, even Calm and calm, no change in color.

You must know that it is an ordinary person, even if it is a powerful master of the Emperor, standing in front of you, it is also a vain, can not be natural, but from the face of Jiang Chen, but can not see the slightest color of tension.

[Talk about the update, starting from tomorrow, the number of words changed from two thousand words to three thousand words. Under normal circumstances, one day is two, which is equivalent to the current three, and the standard is still the same as before. Enjoy a hundred red packets plus more. 】

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