Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1546: Fierce jungle

The passage immediately came to an end. Everyone held their breath. Some people have already presented a fairy defensive cover outside the body surface. Yang Lang has already reminded them before. The space power of today’s gold killing field is very large. If you are prepared, you will not necessarily be transferred far.


Suddenly, a powerful air wave blew directly from the end of the space. The indestructible space channel instantly screamed and there were countless cracks. This is a very terrible scene, which makes people feel scared and timid. Send it out, otherwise, such a space channel, who dares to stay.


The powerful space airflow began to collide, and the talented people were sent out one by one. In the face of the transmission of space energy, they dared not resist, only able to bear silently, using the body's defense to minimize the damage of space energy to themselves. .

Jiang Chen grabbed the big yellow dog and grabbed the dancing bamboo. Yang Bufan also seized Jiang Chen. They knew very well what was going to happen next. This kind of space transmission is irregular. If they don’t support each other, they don’t know. What kind of ghost place to send, millions of kilometers of gold killing domain, it is too big, the space channel is likely to send you to a different place.

The people of the Wangfu are also consciously supporting each other, hoping to be together when they enter the Golden Killing Field. After all, they don’t know anything about the Golden Killing Field. All the cognitions are heard from Yang Lang and Shan Guankou. Suddenly, in such a dangerous place, it is still safe to rely on together.

Listening to Yang Lang, the guy who had a bad luck in the past, just sent out from the space channel, fell directly into the mouth of a demon monster, was eaten on the spot, even the bones are not left, the idea is too back .

The glare of the light flashed, everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, and countless space energy was cut on them like a knife. The pain of biting bones, under the influence of such energy, everyone seems to enter a black hole, Fall into the abyss.


The violent burst of the void, the figure of a wolverine suddenly popped out of the void, Jiang Chen forced them to stabilize and slowly landed from above, but those who are inferior have no such ability, the whole person From the void, the ground is pulled out of a deep pit, and then the wolverine climbs out of the deep pit.

"Look, there is nothing wrong with everyone."

Yang Bufan did not have time to observe the surrounding environment and looked at the people who had come out.

Now still in a piece, there are only eight people in the big yellow dog, Yang Bufan, Jiang Chen, Wu Ningzhu, Dahuang Dog, Dong Fei, and the other three are the half-step emperor’s cultivation, all of whom are Wangfu’s people. The rest of the people are basically transmitted.

The power of space transmission is too strong. If it is not the last time they support each other, it is almost impossible to be transmitted to the same place. The camp of two hundred people of the genius house appears in this place, and they are eight. Of course, of course, other people will go hand in hand.

"Where the king, we are all fine."

Dong Fei patted the dust on his body and said that the eight people began to gather together.

"Here is the gold killing field? We don't know where it was sent."

Yang Bufan looked around and they were in a rugged mountain range. The environment here did not seem to make much difference with the outside world. It was just a lot of sinister, but if you feel it carefully, you can feel it here. Unusual.

This is an ancient battlefield. I don’t know how many people are dead. It’s gloomy, with a **** scent. The **** gas, even after countless years, can’t be completely erased. I can often hear some very killing voices here. It seems that the war situation in ancient times has remained the same now. This is just an illusion, but many people can feel it often.

"Do you hear the sound of killing? It feels very tragic."

One person asked, he called Liang Qiao, who was recently joined the Van Gogh House, a very powerful genius in the foreign government, and a half-step master of the Emperor level.

"Don't listen to these sounds deliberately. The environment here is very powerful. It has already produced power. It affects people's minds invisibly. Once it is deeply affected, it will fall into that ancient battle. The whole person is Become crazy."

Jiang Chen’s tone is incomparably solemn. This is a reminder of goodwill. For this golden killing field, Jiang Chen also began to pay attention to it. It looks very ordinary here, but it is absolutely the same as the legend. It is full of gods everywhere, except here. Beyond the ancient battlefield, many creatures have been born since countless years, or it is said to be evil spirits. The creatures born here are more than a hundred times more savage than the demons, and they have many special functions that make them hard to guard against. Therefore, even if there is no battle between geniuses, there is a crisis everywhere. If you want to survive here, you must be cautious. Otherwise, you may become your place of burial anytime, anywhere.

"The little dust is right. The environment here has a magical power that can affect the minds of some people. From now on, in this golden murder, Jiang Chen’s words are the words of the king. You must be unconditional. Obey, if you don't want to listen, you can leave on your own. If you have your own ideas, you have the right to find your own opportunities. There is no need to follow us."

Yang Bufan looked at the crowd and said that all those who came in to kill the gold have their own right to pursue the opportunity. This kind of privilege will not deprive anyone, but as long as they are by their side, they must unconditionally listen to themselves and Jiang Chen. Because he is a king, these are his own subordinates, as in the abyss of sin, the Lord of sin is everything, the real king there.

"We are willing to follow Jiang Chen's instructions."

Dong Fei immediately said that other people also took the plunge. They knew the position of Jiang Chen in the hearts of Fan Wang, and the strength of Jiang Chen was clearer. In addition to the horror of war, he was still a powerful alchemy teacher. The gold killing field, can be with an alchemy teacher, it is a dream of things, in case of danger, suffered a fatal injury, alchemy can save their lives.

As for finding your own chances, it’s not yet time. Just entering the gold killing field, it’s still unclear about everything here. It’s still good to be accompanied. At least you can familiarize yourself with the environment here. The master of the early emperor, the power is obvious to all, even the Prince can not help him, with Yang Bufan, safety is guaranteed.

"Little dust, look at where we are going next?"

Yang Bufan looked at Jiang Chen.

Everyone observed the terrain here. There were high and low undulating mountains everywhere. Some places were ridiculously horrible, but far away, there was a glimpse of a large jungle, which is the only thing that can be seen in this area.

Jiang Chen did not make a decision. Instead, he looked at the big yellow dog. He did not forget that the rhubarb dog had the ability to hang the sky. It was a treasure hunt. Wherever there is a good baby, you can't keep the dog's nose.

The eyes of the rhubarb dog are also straightforwardly staring at the large jungle in front, and then said: "Go to the jungle, I smell the smell of the baby, the jungle is definitely good, but there must be Dangerous."

When I heard the baby's two words, Jiang Chen's eyes turned on instantly. Others didn't understand the big yellow dog, but he knew it too well. As long as the baby can be sensed by the rhubarb dog, it is definitely not a product.

"Where the king, it seems that our luck is not bad. It is good to come in and come in."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Rhubarbs, how do you decide that there must be a baby in the jungle? I see that the jungle is incomprehensible, and there is a suffocating suffocation. It is a land of great evil."

Yang Bufan looked at the jungle and said that with his eyesight, he could see the dangers in the jungle. According to the place, he was the least able to enter, because it was likely to be broken inside, and Yang was not feeling at all. There is a baby in it.

"Yeah, there must be danger in the jungle. We still don't want to go."

"In my opinion, we still go to other places to turn around first. Let's first understand the environment inside this golden killing domain. Anyway, we have to wait here for a month, and we are not in a hurry."

Someone spoke and agreed with Yang Bufan’s words. After all, this is a golden killing field. It is full of crises everywhere. It is a bit silly to know that there is a crisis.

"Hey! You can't go, let's go by ourselves."

The rhubarb dog snorted and looked very angry at someone who doubted his ability.

"Where the king, listening to the rhubarb, there will be no mistakes."

Jiang Chen looks at Yang Bufan. If Yang Bufan does not go, he and the rhubarb go to dance with himself. He is not afraid of danger. The gold killing field is full of danger everywhere. He wants to get great without experiencing a little danger. The benefits, it is idiotic dreaming, completely unrealistic.

Now everyone has to think for themselves. Jiang Chen is also natural, and he is good at acting alone. It is inconvenient to bring so many people together. More importantly, the ability of the rhubarb dog to hunt for treasure is absolutely not wrong. If Yang Bufan does not go, Jiang Chen will go alone. As for the danger inside, Jiang Chen has never been afraid.

"Well, then go together, you don't want to go, you can go somewhere else."

Yang Bufan no longer hesitated, immediately said that he may not understand the ability of the big yellow dog, but he is absolutely trusting Jiang Chen, and with his extraordinary pride and character, he will never be scared away by danger. Entering this piece of gold to kill the domain, it is already ready to accept various challenges.

"I am with Jiang brother."

Dong Fei stood next to Jiang Chen. He was absolutely admired by Jiang Chen. In his heart, the existence of Jiang Chen was a miracle. Even the forbidden land of the genius house came out alive, followed by Jiang Chen, certainly not. Wrong.

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