Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1550: Ripe blood dragon fruit


Jiang Chen took the dance and bamboo and followed the footsteps of the big yellow dog. Yang Bufan also quickly followed up. The most important thing at this time is to unite. In the face of the unknown danger, unity is very important. Chinese network%ㄟ1

In front of the valley, the rhubarb dog that had been rushing forward suddenly stopped his body. A pair of eyes stared at the front. Jiang Chen chased them from behind and said, "Rhuh, what happened?"

"You see what it is?"

The rhubarb dog said, everyone looked forward along the eyes of the rhubarb dog, and saw the edge of the valley, the two bodies of the majestic big demon were there, staring at the rhubarb dogs with incomparably fierce eyes, in two In the eyes of a big demon, these people are not guests.

These two big demon, the body is more than a foot tall, the body is covered with blood-colored scales, two thick legs stand, with a long tail behind, the tail is still covered with blood-colored scales, scattered The **** gloom gives a feeling of incomparable indestructibility.

What is really shocking is that the upper body of this big demon has four arms, each arm is full of explosive power, blood red scales are incomparably embarrassing, big demon reveals sharp fangs, their cockroaches The teeth, the fierce gaze, all blood red, the whole body from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside are blood, their bodies are constantly bleeding, can imagine, just now they are far away from here A large part of the blood of the arrival is the appearance of these big demon.

"What monster is this?"

Dong Fei asked curiously.

"The cultivation of these two monster evil spirits is not tough, but it is not too weak. It is enough to have the cultivation and combat power of the immortal king."

Wang Ye said that with his eyesight, naturally he can see at a glance the cultivation and strength of the two big demon in front of him. It is precisely because they are seen, so they are shocked. The gold killing field seems to be more than they think. Horror, here I encounter two big demons, which is the mid-term cultivation of the immortal king. And through the contact with the former flying dragonfly and the silver cedar, they know that most of the evil spirits here are group, plus before The blood that filled the sky above the valley was certainly not as simple as the release of the two big devils.

That is to say, in front of this **** big demon, in this valley, it is certainly not just these two, maybe there are more, and it is more horrible than the two, this situation makes them I have to worry, although I still don't know what is going on here, but the intuition tells them that even if there are precious treasures here, if they want to get it, it will not be so smooth and will not be easy.

"This is a kind of blood demon. They have a strong blood, but because of the different growing environments, they are born in this ancient battlefield. The essence is evil spirits. Their thoughts and souls are all demonized, and their nature is fierce. Bloody, and they are tyrannical, more powerful than the average monster, very difficult to deal with."

The rhubarb dog said that he knew everything, and he saw all the origins of the blood demon at a glance.

"But I think the blood in them is very pure, it should not be evil spirits."

Yang Bufan asked some questions.

"This is the purpose of our trip. The blood demon itself is a horrible evil spirit. The soul has been completely demonized. You must remember that all the creatures born in the golden killings are evil spirits. They all know only the machines of killing. This is a kind of natural cruelty. No one can change, and the reason why they have such a strong blood is because they absorb a fruit called blood dragon fruit all the year round."

The big yellow dog said.

"Bloody Dragon?"

Everyone saw it, and it seems that this fruit was the first time I heard it. Even Jiang Chen, the alchemy teacher, heard it for the first time.

"The blood dragon fruit is an extremely rare fruit. It is a rare treasure. It is rare and precious. It is not only precious in growing environment, but also the fruit is too difficult to mature. It takes a long time. It seems that we are very lucky. Yes, there is a dragon fruit tree here. According to the records, a dragon fruit tree has only produced nine fruits in three hundred years. This kind of blood demon is associated with the blood dragon fruit tree. In other words, it is because There is a blood dragon fruit tree growing here, so this blood demon evil spirit is born. This blood demon absorbs the blood gas from the blood dragon fruit all the year round, absorbs the essence of the blood dragon fruit tree, so it is extremely powerful, I see Here the blood is strong, and more and more vigorous, it is like the blood of the moment, when we are only now, it is rich, which shows that the blood dragon fruit is mature, it is not far away."

The rhubarb dog said that when he said something, everyone looked at his eyes and changed his mind. Yang Bufan even gave a thumbs up directly to the big yellow dog. This dog is really a god, and it is omniscient. From the silver cedar to the blood demon, to the blood dragon fruit, it is too clear to understand, just like the record.

At this time, everyone no longer doubts the big yellow dog, one by one admire the five-body cast on the big yellow dog, it is a kind of worship with appreciation, then look at Jiang Chen, this combination is too powerful.

"These blood demons can only achieve such a terrible degree by absorbing the blood gas and the essence of the blood dragon fruit tree. It can be seen that this dragon fruit is a real rare treasure. Our luck is really good, just coming in. Gold killings have encountered such huge benefits."

Liangqiao said with a smile.

"Don't be so happy, if you encounter a powerful blood demon king, it will be good to live."

The rhubarb dog glanced at Liangqiao and was hated by the rhubarb dog. It is best not to speak easily in front of the rhubarb dog.

"It seems that we must be careful."

Yang Bufan said.


Just as Yang Bufan’s voice just fell, suddenly a **** beam of light rushed from the depths of the valley. Under the count, those **** lights were exactly nine, incomparably dazzling and miraculous, even if they were far apart, they were able to Feel the strong blood from the blood, it is the breath of the sun.

"what is that?"

Wang Ye exclaimed.

"It seems that we are in a hurry. The dragon fruit is ripe. The dragon fruit takes half an hour from the bursting of strong blood to the full maturity, so we only have half an hour, half a time. In the hour, we have to grab the dragon fruit from the hands of these blood demons. Otherwise, once the dragon fruit is really mature after half an hour, it will be eaten by those blood demons, and then the blood will be born. Demon King, let’s not say that we have the Dragon Fruit. It’s difficult to go out alive.”

The rhubarb dog shimmers in the light, and his understanding of the blood demon and the blood dragon fruit is incomparably clear, and the money is like a few treasures, which is admirable.

But now is not the time to admire the big yellow dog, but to grab the dragon fruit, but fortunately they still have half an hour, but imagine, next, it will be a fierce battle, blood demon guardian blood dragon fruit After a long time, it will not easily let go, some people will rob them of the fruits of their labor, and how the blood demon's counterattack will be violent is almost imaginable.


And at the moment when the nine blood-colored columns of light rushed to the sky, the two **** demons, which were already fierce, suddenly had a roaring sound. The suffocating and **** rushing out of the two blood demon bodies was like a tidal wave. The two blood demons are completely angry. In their view, these people are clear that they are coming for their blood dragon fruit, that is, the enemy.

The **** demon's howl is very loud. In addition to expressing his anger and killing, he is still signalling that other blood demons in the valley have come to a group of guests.

Subsequently, the two blood demons quickly rushed toward Jiang Chen, and the rhubarb dog smiled and made a fuss.

"let me do it."

Jiang Chen grabbed before the big yellow dog, and it is necessary to kill a lot today. The essence of these blood demons are evil spirits, all of which are demon. It is the best nourishment of the ancestral tower. Such a good thing, Jiang Chen is naturally Will not miss it.

For Yang Bufan, the dragon fruit is a baby, but for Jiang Chen, everything here is a baby, even the blood demon itself is a huge baby, this is a valley that can not be expected, regardless of here There is a tyrannical blood demon king. The two blood demons in front of me are the best nourishment. It is bound to be refining and absorbing.

And at this time, Jiang Chen does not need to hide his strength.


The horrible real dragon handprints bombarded, the huge blood-colored dragon claws, overwhelming, like a barrier to the big net, the two powerful blood demon directly enveloped in it.

Although the blood demon is horrible, it is only the middle of the immortal king. It is not at the same level as Jiang Chen. It is simply a breeze to kill them. It is easy to find a finger and you can Rolled into crushed.

The two blood demons screamed out, or screamed, letting them struggle fiercely, they couldn’t break away from Jiang’s big hands, the horrible pressure rushed out of the dragon claws, and the two majestic blood demons were immediately crushed. Crushed into crushing, tragic death on the spot.

The ancestral tower tore apart a gap, the two heads were killed by the blood and the essence of the blood, and the eyes were completely absorbed by the ancestral tower, but the strength of these two blood demons is not strong, so the condensed ancestors The role of the Dragon Tower is not great. The 36th floor wants to be completely condensed, and it requires a lot of energy.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimation, if the 36th floor of the Zulong Tower is completely condensed, Jiang Chen will be greatly improved. There is no problem in estimating 10,000 dragons in the body. The number of patterns reached 1.14 million. From the middle of the immortal king, there was only a difference of 10,000 dragons. Of course, it was based on the thirty-sixth layer of the Zulong Tower, not the present.

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