Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 711: Really overbearing

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Because of Jiang Chen’s relationship, the five forces were temporarily divided into two camps, and the swords were arrogant. One party was murderous, and one party never gave in. For the three major forces, the threat of Jiang Chen was too great. Be removed as soon as possible.

Moreover, Jiang Chen killed their leader. This is undoubtedly the face of the three major forces for this trip to Death Mountain, not only because the leaders of the three major forces are dead, leading to the following people. Morale is low, and many people have not received much benefit in the Death Mountain.

"You, this breath can not swallow, it is good to take a shot together, today to get rid of this small scourge."

Yan Changming said openly.

"Okay, then take the shot together, who will stop killing."

The elders of Chenjiazhuang immediately agreed, and they all saw the threat of Jiang Chen. Since the hostile relationship has been determined, there is nothing to say. Such a great evil must be killed in the cradle as soon as possible, once it is allowed to grow up. In the future, it will become a big problem.

"Do you fight, I like it the most."

The elders of the demon and sects directly released their own momentum. Although they did not predominate in the number of people, the devils never retreated. If they were scared away because they had three more people, then It’s too faceless, isn’t it smearing the face of the magic yin?


For a time, the elders of the fifteen ninth-level warlords all released their own momentum. Hua Guyi and Fengyun Er Lao naturally could not give in. The genius of Jiang Chen, there was no one in the year, if he was allowed to The problem, after going back, the nebula had not smashed their skin.

As for the elders of the demon and sect, it is even simpler. Han Yan is their young master. Now they are standing still with Jiang Chen. They are not for Jiang Chen, they have to be shot to protect the younger, and they have to be shot. The sect stood on the same front.


At this moment, Jiang Chen screamed and he did not look the same. He crossed the Huagu and others and stood directly in front of Yan Changming and others.

"You want to kill me."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter, and Yan Changming did not put Yan Changming in his eyes. Jiang Chen is now a five-level emperor, even if he does not rely on two Yinling Kings, it is enough to fight against the 9th-level warrior. If you want to go, the nine nine-level warlords will not be able to stop themselves.

But he doesn't leave now, he still has things to do.

"Jiang Chen, be careful."

Huagu quickly grabbed Jiang Chen’s arm.

"Flower elders, no problem."

Jiang Chen smiled at Huagu, and Huagu saw the confident look of Jiang Chen, and then took his hand. I don’t know why, he seems to see everything from Jiang Chen’s eyes, that is, as long as Jiang Chen I can't do anything I want to do. He really didn't put Yan Changming in his eyes.

"Kid, you kill my grandson, today I am going to smash you a corpse and avenge Yan Hui."

Yan Changming gritted his teeth, and the big hand grabbed the past against Jiang Chen.

In the face of Yan Changming's attack, Jiang Chen's look did not change at all.

"Hey, this old guy is finished."

The rhubarb dog showed a hint of yin, others did not know, but he was very clear about Jiang Chen’s card. As long as Jiang Chen was willing, there were 10,000 ways to let Yan Changming die.

Just when Yan Changming’s palm was about to come to Jiang Chen’s front, Jiang Chen’s big hand suddenly slammed out. When Jiang’s palm and Yan Changming’s palm collided together, Jiang’s palm suddenly turned into a sharp claw, which is A huge pickpocket, one hand will firmly grasp Yan Changming's hand.


The palm of his hand slammed hard, only to hear a bang, Yan Changming's entire palm was directly pulled down, blood smashed, revealing Bai Sensen's bone slag, it looked extremely scary.


The kind of instant pain, even the nine-level warlord like Yan Changming, could not help but scream.

However, the screams could not save his destiny. The dusty claws that Jiang Chen explored captured the head of Yan Changming with lightning. Under countless horror eyes, Yan Changming’s head was directly pinched by the claws. The elders of a nine-level warlord died on the spot in an instant, and the scene was extremely **** and scary.


This scene can scare everyone, and the people present are exclaimed. Many people who came out of the Death Mountain looked at the claws and they were familiar. It was a claw of the spirit, but this is Jiang Chen. The claws are not dead, and they are not like the ghost.

That claw is naturally the king of the Yin, just killed Yan Changming, but Jiang Chen secretly ordered A big shot, but he covered his own strength on the claws, completely concealing the spirit of the spirit.

A nine-level war emperor was directly killed by Jiang Chen, and other elders were directly dumbfounded. Even Hua Guyi and Feng Yun two old people were shocked by the open mouth, and they couldn’t believe it. No one thought of it, Jiang Chen turned out to be Strong to this extent.

"God, what kind of attack he just had, it was such a horror that even the nine-level warlord killed it directly."

"It seems like the ghost king in the Death Mountain. When he was in the Death Mountain, the Yinling King listened to him. Can he bring the Yinling King out?"

"Jiang Gongzi has always been bold and daring. There are no such things in the world that he dare not do and those who dare not kill. Now even the great elders of the Tianshan faction are directly killed. This is a great thing for the Tianshan faction. Loss."


No one is not shocked. Jiang Chen is too overbearing. It is simply unreasonable. When he comes up, he will kill the elders. In fact, there is nothing to be said about this. People want to kill themselves. Is it possible to stand there and make people unable to kill? That is not the style of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you are so bold, you dare to kill me Tianshan Pai elders."

The Tianshan School’s other elders of the 9th Emperor of War were drinking at Jiang Chen.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Jiang Chen took a look at the elder, the elders suddenly scared a neck, no longer dare to talk more, he did not know what kind of means Jiang Chen used to kill Yan Changming, it seems to kill himself, it is also very simple thing.

"Hey, Jiang Chen, there will be a period, you and Chen Jiazhuang's account, and then count."

The elders of Chenjiazhuang sneaked out, and the situation was about to leave. Jiang Chen had grown up. Unless the master of the small holy level shot, it would be difficult to kill Jiang Chen. If so, it should be withdrawn first.


Jiang Chen suddenly shouted. This time, his hands came out and two horrible claws appeared at the same time. They covered the two elders of Chenjiazhuang. It was the two claws of Ada, the two elders. Even if there were no chances of escaping, they were instantly controlled, and the claws were turned into two indestructible cages, trapping the two.

He and Chenjiazhuang still have accounts to calculate, today is just an opportunity.

"Give me a drive."

The two were furious and tried their best to open the cage. The result was a failure, and the claws that had been clawed into claws could not be shaken.


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