Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1545: Note [plus]

Seeing that no one chose to stand up at this time, Yang Zanqing’s mouth overflowed with a smile. He nodded and seemed to be very satisfied with this situation. He did not like the people who were retreating. It is better not to choose to go at the beginning. When someone retreats, Yang Zanqing will definitely drive him out of the genius house without hesitation.

"let's start."

Dongfang Yu said, then, he and Yang Zanqing took out a charm at the same time, it is a red gold charm, which depicts complex lines, looks very incomparable, two charms exude a strong space atmosphere, this is two The Taoist space symbol, two charms, jointly support the passage to the Golden Killing Field.

Yang Zanqing and Dongfang Yu infused a large number of scent into the charm, and the two spirits suddenly violently jumped. Under the control of two and a half-step masters, the two charms burst directly and became two The empty door, the two doors are together, and the back is a deep passage. I don't know where to go. The space inside is rolling, I don't know where to go.

This is the space charm that Xian Ting personally sent out. The genius of the genius is safe enough to support the genius of the genius.

"The channel has been opened, don't delay the time, Yang Lang, single charge, start from you first, within one minute, the channel will automatically close, you only have one minute, hurry to enter, remember, the gold killing domain is open The time is one month, and there will naturally be a passage to pick you up."

Yang Zanqing said coldly.

Yang Zanqing’s voice fell, Yang Lang and Shan Chong did not have a slight delay, and immediately turned into two streams of light into the empty door, they have been to the Golden Killing Field, this is the second entry, compared to other geniuses, Can be called a light car.


After Yang Lang and Shan Chong took the lead and entered the passage, other people did not dare to neglect. As Yang Zanqing said, the passage of this passage is only one minute, and it will automatically close after one minute. If it is not entered, it will be impossible. Go in.

Facts have proved that it took less than a minute, and less than ten seconds before and after, all the geniuses have entered the void gate. The bustling squares have suddenly become extremely quiet, leaving only the roaring sound of the empty gate. .

A minute later, the illusory door disappeared and closed automatically. Yang Zanqing and Dongfang Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, but they began to worry.

"After a month, these people didn't know what it would be like, and they didn't know how many people could live out of the gold."

Dong Yu said.

"It's not bad to be able to live halfway. Our mission is complete, and then we will see their creation."

Yang Zan Qingdao.

In the space channel, the talented characters of nearly 200 days of the government gathered together and gathered in a space that is not too big. The scene went quiet, everyone looked around the constantly flashing space, variegated, colorful, the whole scene gave People have a dreamlike feeling.

No one speaks, no one moves. In this way, relying on the power of space transmission, moving forward from the genius to the gold killing field is an incalculable distance. Even if there is a space channel blessing, you need at least a place to reach the place. Two hours.

The speed of space transmission is too fast. Even if it is a master of the fairy king, if you keep staring at the turbulent flow of space, there will be a feeling of dizziness, which is a kind of rapid, surpassing everything.

A little bit past, everyone is looking forward to the scenes in the Golden Killing Field with unprecedented excitement.

"The surname of Liu, what do you look at, look at the eyes and dig it out for you."

Suddenly, a voice full of anger sounded, breaking the calm in the space channel.

"See what's wrong with you, don't you convinced? If you don't accept it, you will fight."

The genius of Liu surnamed naturally was not convinced, and said to another genius.

These two are too uterus, one is Ping Wangfu, there is no less fighting on weekdays, it can be said that they are dead, they are all the cultivation of the late Xian Wang, they will be used to seeing, they have long been used to, now in this space Inside, just stood together, just because the other side is a provocative look, it is going to start a war.

"Play and fight, I am afraid that you will not succeed."

That day, I said, I immediately released my momentum. The powerful momentum hit the barrier of the space channel, and the entire channel of the earthquake began to tremble violently.

"Looking for death?"

At this moment, a cold drink suddenly sounded, and it was not someone else who spoke. It was Yang Lang. He strode to the two people and did not talk nonsense. He raised his slap and looked at the faces of the two men. The squeaking sounds, like the raindrops, directly confuse the two people.

"You two are dying, don't pull us back, dare to start here, damage the space passage, we can't live one, then move again, I will kill you first."

Yang Lang said coldly, hegemony to the extreme.

"Sister Yang, I am sorry, I am wrong."

"I'm sorry, Yang brother."

Even if they were beaten by Venus, they still bowed their heads and apologized. They have already felt the murder of Yang Lang. They are even more clear in their hearts. Yang Lang wants to kill them. They can blow them to death and die. It is also white death.

"Miscellaneous stuff, who will let you release momentum here."

Ping Wang screamed at the genius of the Ping Wang House. Even the Prince and the Peace King did not dare to make a second appearance in front of Yang Lang. These two guys were really impatient.


Yang Lang snorted and turned to the place where he just went. He closed his eyes and raised his spirits. He didn’t even see Ping Wang. With Yang Lang’s strength, he did not put everyone in his eyes. Prince Peace King may be prestigious in front of others. However, Yang Lang is not at all savvy. As the first genius of the Dagan Empire, he has a proud capital.

For Yang Lang's arrogance, Ping Wang did not show any dissatisfaction, even if he himself did not dare to provoke Yang Lang to be angry.

After such a trouble, the eyes of other people looking at the two are also full of disgust and resentment, making fun of everyone's life, this is simply two silly.

As the masters who control the rules of space, they know the most about the space channel. The space channel is the most vulnerable. Especially the long space channel, there is absolutely no accident. If someone is fighting here, It is very likely that the space channel will be destroyed. At that time, everyone must be distributed to the turbulent flow of space, and they will not want to go out for a lifetime.

Therefore, the practice of these two people is completely unhappy.

After such a trouble, everyone in the next moment was surprisingly quiet. No one dared to make it. There are Yang Lang and Shan Chong here, enough to suppress everything. They are all people who came out of the gold field. After countless kills, killing is never a difficult thing for them.

Jiang Chen looked at Yang Lang and couldn't help but secretly nod. The man was domineering and acted decisively. The face of Ping Wang and the prince were not given. Ping Wangfu and the uterus said that they would fight, which made Jiang Chen to Yang. Lang’s attitude is still very good.

Two hours passed quickly. In front of the space passage, there was a sudden bright light, and the light became stronger and stronger. The impact from the turbulent flow of space was getting bigger and bigger, and everyone’s look changed. When they are dignified, they all know that the gold kills the field and it is coming soon.

"Everyone notices that there will be a strong space storm, and everyone will pay attention to keeping their body steady. Don't be too far away from the storm when going out."

Yang Lang said, kindly remind everyone.

At this time, the single charge that has been closed with eyes has also opened his eyes, and said: "Give you a voice, the gold killing field as an ancient battlefield, the gathering place of the golden age of the ancient times is also in it, the gold killing area is The space is full of millions of miles, including countless regions, various crises, and because of the long history of the ancient battlefield, some horrible creatures have been born inside. You must be extra careful when you first come here. ”

"You still have to remember that in the gold killing field, the real danger is not only those horrible creatures, but also some sinister places, but also pay attention to the human beings who come together, because of the identity of the kit, in the eyes of others, We are prey. Of course, we can also treat other people as prey. You must be prepared. In the golden field, the only thing you can believe is yourself. No one can believe it, even if it is oneself. It is also possible to slash the knife afterwards. Of course, there are still many creations in the golden sect. There are many peerless masters in the ancient times, leaving a lot of inheritance and forbidden land. If you have a big air traffic, you will get Inheritance, that is the creation."

Yang Lang also said that his performance with Shan Chong was immediately praised by everyone. After all, they all came to the Golden Killing Field for the first time. They didn’t know anything about the situation. If Yang Lang and Shan Chong did not say anything, They still need to explore for themselves.

"A space is a few million kilometers. Mom, this gold killing field is too big, and tens of thousands of people are among them. It is nothing."

Some people are embarrassed, millions of kilometers, that is the scope of a large area, countless mountain hills, countless forbidden places, is simply a small world, people originally thought that tens of thousands of people to the golden killing field will definitely be various Encounter, now it seems that if tens of thousands of people are scattered in different places in the gold killing field, it is really difficult to find it.

“Thank you, Mr. Yang and the single brother for reminding me.”

Someone said sorry to the two people and expressed gratitude.


At the end of the passage, the roar of the distance suddenly sounded. Everyone began to hold their breath. They knew that the golden killing field was really there, and the passage had come to an end.

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