Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1551: Valley battle

They raised their hands and killed the blood demon in the middle of the two kings. The people were not surprised. After all, they were very clear about Jiang Chen’s ability. When he was in the foreign capital, Yang Ling, who was half-step of the Emperor’s level, was not an opponent of Jiang Chen. At that time, Jiang Chen was only a half-step fairy king, not a real fairy king. 1

But what is shocking is Jiang Chen’s means of absorbing two blood demons. This kind of means has never been seen before. The body of the two blood demons is so large that it is more than a foot high, even if it is killed, even if it is beaten.齑 powder, but the flesh and blood will not completely evaporate, the presence of the eyes are clear, can be seen, it is Jiang Chen using some means to directly absorb the flesh of the blood demon, this is terrible.

"The horrible means can absorb the essence and blood of the two blood demons. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe?"

"I don't know what kind of exercises Jiang Chen has cultivated. Blood demon is a evil spirit. If it is forcibly absorbed, it is not a good thing."

Wang Ye, they all secretly speculated that after all, the means of Jiang Chen’s performance is too scary. It is far beyond their imagination and understanding. The **** itself has essential differences, so for people, they want to refine and absorb. Anything of the Wicked Beast is not a simple matter. Whether it is the demon spirit or the essence, it is easy to cause reflexion. It is simply unimaginable to absorb refining and refining like Jiang Chen.

"Go, don't delay time. We only have half an hour. If we don't have an accident, we want to get the dragon fruit. We must kill all the blood demons here, because even if there is a blood demon living, it will defend the dragon fruit and We fight."

The rhubarb dog reminded me that it was first turned into a golden light and rushed toward the valley.


At the same time, the screams of the valley rang out, and from these moments, the horror and the number of horrors of the blood demon can be felt. In this valley, the survivors are a group of blood demon, I am afraid there are at least hundreds of blood demons. Under the circumstance of not knowing that the blood demon is repaired, for Yang Bufan, the hidden crisis is still very big.


Yang Bufan sighed softly, and the imperial power was completely released. He rushed toward the valley. Others did not neglect. They were mentally prepared before they entered the gold squad. It is too normal to fight anything. Things, if you want to spend a month in the golden killing field, it is simply impossible.

"Cing sister, you enter the ancestral tower."

Jiang Chen looked at Wu Ningzhu and said: "When I get the blood dragon fruit, I will find ways to improve your cultivation. Wait until your cultivation is in the late stage of the Xianwang, at least in the late stage of the Xianwang. Fight in the killing field, otherwise, it will be a life of nothing for any evil spirit."


Wu Ningzhu nodded, no hesitation, and directly entered the Zulong Tower. Jiang Chen’s words were very clear. For her own strength, Wu Ningzhu was also very clear. Although she was talented, she also had powerful means. But the repair is still too weak, these means in front of the powerful blood demon, it seems to be vulnerable.

Entering the Golden Killing Field, Wujingzhu will listen to Jiang Chen. For her, it is also the best choice to avoid the Zulong Tower. At least it will not become Jiang Du’s cumbersome. The fierce battle, not to become cumbersome is the greatest help to Jiang Chen and Fan Wang.

At the moment when Wujingzhu entered the ancestral tower, Jiang Chen released his own powerful qi and waves, and displayed the dragon to change his body. The Tiansheng sword floated into his hands, and the whole person turned into an arrow of the string, facing the valley. Go inside and rush.

In the depths of the valley, there is an oasis land, a god-like **** ancient tree grows in the center of this oasis, this tree is more than ten feet high, the trunk is thick, one can not hold, the old tree There are no lush foliage on the top, or no branches at all. There are only nine separate branches. Each branch has a **** fruit hanging from it. It has a fist size. The fruits are red like blood. It looks like a god. The nine blood-colored beams of light above the sky are from these fruits.

Blood dragon fruit, yes, this is the blood dragon fruit. Every dragon fruit has a fist size. The whole valley is full of blood and blood, and the blood is strong. Not to mention eating these dragon fruit, the average monk is only even Practice here, can also be trained as a peerless master, the blood here is too strong, is a piece of cultivation treasure, this can be seen from the blood demon in front.

At this moment, countless blood demons are blocked in front of the blood dragon fruit tree. Then, a figure of the body emerges. Every blood demon has a size, and it is covered with blood-colored scales. It looks very infiltrating, and hundreds of blood demons have already The entire valley was trapped, and Jiang Chen was just trapped in the encirclement.

The blood demons screamed out of madness, gnashing their teeth one by one, and witnessing the fierceness. In their eyes, these people are absolutely no guests, the absolute enemy, the dragon fruit will soon mature, this time anyone wants The idea of ​​playing the dragon fruit must be regarded as a life and death enemy by the blood demon. The way to treat the enemy is to kill them all and kill them cleanly.

"Mom, these blood demons are too powerful. The worst is the mid-imperial king, and there are more than a dozen semi-steps."

Dong Fei couldn't help but swallow a spit. For such a man who was only a late Xian Wang, such a camp was a bit horrible.

"Don't care, these guys are extremely sturdy, and because of the strong blood, strong fighting power, it is not the average monster, but a **** demon in the late Xianwang, you can directly kill an ordinary human half-step fairy. Emperor, so the comparison of these blood demon's cultivation and combat power is the same as the genius of your genius. You can play the leap-level battle on weekdays, but when you meet these blood demon, it is far from good, and I guess. There will be a larger blood demon king, and you will pay more attention to the king. If you have a blood demon king, only you can deal with it."

The rhubarb dog said that he knows the skills of these blood demon very well. Such a powerful evil spirit is too difficult to deal with. It is a life of nine deaths, and their cooperation with each other has reached a seamless, more than one hundred blood demons unite. The lethality that can be burst out is unimaginable.

"Mother's, such a camp is really scary, but these blood demons look at us with sorrow, so I don't shoot directly."

Wang Ye asked inexplicably. It can be seen that his expression is extremely tense. When he encounters such a camp, tension is normal, and he is not nervous.

"They are delaying the time, waiting for the dragon fruit to mature, so we must take the initiative."

Jiang Chen said that the long sword in his hand smashed against one of the blood demon.


The blood demon is the cultivation of the late Xian Wang. When Jiang Chen attacked himself, he just wanted to resist. He was defeated by Jiang Chen and became a two-and-a-half sword. The battle between the two sides was not on a level. Moreover, at this moment, Jiang Chen is still in a state of dragon change, killing a evil spirit in the late stage of the Xianwang, it is simply a hand to come.

For Yang Bufan, there is no advantage in ranking against the blood demon, but for Jiang Chen, this advantage is too great. Don’t look at the **** demon, but the essence is evil spirit, from soul to essence. They are all demonized, and they are all afraid of the flame of Jiang Chen. They must be restrained by Jiang Chen’s means. Under such restraint, it’s the blood demon in the late Xian Wang, even if it is half a step. The blood demon of the emperor is not enough to kill Jiang Chen.


Along with a blood demon killed by Jiang Chen, other blood demons are also angry, and the blood demon group bursts with violent storms and waves, one by one murderous, from the four sides of the direction, Jiang Chen, they rushed, blood demon Fierce, instinctual, killing is their favorite, and now some people want to steal their fruit, they will not be a bit polite.


The horrible blood demon, the claws shattered the void at once, and their degree reached the limit, forming a seamless encirclement, which would tear the people who appeared in front of them directly.


Yang Bufan shouted and slaped the blood demon rushing to his face. The horror of the early Emperor was not the blood demon that could be countered. A half-step powerful demon of the Emperor level was Yang Bufan slaps into a crush.


The rhubarb dog laughed and the golden light on the dog's head was full. He liked it so much in the brutal battle. Just in the blink of an eye, the big yellow dog rushed directly into the blood demon camp. His body didn't look like those blood monsters. But the big yellow dog is like a cow scorpion, rampaging, those blood demon who can't do it, can't stand the impact of the big yellow dog's head, and it was hit on the spot.

Wang Ye also decisively shot, and their own combat power is perfect. They are all geniuses of genius, the peak figures of the younger generation, each with extremely powerful means, even in front of such a camp. They can't let them have a little bit of retreat and fear. They are all full of war and fight with the blood demon.


Jiang Chen naturally can't miss this great opportunity. The entire battlefield is the crack of the ancestral tower. All the killed blood demon will be absorbed by the ancestral tower for the first time. The blood demon is too strong here. It’s better than the average monster, but it’s exactly what the Zulong Tower needs. According to Jiang Chen’s estimation, if you kill the hundreds of blood demons, all of them will be absorbed. The seventeenth floor can be completely condensed.

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