Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 710: Scene chaos

As the third heavy space channel was opened, a sturdy figure flew out from the inside. Many people began to laugh and laugh very happy when they walked out of the passage.

"Haha, Laozi is alive, and the air outside is really good for his mother."

Many people are extremely excited, do not experience that life and death, they will not know how good life is, even if it is to breathe out the air outside, look at the scenery outside, it is a very beautiful thing.

"Look at it, it’s all out, and the third space is open later."

Huagu smiled and saw that the passage was opened again. Their moods were relaxed a lot. But the elders of the other three major forces were incomparably ugly, especially Yan Changming. The leaders of their three major forces all died in Jiang Chen. In the hands of the hands, this is a very ironic thing. For Yan Changming, what he lost is his grandson. As long as he thinks of the name Jiang Chen, he will bite his teeth. He is now staring at these people. As soon as he saw Jiang Chen, he immediately rushed to kill him and avenge his grandson.

After the five major forces came out, they saw the elders of all parties, and quickly rushed to the camps of the parties and stood behind the elders.


Zuo Linger saw Huaguyi, and hurriedly greeted him. He rushed to the arms of Huaguyi. Although she and Huaguyi had a short contact time, the feelings between them were already very deep. Zuo Linger is out. For this disciple, she doesn't like how much she likes it.

"Good manners, I reached the five-level warrior in a month, and I did not lose the master."

Huagu’s hands clasped the left-faced child’s face with a porcelain doll, and said with great pride, the 12-year-old five-level warlord, such an achievement, not to mention the entire Xuan domain, even the entire Shengyuan continent, that is also Rarely, even the geniuses of the ancient big families in the Pure Land of China are just like this.


A violent violent wave suddenly rose. When Guo Shaofei walked out of the Death Mountain, he could not wait for the promotion. On the spot, he hit the realm of the 9th Emperor, and the momentum of the whole person changed dramatically.


Guo Shaofei screamed in the sky and was very incomparably happy. This time, the five leaders who entered the death mountain died three times. Although Mosang also got some benefits, he was still worse than him. Guo Shaofei directly shocked after coming out. The nine-level warlord can be said to be a big winner in the death mountain.

"Look, Guo is promoted to the 9th Emperor, haha, it is so good."

"Our nebula is the most powerful. This is the only one that has been promoted to the 9th Emperor from the Dead Mountain."

"Congratulations to Master Guo, Brother He Xi Guo."


The nephews of Xingyunzong laughed a lot, and they were naturally very happy. This time in the Death Mountain, the Nebula was the biggest winner.

"I have seen three elders."

Guo Shaofei came to Huaguyi and Fengyun Er Lao to give a ceremony. Even if he is promoted to the 9th-level warrior, he will not dare to neglect the three elders. The eight elders are the nemesis of the nebula, even the first person in the list. Don't dare to neglect.

"Okay, fly less, you are good, this time gave the nebula a long face."

Fengyun’s third child praised.

"The elders praised, really the face of my nebula, is Jiang Chen's younger brother, even my life is saved by Jiang Chen's younger brother. If there is no Jiang Shidi, the disciple has already died in the death mountain. ”

Guo Shaofei did not dare to contribute, this time Jiang Chen is the biggest hero, he saved the entire Xuan domain.

"Well, this Jiang Chen really got it, really give us a nephew of the nephew, and others."

When Huagu I heard the name Jiang Chen, I couldn’t help myself.

"Master, big brother is behind, and it will come out soon."

Xiaotoutou said, referring to her big brother, her whole person's mood is getting better.

The people who came out later also found their own camps. Those small and medium-sized forces and scattered people did not leave. They would like to thank Jiang Chen again.

"Jiang Chen, this is to find him to say."

Yan Changming shouted.

"You want to find what I want."

Just as Yan Changming’s voice just fell, a hearty voice rang from the end of the passage, and several figures appeared at the same time. When a young man in white, not Jiang Chen or who, he followed three people and a dog, the three were cold and Nangong asked the day and the monk.

Brushing brush...

At the moment when Jiang Chen appeared, Xiaoyao Palace, Chenjiazhuang, Tianshan sent three elders of the forces, a total of nine people, turned into nine streams, instantly rushed up, blocked in Jiang Chen they are near.

"Don't let your old guys do not exist in our nebula."

Huagu is a big anger, with her hot temper, how could it be impossible to watch an outsider bullying his own disciple, that is impossible.

"I see who dares to move me to the Lord of the Devil."

The three elders of the demon and yin also flew in the past. Now the situation is very clear. Although the magic and the other four forces are not in the right place on weekdays, this situation is likely to be changed today, the demon and the nebula. The relationship between the sects is bound to improve because of the relationship between Han Yan and Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen is the savior of the entire Xuan Yu. If there is no Jiang Chen, then all three of your forces will not want to live out. Do you treat your benefactor like this?"

Han Yan said loudly.

"Less Lord, what do you say."

The elders of the demon sorrow stunned, and everyone else was stunned. I don’t know what Han Yan said.

"Oh, the last day of the death mountain is about to open, the sudden emergence of a nine-level empire, released its own momentum, causing the turmoil of the Death Mountain, there have been numerous insidious forces, including the small holy level The ghost king, everyone will die inside. If it is not Jiang Chen and the master team, everyone will die."

Han Yan said.

"Fart, it is a nonsense. If there is a ghost king of the small holy level, rely on his Jiang Chen, how to resist."

The elders of Xiaoyao Palace did not believe directly.

"Yes, if you don't believe it, ask your disciples from the three major forces, and there are people at the place."

Han Yan Road.

It is said that the elders turned their heads to look at the disciples in their camp, but they saw that some of them had their heads down and did not speak, and some directly pointed to their heads.

"Yes, Jiang Gongzi saved all of us. You can't hurt our savior."

"Our wolf teeth help the future with Jiang Gongzi and Xingyun Zongma. He is our benefactor."

"Jiang Chen saved everyone. This is an indisputable fact. It is the nine-level warlord who appeared at the last moment. He wants to kill everyone in the Death Mountain."


Everyone's emotions are very exciting. The scattered and small-scale forces of the warlords here, at least thousands of people, look at their appearance, who will deal with Jiang Chen today, they will not agree.

"People in the Happy Palace, I want to know why you came out in advance. Why do you know the other passages that come out? I seriously doubt that it is the nine-level emperor of your Xiaoyao Palace who sneaked into it. In the dead, what is your heart in the Happy Palace."

When Han Yan is about to introduce the flames to the body of Xiaoyao Palace, even if there is no evidence, it can't make Xiaoyao Palace feel good.

After the death of Han Yan, everyone looked at the Xiaoyao Palace. It seems that there was a big event in the Death Mountain. It was Jiang Chen and the master who saved everyone. There were nine kings who sneaked into it and killed all of them. People, this is too big. Even if these elders are present, they will feel scared when they think about it. If these people are all dead inside, Xuanyu will probably be in a big mess.

The move of Xiaoyao Palace is undoubtedly the most suspicious. Others are dead. Only they are not dead. Everyone does not know the other passages from the Death Mountain. They know that they are not knowing. This is not a problem. thing.

"Happy Palace, I did not expect you to be so vicious, to kill the entire Xuan Yu people, your appetite is too big."

Huagu had a hot temper and immediately questioned.

"Fart, such a big raspberry wants to buckle at our Happy Palace. If it is made by our Xiaoyao Palace, why not bring all the disciples out, why should you bring out some of your people?"

The elders of Xiaoyao Palace suddenly became anxious. They were originally against Jiang Chen. They have not dealt with Jiang Chen yet. They are being beaten up by the Xiaoyao Palace. Moreover, this raspberry can be too big. Once it is buckled, the Xiaoyao Palace will become the target of public criticism. In the future, I can't mix in Xuan.

The other elders did not speak. They knew in their hearts that although this matter was somewhat deliberate, they could not find evidence. Unless they could find the nine-level emperor, they could prove whether they were doing it. Otherwise, there was no dispute. use.

"No matter how much, no one is dead anyway. This seat is now going to be settled with Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is a child. You dare to kill my grandson and take your life."

Yan Changming shouted, and he was going to attack.

"Yan old man, are you a vegetarian when you are an aging mother? I see who dares to move Jiang Chen."

Huagu was blocked by Yan Changming and did not let it go.

Jiang Chen smiled and he always had a good impression of this flower valley. This is a very short-term person, and he is very overbearing.

"Hua Guyi, even if you are united with the demon sect, there are only six people. There are nine people in our three major sects. Jiang Chen has killed the leaders of our three major forces. This must be reported to us. If you take it together, how can you stop it?"

Yan Changming said loudly, although it was already somewhat repulsive to the Xiaoyao Palace because of the previous events, it is most important to kill Jiang Chen and avenge his grandchildren.

"If you want to break the net, try it."

Huagu is extremely strong.


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