Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1544: Channel open

"You are right, but I am afraid it is not so easy. The Golden Killing Field is opened once every five years. Hundreds of big forces are brought together. Every big force is united. This is the father and Yang Zanqing. The owner has personally explained that if we go to the gold killing field, we will take the shots of Jiang Chen and Fan Wang. It is easy for people to seize the handle and wait for the gold to kill the domain. The father and the emperor blame it, you and I can't afford to sin. ”

The Prince said that although he did not have the peace of Pingwangcheng, he was definitely not a fool. He knew what is light and heavy. After all, this trip to the gold squad is not just a battle between the cadres of their great empire, but the three great sects, countless The competition and struggle between the big forces, so every high-level force will ask the disciples to ensure basic unity. If they are not united, I am afraid that they will be directly eaten by other big forces.

This kind of unity is also an honor. A person who does not pay attention to unity is doomed to have a good end. He is subject to very serious punishment. If Ping Wang and the Prince enter the golden murder field, they will do everything possible to kill Jiang Chen and Fan Wang. Will be punished by the emperor, will also let all disciples who enter the gold murder domain despise, the future reputation, but also completely stinky, this responsibility, whether it is Ping Wang or Prince, can not afford.

"I have already thought about this, and we naturally can't do it ourselves. The fool will do that."

Ping Wang smiled slightly: "Don't forget, Jiang Chen once killed the two brothers Fuwei and Futian, and the people of Huangquanmen. The Futian brothers are the corpses and the gods. You should be clear, big. What is the most important thing in the martial art is the face. Jiang Chen killed them, which is equivalent to sweeping their faces, especially the sects such as the corpse Yinzong and Huang Quanmen. They are sinister and sinister, and they are more ferocious if they treat the enemy. It’s not the king’s refuge. If it’s not Jiang Chen’s entry into the genius, do you think that the three sects will let Jiang Dust go? So, we can use them to help us eradicate Jiang Chen and Fan Wang.”

Ping Wang’s face is a smirk, and when he comes to the city, the two princes are not comparable to a Ping Wang. He has always thought of the best policy. It’s like this trip to the Golden Valley. Ping Wang will make good use of it. .

"The idea is not bad. Do you have any specific methods?"

Asked the prince.

"I have already thought about it..."

In the back garden of the uterus, the two enemies of Ping Wang and the Prince talked secretly for two hours. No one knew what they had talked about. No one even knew that Ping Wang had come to the womb because no one would think that these two dead parties would gather together. Come together, because this is undoubtedly a natural thing.

It’s not long before the opening of the Golden Killing Field, only the last six days and six days, the genius is getting up and down, especially those disciples who have got the identity tips. Very excited and uplifting, for them, this is an endorsement.

"Important kits are hard to come by. I will definitely cherish this hard-won opportunity. If I can get some benefits in the gold killing field, I can improve it again. I will not be able to make it."

"Don't be too excited. The gold killing field is the battlefield of the ancients. In the past few years, many strange creatures have been born in it. It is terrible. It is just a dead place, and this time there are three geniuses in the golden field. There are too many people, there are battles and killings everywhere, and it’s good to be able to keep alive."

"Are you afraid? If you are afraid, don't go, there are a lot of people who want to go. You give up your identity kit and see if other people will fight for it. The three great fields, countless forces, all kinds of geniuses, This is a genius event. It is not for anyone who wants to see it, can participate in this event, and compete with the genius of the entire fairy world. What an exciting thing, even if it is dead, it is worth it. The practice is to go against the sky. It is against the water. If you don’t go, if someone else goes, it is possible to surpass you. When you are going to be a stepping stone for others, a true winner must be experienced. Life and death experience, do you understand? If you are afraid, take it with you and be an ordinary person."

"You have to be an ordinary person, who is afraid? I just talk about it. I will not miss this big opportunity."


The genius of the genius is talking about the golden killing of the field everywhere. Although it is a dangerous trip to know that the gold killing is a threat, it is very likely that even life can’t be saved, but there is still no one to retreat. One hundred places, for these proud young people. For people, it is far from enough.

Geniuses have their own pride, geniuses are not willing to be mediocre, they all have great hopes and fantasies about their future, so this sinister journey is regarded as a great opportunity to improve themselves.

In the next few days, some disciples who did not get their identity kits began to look for disciples with identity kits and prayed that they would bring them in. Even if there were no kits, they would face various difficulties, such as getting a dilemma. Baby has no place to store, only can be handcuffed, then it will become an obvious target, being hunted by others.

But many people can't manage that much. They only want to be able to enter the gold killing field. Even if they have a chance of one in ten, they are not willing to miss it.

The time is coming soon. On the early morning of this day, the voice of the genius of the genius is ringing. Above the ancient tower suspended in the void, there is a large square. At this moment, there are at least two hundred people standing on the square, or Less than two hundred, but not much worse, these people are the genius of the genius, the worst is also the master of the late Xian Wang, they are excited on each other's face, today is the day when the gold killing domain opens They know that they will open the passage to the Golden Killing Area from here, and they will enter a real journey.

Xianting only gave a hundred places, and the rest of them all depended on the relationship. They knew that the trip was dangerous, but no one retreated. For the future, they are still full of desire and expectation.

Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu are among them. They are standing with Fan Wang. At this moment, there are seven or eight people standing next to Fan Wang. They are all people of the Wangfu, and four of them are half-step Xianhuang. The genius was only recently joined the Van Wang House. This time, I also got a place to win the identity kit. The remaining four are the geniuses of the late Xian Wang. Dong Fei is among them. Dong Fei was originally a fairy king. In the mid-term, it was only a short time ago that he broke through the late Xian Wang. He was also a person who was not willing to be mediocre, so he decided to follow the Van Wang and they entered the Golden Killing Field. He had already made the worst plan.

These four people are not eligible for identity kits. All the geniuses who have obtained identity kits are half-step masters of Emperor and Emperor.

How can the genius of the genius be seen from these geniuses who want to enter the golden murder field? The genius that does not appear on weekdays has now appeared. There are more than a dozen masters in the early days of the Emperor, which can be said to be horrible. The most attractive thing is the two young people standing at the forefront. Their invisible momentum has already surpassed all others. Their cultivation has reached the midst of the horror of the Emperor.

"Yang Lang and Shan Chong, the two guys who are really abnormal in the genius, are said to have participated in a golden killing field, and lived out from it. Yang Lang is the son of my four uncles and four princes. The single charge is cultivated by the genius. Real genius, their age is almost 50 years old, this time the opening of the gold killing field is their last chance."

Yang Bufan explained that Yang Lang and Shan Chong look like twenty or thirty years old, but the actual age is already fifty. They are the most horrible geniuses of the Dagan Empire to go to the Golden Killing Field.

"It seems that there is really something attractive in the gold killing field."

Jiang Chen smiled, Yang Lang and Shan Chong went once, and now they have to go to the second time. This is enough to show that the gold killing field is indeed endless, so that they enter the second time regardless of danger.

Of course, to achieve their cultivation and realm, they already have complete self-protection ability. Even if they reach the gold killing field, they can cope with various crises. After all, they are not only powerful but also have a certain understanding of the gold killing field.

"Mother's, the camp is too big, I have come to the genius for so long, it is the first time I really saw the foundation of the genius, it is terrible."

"There is no way, the temptation of gold killing the domain is too great. This is a great opportunity. Now we only see the camp of the genius. When it comes to the gold killing field, the scene is called a horror, the three fairy fields, a few Hundreds of great forces, tens of thousands of days of gathering, what is the concept, it is simply unimaginable."

"Look, the owner has appeared. It seems that the space channel for the Golden Killing Field will soon be opened. The exciting moment is coming."


Many people can't restrain their inner excitement. At this time, Yang Zanqing and Dongfang Yu also appeared. Together with them, there are many high-level officials. For the genius, today is a big event.

Yang Zanqing and the Oriental Royal Eyes were very different. They swept through the genius camp below. The two looked at each other. Then Yang Zanqing said: "You should be very clear about everything about the gold killing field, but the number of people who want to enter the gold killing field now Far more than the quota allocated by Xianting, it is necessary for this seat to advise you one more. Those who have no identity kits will be struggling to enter the golden murder field. It is extremely dangerous. You may enter and die. If you regret it, you still have it. You can stand up, it’s not too late, wait for a while to open the channel, and walk in and it’s late.”

As Yang Zanqing’s voice fell, the crowd was still quiet, and everyone was indifferent. Instead, the eyes were filled with hot eyes. Obviously, no one retreats, and when this time retreats, it will make people look down.

[Thanks to Yu Zihan for his reward, today I have added a chapter. Now, whether it is an update or a plus, it is a chapter of quality and quantity of 3,000 words. 】

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