Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1552: War blood demon king

The battle is extremely fierce. There is hardly any kind of politeness on these blood demons. It is the battle of life and death. It is the most ferocious means to come up. Jiang Chen’s invisible **** demon in the invisible, this situation is naturally Others look in the eyes, Yang Bufan does not take it for granted. He has already seen Jiang Chen as a means of countering the sky when he was in the abyss of sin.

Although Wang Ye was very surprised, but at this moment, there was no surprise time, because the number of blood demons thrown up was too much. It is already very good to be able to keep himself. Where is the energy to pay attention to Jiang Chen? What's more, when Jiang Chen absorbed the two blood demons outside the valley, they all saw it clearly, so although surprised, it has not been shocked to a certain extent.


The blood is soaring, the whole valley is completely shaken, and there are killings everywhere. The blood demon is not afraid of death. The number of blood demons is huge, but the combat power is limited, especially for Jiang Chen and Yang Bufan. The blood demon that rushed up is completely a dish-feeding, and it is not enough for a blow, not enough for Yang to blow to death.


Yang is not calm, and he is slap in the face of the blood demon that has been thrown at himself. Every slap is killed, and there is no room for rebellion. This is a kind of crushing strength. Not a level, not at the same level.


Jiang Chen is still tyrannical to the extreme. He casts the dragon to change his body, and the Tiansheng sword in his hand is completely transformed into a sword of death. Every time he attacks, he must split a blood demon into two halves.


The ancestral tower has a steady supply of energy, and the speed of cohesion is extremely fast. A large number of blood demon spirits and blood are transformed into the most pure energy, which helps the promotion of the 36th floor of the ancestral tower. Jiang Chen itself also The ancestral tower got a certain advantage, and a new dragon pattern began to condense. It was only a short time ago that Jiang Chen’s body condensed a thousand dragon patterns.

For Jiang Chen, every additional dragon pattern in the gas sea represents his ability to improve. This is the advantage of Jiang Chen and the most abnormal place of Jiang Chen.


The battle is extremely fierce. Dong Fei is the worst in this area. However, under the care of others, Dong Fei’s opponents are generally Xian Wang. The blood demon in the middle of Xian Wang is not the opponent of Dong Fei, even if it is several The blood demon in the late Xian Wang also attacked Dong Fei at the same time. With Dong Fei’s ability, he also has the ability to protect himself.

As for those half-steps of the Emperor-level blood demon, there are Yang Bu Fan who are there, basically no problem.

"Haha, the blood demon has been killed by us by a third. If we follow this situation, it will take less than half an hour to kill these blood demons."

The wilderness laughed, and the killing of this situation in front of him also made him relax. He couldn’t help but laugh. As a genius of the genius, he was incomparably arrogant, no matter when, this A kind of arrogance can be expressed.

"Don't be happy too early."

The rhubarb dog kindly reminded me.


The blood demon is completely afraid of death, and the next group will have the following blood demon to kill. In order to protect the dragon fruit, the blood demons are really fighting. After all, they have been guarding for so long, waiting for The ripening of dragon fruit is their long-term goal and their belief.

Now the dragon fruit is about to mature, but some people want to grab the fruits of their labor, which makes the blood monsters not angry.


The horrible killing waves overlapped one layer at a time, and the entire valley was about to be smashed. However, this horrible attack did not hurt the dragon fruit tree at all. It is obvious that this ancient tree is also incomparable. Of course, this is a big part of the reason. It was the time when both sides fought and deliberately controlled.

Jiang Chen naturally does not want to destroy the dragon fruit, especially at this critical moment when the dragon fruit is about to mature. Otherwise, it is not busy, and finally the bamboo basket is filled with water, and the blood monsters will be the dragon fruit. When they become a darling, even if they want their lives, they will not destroy the dragon fruit, so even if the battle is so fierce, the dragon fruit is still intact.

Soon, hundreds of blood demons have been killed by Jiang Chen. Because of Jiang Chen’s display of the ancestral tower, there is no **** anger on the entire battlefield, and there is no broken limbs. At the time, the thirty-sixth floor of the Zulong Tower has already condensed more than half of it. The dragon pattern in the river dust has also condensed more than 5,000.

However, this is not over yet, the battle is continuing, and the absorption of the Zulong Tower is just beginning.


Just as the battle on this side had already caused everyone to relax, the two earth-shattering screams suddenly sounded from the depths of the valley. The two screams were like thunder, the whole valley of the earthquake was shaking, and then it was two heavens. Bloody light.

The blood is completely condensed by the huge blood, like a dragon, constantly swaying in the sky, full of arrogance.

"There is still a strong blood demon hidden here."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, his face does not have big vibrations and changes. The appearance of the blood demon king has given him a powerful war. With his current combat power, these blood demons are completely incapable. His desire to fight is gone.


Then, the earth shook, all the blood demon stopped the movements in their hands, turned and looked at the depths of the valley, and then roared one by one, seemingly arrogant, it seems to be a strong welcoming ceremony, welcoming them The real king.

The movement is getting bigger and bigger, and the two real blood demon kings appear. The two blood demon kings are ten feet in size, and they are so strong that they are like a hill. The tail of the blood demon king is dragged on the ground, and a large spark is wiped out. Where the tail passes, the earth directly leaves a deep crack.

"Mom, these two blood demon kings are so powerful, I feel strong pressure."

Liangqiao snorted, and the faces of other people changed. The worst Dong Fei face changed was the most ugly, because the two blood demon kings were too strong, and the momentum released made him frightened.

"Everyone should pay attention to it. A blood demon king has just entered the early stage of the Emperor, but he has to deal with some. The other one is horrible. Half of the feet have already entered the middle of the Emperor. This evil spirit is born with the essence of the world. It is very scary. It is much stronger than the average beast. In front of them, your genius advantage is gone."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

Looking at the two blood demon kings, even Yang's face has become dignified. The blood demon king who just stepped into the early emperor is better, with his ability to deal with it, but the powerful blood demon king Even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to deal with it.

"What should I do now? We only have Fan Wang in the early days of the Emperor, two blood demon kings, how to deal with it?"

Wang Ye is worried that according to this situation, the crisis they are now facing is already a big crisis in the gold squad. For the average person, it is almost a crisis that must be dead, but there is a dragon fruit here. Exist, I really don't know if they are lucky or bad luck. I just encountered such a difficult situation when I arrived at the Golden Killing Field.

"Where the king, you deal with the powerful blood demon king, and the rest of the one is handed over to me."

Jiang Chen said.

"You have no problem?"

Yang is not worried about Jiang Chen, although Jiang Chen is tyrannical, now he has the ability to kill Fu Kui. Although Fu Kui is also the cultivation of the early Emperor, but compared with the blood demon king in front of him, it is not at all Above a level, it is blunt to say that if you let Fukui fight against the blood demon king, it is almost certain to die.

"Do not worry, I am sure."

Jiang Chen nodded. In fact, if the blood demon king is really a strange animal just to the sun, Jiang Chen is really not his opponent. You must know that such a blood demon king is basically equivalent to human beings. The master of the immortal mid-term, the other is even more terrifying.

The reason why Jiang Chen is confident is because the essence of the blood demon king is incomparable with that of the alien beast. The blood demon king is evil spirit, the demon, the demon, and Jiang Chen has the means to restrain the exertion of their combat power. The flame is not a big deal. To deal with this evil spirit, what really plays a key role is the light of tempering.

This is the real card of Jiang Chen. As long as it relies on the restraint of the light of the degree, Jiang Chen is sure to turn this blood demon king away. Only by grading it, it is equivalent to adding a tyrannical helper. It’s not a problem at the time to join hands to deal with the other.

Now what they have to do is Yang Bufan to entangle the most powerful blood demon king. Jiang Chen wants to deal with another one. Others deal with the remaining blood demon. The breakthrough is still on Jiang Chen’s side. Jiang Chen must succeed first. It is only possible today to win completely.

"Come on."

Yang Bufan's body moves, and the imperial power is completely released. It is a wild and boundless wave that can only be described as powerful.

The powerful blood demon king felt Yang’s warfare and provocation, and immediately slammed and jumped forward, directly killing Yang Bufan. Yang Bufan also flew up, and the blood demon king opened up a new one in the sky. Battlefield, fierce battle.


The horrible attack collided together. Yang Bufan was directly bombed by a dozen feet to stabilize his body. His face was a bit ugly, and the first time the blood demon king collided, it was a downwind.


The blood demon king roared again and again, his hands and chest, like a wild and wild beast, once again went to Yang Bufan to attack and kill.

"Well, the blood demon king is too strong, and the king does not seem to be his opponent. There is also a blood demon king, even if we can't cope with it."

Liangqiao's face is pale. This situation has already given him the meaning of fear. After all, the biggest reliance of this group is Yang Bufan. Now Yang Yang is not an opponent, and the consequences are unimaginable.

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