Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1539: One million emperors

Yang Yu’s eyesight is so unique. It’s also incomparably accurate to see people. He does not know how much he saw the royal aristocrats and geniuses of the Dagan Empire. Even his own princes, none of them can compare with Jiang Chen. Because even the Prince, in the face of his own time can not maintain such calm, this is a kind of heart, transcendental mind, people with such a heart, future achievements are not much worse.

"The emperor, this Jiang Chen is really not simple, not only the alchemy technique is shocking, but the combat power is also extremely horrible. He once defeated the Yangling of the semi-step Xianhuang level in the half-step Xianwang level, and now he is promoted to the real fairy. Wang, the combat power must be more reinforced. Moreover, he once entered the forbidden land, stayed there for more than half a month, and finally lived out."

Yang Zanqing also said that in this genius, the two giants Yang Zanqing and Dongfang can come out at the same time in front of the emperor to agree with one person, or for the first time, Jiang Chen is the only one, to know, to Yang Zanqing and the East. The arrogance of the royal family, the general genius is hard to be seen in their eyes, and the ones that can be so praised by them are even rarer. Today they praised Jiang Chen so much. The only explanation is that Jiang Chen is really too bad. It's too abnormal.

This is also very clear in the heart of the emperor, the Oriental Yu was helped by Jiang Chen to promote the half-step Xianzun, and stood up and talked to Jiang Chen. Yang Yu did not expect even Yang Zanqing to stand up and praise the Jiang Chen, he said to Yang Zanqing. But I know too much. Besides being a monarch and a friend, the two are friends. He rarely sees Yang Zanqing so praised one person. Even when Yang Bufan came back, Yang Zanqing just said that he is optimistic about Yang.


Rao is Yang Yu’s strength and can’t help but exclaim. With half-step Xian Wang’s cultivation, he can defeat the average half-step Emperor. In his mind, this is impossible, if this The words are not spoken from Yang Zanqing, he will never believe it.

What shocked Yang Yu even more was that Jiang Chen was able to live out of the forbidden land. About the valley, Yang Yu’s heart was also very clear. He once personally entered it and wanted to find out, but after all, he found nothing. In the past few years, many geniuses of the genius house have died. In the end, they have been listed as a forbidden place. It is undoubtedly a miracle that Jiang Chen can live out from the inside.

Yang Yu’s eyes stared at Jiang Chen without hesitation. It seemed that he wanted to see the young man, but he finally let him down. Jiang Chen’s heart has reached the point of being insulted, even if he faced his sharp eyes. There is no color of tension, it is not only a light, but also a kind of self-confidence, derived from the confidence in the bones.

"Unfortunately, Jiang Chen did not find any secrets. It is quite good to be able to walk out from the inside."

Yang Zanqing sighed, the secrets in the valley have always touched their hearts, but no one can really explore it.

"Mom, this **** is going to have a big head this time, even the emperor pays attention to him."

"Lian Yang Zanqing's main house and the Oriental Yufu master are all important to him. The status of this guy will be very high sooner or later. Now even the emperor values ​​him."


All eyes that look at Jiang Chen are full of envy and hatred. Yu Yu and Yang Zhi are even more gnashing their teeth. I can’t wait to immediately rush to eat Jiang Chen. They are half-step masters of the Emperor level. The genius has a great prospect. Now all the limelights have been snatched away by Jiang Chen. All the glory and gaze are on Jiang Chen’s body. It is possible to stand in front of the emperor and talk about what they dream of. .

"This child must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise it will become a big problem."

The Prince’s gaze is deep. He has already smelled a crisis. Jiang Chen’s character is bound to be unable to stay any longer. Otherwise, the uterus will be destroyed in his hands.

On the other side, Ping Wang did not speak, but from his ugly face, he can also know that his current mind is the same as that of the Prince. Jiang Chen’s strength and short-term progress, as well as his status in the genius, let them sniff It is a great crisis.

"Well, Jiang Chen, you must work hard, I am optimistic about you, I hope that you can become the first person of the young generation of the Dagan Empire. This time you help the Oriental Royality, what kind of reward do you want?"

Yang Yu praised Jiang Chen, and with his heroic character, he must give Jiang Chen some rewards.

"It is an honor for the disciples to be able to help the emperor, and to dare to ask for it."

Jiang Chen said, this is not a bad feeling. When he helped the Oriental Royal, he did not have any illusions. If he wanted any benefit, he would directly open the Orient.

"Where the king, open to help Jiang Chen to Xianyuan Stone, there is not much Xianyuan Stone in this guy's hand."

At this time, the voice of the big yellow dog passed to Yang's ears. In the face of the reward of the emperor today, such a great opportunity is definitely not to be missed. Jiang Chen is embarrassed to speak directly, but the big yellow dog knows the most urgent task of Jiang Chen. What is most needed, that is, Xianyuan Stone, the senior Xianyuan Stone, and the Jianglong cultivating Hualong Temple. Every time you advance, you need to consume a lot of Xianyuan Stone. Just like a bottomless hole, you will never fill it up. Nowadays, The Xianyuan Stone in Jiang Chen’s hands is almost empty, which is not enough to support him in the mid-term of the promotion of the Emperor. Now the emperor has to give a reward, what is polite?

Just as Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, Yang Bufan said with a fist: “Father, Jiang Chen helped the Eastern House Lord, that is nothing to ask for, but his behavior is indeed a great achievement, helping us to increase the empire. A powerful half-step master, if we don't have a little reward, it's also something that can't be said. I heard that Jiang Chen's practice is special. Every time you need to spend a lot of Xianyuan Stone, it's better for the father to come up with some fairy. Yuanshi is a good reward, and it can't be seen that Yang family is not stingy."

How is Yang Bufan so clever, and the Dahuang dog knows how to do it after he reminded himself. This paragraph has nothing to say, and it is reasonable and reasonable. It can make Yang Yu happy and help Jiang Chen to go to Xianyuan Stone.

Wen Yan, Yang Yu smiled, immediately said aloud: "Well, Jiang Chen really has great merits this time, must be rewarded, since Jiang Chen needs Xianyuan Stone, then reward one million emperor Xianyuan Stone."

One million emperor Xianyuan stone said from Yang Yukou, suddenly caused an uproar in the genius, even Jiang Chen himself, is also wide-eyed, directly stunned, he obviously did not think that Yang Yu would be so generous, open It is one million.

"God, the emperor is really too big, one million, and it is the emperor's fairy stone. It is a great fortune. It is hard to imagine."

"The emperor is heroic, a million emperor Xianyuanshi, Jiang Chen, this **** is really a dog, but a million emperor Xianyuan stone seems to be nothing to Yang family."

"One million emperor Xianyuan Stone is nothing, but more importantly, the emperor has begun to pay attention to Jiang Chen. This is the biggest luck of Jiang Chen."


Countless marvels, even for a powerful fairy king, one million of the emperor's fairy stone, it is also a huge fortune, is a dream, and Jiang Chen is only in the early days of the immortal king, it is easy I got a million royal emperor stone, how can this not be enviable and embarrassing.

"Jiang Chen, still don't thank the emperor?"

Yang Bufan pushed the river dust with his hand.

"Dr. Jiang Chen, Xie Huang Shang Longen."

Jiang Chen quickly hugged his fists and thanked him. This huge amount of wealth is too important for him, and it is too timely. When he was promoted to Xian Wang, he had almost exhausted all his sages. I got a lot of Xianyuan Stone, which was what he had to do next, but now that there is this million, everything is solved. One million emperors are enough for him to cultivate to the Emperor level.

"Good, extraordinary, Jiang Chen, you all retreat, praise, the Imperial Royal, you come with you, there are important things."

Yang Yu said, his body swayed and flew toward the tallest pagoda in the genius house. Taishang National Teacher Ye Dingtian and Taishi Wilderness and two princes also went together. Yang Zanqing and Dongfang Yu looked at each other. Also quickly followed the past.

"Little dust, you are out of the limelight today, the father has already valued you."

Yang Bufan said with a smile, the situation today is not what he could not imagine. He did not expect that the promotion of Dongfang Yu was related to Jiang Chen. Although there are elements of luck in it, it is also the result of Jiang Chen’s efforts.

"I would also like to thank Van Wang for helping me get a million emperors."

Jiang Chenhehe smiled, this is true. After all, he is embarrassed to use the help of the Oriental Royal as an interface to ask for Xianyuan Stone. It is most suitable for Yang’s mouth, so Yang Bufan is a big help for himself. .

"I don't know if you need Xianyuan Stone. It is the key moment for Rhubarb to remind me."

Yang Bufan said.

Jiang Chen nodded. He knew that he was a rhubarb. He and the big yellow dog were brothers. The tacit understanding between them has reached a perfect level. What he needs most, the big yellow dog is also the most clear.

"Hey! It’s not a good thing to watch out for the wind. It’s a good thing for a million emperors, but it’s also a matter of life."

A cold voice rang, not someone else, it was the Prince. He did not hide the hostility towards Yang Bufan and Jiang Chen. If there is a chance, he will definitely kill Jiang Chen and be merciless.

"This is not the concern of His Royal Highness."

Jiang Chen said coldly, he didn't have a good impression on the prince. He knew it for himself, so he didn't have much politeness to talk to each other. Prince wanted to kill himself, but it was not easy. thing.

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