Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1548: Jungle drug lord

The scene is too spectacular. Mo said that they are Dong Fei. Even Yang Feifan is directly shocked. This kind of scene is simply shocking. Jiang Chen’s flame is too strong, not only burning those flying dragons. Even the venom that came out of the cornices was burned cleanly, and even a little residue was left. This way of countering the sky, if you don’t see it, you can’t believe it.

In this case, everyone is relieved. Everyone looks at Jiang Chen’s eyes and they are very respectful. Their moods are also relaxed. They are not afraid of these horrible flying dragons. As long as there is Jiang Chen, even if there are more flying, it is not a problem, it is not enough for Jiang Chen to kill.


After a few minutes, all the flying cockroaches disappeared, all disappeared without a trace, Jiang Chen took up the fire, the sky also appeared clear, but this area has been completely destroyed, large bushes It was destroyed, and the void was filled with the smell of decaying burnt smell, which was very unpleasant.

However, the crisis was finally lifted. This time, the fire of Jiang Chen did not know how many dragonflies were killed. Even if there are more flying dragonflies, I am afraid I will not appear again.

"Great, Jiang brother is too horrible, and one person has killed all the flying cockroaches, and the scared scorpion group dare not appear to find us again."

Dong Fei’s eyes blossomed out of the finest, and the admiration of Jiang Chen was deeper.

"Yes, Jiang Chen is really good at this. I am taking it."

A half-step genius of the Emperor level said that he is Wang Ye, also a famous presence in the foreign government. He has been retreating before. He has only recently heard about the legend of Jiang Chen. Today is the first time I saw Jiang Chen. When I came to cooperate with him, I was still not convinced by this kind of anti-day Jiang Chen. However, through the previous events, he completely saw the strength of Jiang Chen, and he was glad that he had such a enchanting existence.

Imagine what kind of scene would be if there was no Jiang Chen in the scene. Even if they could succeed in getting out of danger, they would have to peel off the skin without knowing how to fly. No one knows how many flying dragonflies are there. The overwhelming entanglement, even the space can be blocked, once caught in a heavy encirclement, it is difficult to escape.

"Jiang Chen Brothers is really a good means. Today is finally a knowledge. If it is not for you, we really don't know how to get out of danger."

Another half-step genius of the Emperor also said, and Jiang Chen is also sincerely admired.

Liang Qiao did not speak. He looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes and always had some strange taste.

"Everyone is their own, you are welcome, we continue to hurry, there are many kinds of evil spirits in the gold killing field, we only encounter some flying cockroaches, I am afraid there is more horrible existence inside."

Jiang Chen said that he did not pay attention to the things he had just done. Killing these flying cockroaches really made him unable to find a sense of accomplishment, because this is itself a matter of hand.

"Continue to hurry."

Yang Bufan waved his hand, and his mouth was smiling. He and Jiang Chen had a long time to get together. For Jiang Chen’s growth, even Yang Feifan had to praise and had to give a thumbs up to Jiang Chen. When the sin abyss saw Jiang Chen for the first time, Jiang Chen was only a god, not even Jin Xian. It took so long that it had reached such a terrible level that it was enough to kill the emperor. If you don't experience it yourself, Yang Bufan can't believe that there are such people in the world. This is completely miraculous. For countless outstanding geniuses, Jiang Chen's existence seems to be to hit their faces. In front of Jiang Chen, who dares to call himself a genius.

Everyone continued to move forward. With the previous encounters, everyone was cautious. They were also wary of this golden killing. Although there are many opportunities in the Golden Killing Field, they are more dangerous and can be killed anytime and anywhere. Every step taken here needs to be cautious, and it is not a joke.

The ancient battlefield did not know how long it took to experience the birth of the evil spirits of the form, and they all had a common characteristic, that is, ferocity, bloodthirsty killing.

A lot of evil spirits have also been encountered along the way, but with the previous experience, as long as these evil spirits do not actively attack them, they will not take the initiative to provoke these evil spirits. The evil spirits here are not so good for every race. Dealing with.

Yang Bufan slightly released his own momentum, which can give some pressure and shock to those evil spirits. The evil spirits here have a very high intelligence. In the face of powerful opponents, they are also vigilant and oppressed by Yang’s imposing manner. Most of the evil spirits did not dare to take them against Jiang Chen. This made Jiang Chen less troublesome.

In fact, seeing these evil spirits, Jiang Chen is a little embarrassed. He has begun to regret to be with these people. If it is his own, he must kill in this jungle and kill him. Wherever he goes, he will kill. Where is there, there is no evil spirit that he dare not provoke. For others, evil spirits may be evil spirits, terrible existence, but in Jiang Chen’s eyes, all evil spirits here are his nourishment, He upgraded the necessities of the ancestral tower. Since the ancestral tower was upgraded to the 35th floor, it has been parked there because there is not a large supply of energy.

The Zulongta is a supreme artifact. It must be condensed out of the ninety-nine-story towers before it can exert its powerful power. The 35th floor is now too far away from the ninety-nine floors. That is a world of difference.

The improvement of each layer of the ancestral tower is the same as that of his cultivation. The more energy you need to get to the back, it is simply a bottomless hole. In order to condense the 35 layers, Jiang Chen made How hard it is, he is very clear that he wants to condense all the ninety-nine-story towers. In the difficult process, Jiang Chen thinks that the scalp is numb.

But now Yang Bufan, they follow themselves, Jiang Chen also converges. First, he does not want to cause too much trouble for them. Secondly, the ancestral tower is the biggest secret of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen does not want outsiders to know, after all, the ancestral tower phagocytizes and absorbs The flesh and blood scenes of the demon evil spirits are too shocking. If they are passed out, it is likely to bring unnecessary trouble to Jiang Chen.

Not long after, Jiang Chen came to a valley, and there was also a large bush in front, but this bush was very unusual, mainly because of the unusual plants, other bushes, growing different kinds of plants. The bushes in front of them all grow the same plant.

This is a kind of plant that cannot be named. It is not tall, but it is not too small. It is two feet tall and has lush foliage. The trunk also emits a lot of branches and leaves, but these branches are silver-gray. Clearly visible lines on the branches and leaves, from these lines, continue to emit some silver-gray air.

"What plant is this, why do I have a dangerous feeling?"

The wilderness Emei said that the expressions of other people are also extremely dignified. It is obvious that these plants are not simple. After all, they are all powerful masters, and their perception is extremely keen.

"This is an ancient plant called the silver cedar. This plant is terrible. It has disappeared and I didn't expect it to appear here."

The rhubarb dog said a little dignified.

When the words came out, everyone’s eyes fell on the rhubarb dog. This dog seems to be a lame dog on weekdays. I didn’t expect to know everything, even the plants knew it.

"What is the silver cedar? What is terrible?:"

Yang Wufan asked curiously.

"Sycamore is also a poison. The most terrifying thing is its branches and leaves. This plant grows in large pieces. Its branches and leaves can continuously emit a poisonous gas stream. This poisonous cockroach is very powerful and more toxic than those. The flying dragonfly is still violent, and it is merged with the suffocating gas. It is also known as the poisonous king. It is horrifying, and the poisonous gas emitted by the silver fir can corrode everything, including our fairy defensive cover, even if it is A powerful master of the emperor, once invaded by this poisonous scorpion, is also a life of nine deaths."

The rhubarb dog is really omniscient, and all the information about this silver cedar is clear to everyone.

It was said that everyone was sucking a sip of coldness and looking at the large stalks of silver fir in front of them. The scalp began to feel numb.

"It’s too horrible, let’s not go to the jungle of this silver fir.”

The wilderness couldn't help but say that this thing is too horrible. Even with their cultivation and courage, standing here is not afraid of fear.

"Don't worry, the poisonous gas of Silver Douglas will not float out. It will only appear in the place where the silver fir exists. The wind can't blow away. The benefits are in front. As long as we pass through the silver fir, we can I saw baby."

The big yellow dog said.

"We can choose to go around, or fly directly from above."

Yang Bufan said.

"It’s useless. Where the silver fir exists, it directly monopolizes the void, and it won’t fly. We must go straight through it to see the benefits.”

The rhubarb dog shakes his head.

"Go straight through? What kind of jokes, this area of ​​silver fir has at least a few hundred miles, I am afraid that we will be invaded by the poisonous scorpion and die after we have not passed."

Liang Qiaodao, I think that the rhubarb dog is completely nonsense, which is clearly a joke, knowing the horror of the poisonous scorpion of the silver cedar, what is the difference between going through and finding death.

"You don't want to go, no one wants you to come, I don't hate you."

The rhubarb dog glanced at Liangqiao, and the intuition made him not have a good impression on this beam bridge. In hateful people, the rhubarb dog is definitely a very straight person. I hate you because you hate you. If you hate it, you can say it directly. Get out of the way.

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