Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1547: Evil spirit

"In this case, let's go."

Said, Jiang Chen turned to the jungle and flew directly. The big yellow dog and the dancing bamboo followed him. No matter where they went, the three of them were all in one, and they would not be separated unless they had to. Uncommon and Dong Fei did not hesitate any more, followed closely, leaving Liangqiao three, looking at the gloomy jungle, brows, and still seem to struggle.

Yang Bufan does not care about them. Although they are under the jurisdiction of Yang Bufan, Yang Bufan said before. In this golden field, anyone is free. Anyone has the opportunity to pursue their own opportunities. Follow yourself, Yang Bufan will never be reluctant.

"What do we do?"

Liangqiao looked at the other two.

"What else can you do, of course, is to follow, there are more places where gold is dangerous. If you come in, don't be afraid. Do you still want to stay here safely for a month and get some like rubbish? Baby and good? Go dreaming."

"That is, I believe Jiang Chen, he is not a reckless person, and he is safe with himself, and then we are now the people of the royal family. It is the king of the king, and the king has gone. We are still hesitating."

The two made a decision in a few words and then flew out.

Looking at the backs of these people, Liang Qiao's eyes showed a strange look, and then his mouth showed a hint of intriguing smile, and followed.

From their position to the jungle, there is a range of a hundred miles, and the distance of this hundred miles, for a powerful half-step master, is not even a distance, can be reached in the blink of an eye, several At the time of breathing, all eight people reached the edge of the jungle.

I have to say that this jungle is really luxuriant, with bushes everywhere, towering towering trees, and an infinite number of rings.

"This is an old tree. It has existed for at least a few thousand years, and it is immediately possible to give birth to a wise mind. Once a miracle is born, it is a powerful tree demon."

The big yellow dog said.

"The ancient battlefield of the Golden Killing Field really exists for a long time, and various kinds of creatures have been born. Don't be surprised to see any strange things here. The big trees can also be refined. I see this jungle. It's not easy, we must be careful."

Yang Bufan reminded.

"Rhubarbow, do you feel the position of the baby?"

Jiang Chen looks at the big yellow dog. When I get here, everything depends on the big yellow dog. I need to rely on the perception of the big yellow dog to feel the direction, and then I can gradually approach the baby.

“Nature can feel it, let’s enter the jungle first.”

The rhubarb dog said, striding toward the jungle.


Just entering the jungle, I heard some sounds. Between the lush foliage and the sky, there are always beasts flying over, you can see the wings with wings, the eyes are extremely venomous, the creatures born here are basically evil. Spirit, natural bloodthirsty, is very scary.

"Everyone is careful. These wings are very poisonous. If they are attacked, it is not a joke. This jungle is at least a few thousand kilometers. It does not know how many evil spirits have been born, and must be careful everywhere."

Jiang Chen reminded.

"I suggest that everyone depends on some of them. If you encounter unexpected situations, you can take some care."

Liangqiao said.

The speed of the people is not fast. After all, the environment here is not really familiar. It must be cautious when walking. It must be said that this jungle is too big, and the complex interweaving of various plants survives together, leaving behind There are very few roads to go, but everyone is also a master of high hands. Under the sweep of God, there will be no lost situation.


Those black squeaks are incomparably ugly. If you listen too much, it is easy to affect people's minds and make people feel irritated.

“Do these flying dragonflies always follow us?”

Dong Fei asked curiously.

"Take us as prey. This group of flying dragons is observing our strength. Otherwise, we have already started to work for us."

Yang Bufan said with a smile, these evil spirits have long been born intelligent, and very intelligent, they eat human blood, naturally treat Jiang Chen as a prey, in this golden killing field, this is normal.


Suddenly, a flying dragonfly flickered its wings and swooped down, attacking the camp of Jiang Chen.


Liangqiao waved a light, and the light was like a sword. He directly put the dragonfly into the hole, and the body fell from the air.

"I can't be beaten. I just want to treat us as a prey. I really want to die."

Liangqiao snorted and easily killed a black cockroach, so that he did not put these cockroaches in his eyes.

"Why are you killing it?"

Jiang Chen took a look at Liangqiao.

"What happened to Jiang Shixiong?"

Dong Fei asked inexplicably, killing a evil spirit, it is no big deal in his view.

"The fly was just a tentative attack. If you don't kill it, it doesn't dare to attack us. Such evil spirits are group life. You kill a fly, which will arouse these evil spirits. The anger has brought us endless troubles."

Jiang Chen said that he entered the jungle for the sake of the inside. For these evil spirits, Jiang Chen had no interest at all, and he did not want to encounter these flying dragons. It was too much trouble.

Oh la la...


Sure enough, just as the sound of Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, the wings of the jungle flickered and sounded like water. Then, the overwhelming flying scorpion appeared, covering the sky and covering the sky, and covering the whole sky, densely intertwined. The trouble of seeing the scalp of the person, coupled with the screams of the ugly, makes people upset.

"Mom, how is the number of these hoppers so much?"

Dong Fei couldn't help but snorted.

"At least a few thousand, there are more flying cockroaches flying over here, it's horrible."

One person said that such a scene is too horrible, even with their cultivation, can not help but be scared.

"Everybody notices that these flying scorpions should not be underestimated. Although their strength is not strong, but the quantity is too much, their real harm is that the toxicity is too violent, and even the scent of the scent can be eroded. If it is careless, Even the Emperor must tell."

Yang Bufan's face is dignified, Rao is the master of his sin, and has seen countless demons, but this scene is also the first encounter, such as the evil spirits of the group, it is not easy to deal with.

When I first arrived in the Golden Killing Field, I was in such a danger that everyone’s nerves were tense. It seems that the trip to the gold field is not good. The next month, I don’t know what kind of crisis I will encounter, but in the future. Things will be said later, the most urgent task is the flying cornes in front of us.


Countless flying scorpions in a dive gesture, screaming at the crowd, attacking the crowd, fainting, ghosts crying, they are not afraid of these locusts, but the number of locusts is too much, if you continue to attack like this, there will always be avatars At the time, if it is contaminated with the venom of the cornice, the consequences are unimaginable.


Yang Bufan screamed. He waved a mask and destroyed a large number of flying scorpions. Others also made decisive shots. The scorpion came from all directions. It seems that they are really angry. They must eliminate these human beings. .


So many masters joined forces to launch attacks at the same time, and suddenly a large block of flying cockroaches fell, and the bodies piled up into hills.


But this is far from over. More and more flying locusts have appeared, hovering over the sky. They are like moths, but they are not afraid. Sharp fangs are like rocket venoms. The trees are contaminated with these venoms, and they die in an instant. A large bush has been eroded away. There are flying cockroaches everywhere. This is a disaster. The scene is like the end of the world.

In the face of such a scene, the powerful cultivation must not be able to stand up. The impact on my heart is too great. Countless venoms are flying everywhere. The sound of screaming and screaming makes people feel crazy. .

"Little dust, these evil spirits are all demons, especially this poison, the most afraid of the flame, your flame, is the biggest nemesis of this evil spirit."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded and is not the time to stay.

"The fire of the real dragon."

Jiang Chen suddenly shouted and waved a large piece of fire, directly intertwined into a large flame defensive hood, and the flame of Jiang Chen not only played a defense function, but also directly attacked, it was a flame network, in Under the control of Jiang Chen, it became a weapon of invincibility, and attacked the past toward those flying dragons.


The cockroaches that had not been afraid of death began to make a scream of screams, and large swaths of cockroaches were directly burnt, and the **** that was burned was not left. The flame of Jiang Chen was too strong, the fire of the dragon Adding to the real fire of the Thunder, it is completely invincible existence, it is the exclusive nemesis of this evil spirit, and the death of Ke.


After a fire attack, Jiang Chen did not stop and continued the second flame attack. One huge fireball was attacked by him in different directions and entered into the camp of the cornice. The number of flying dragonflies was too much. And it was too dense. After the flames rushed in, they burned the blazing fire directly.

The scene is like firewood encountering fire. At this time, these flying rafts are equivalent to dry firewood. When they encounter the fire, they immediately come. One pass ten, ten pass hundred, a few breaths before and after, the whole sky is changed. It became a flame, and the scene called a spectacular.


Thousands of flying cockroaches have died, and the remaining cockroaches that are still preparing to come to join the corps have finally revealed the color of fear. The flames of Jiang Chen are their greatest natural enemies, and the only ones that can make the scorpion group fear. s things.

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