Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1554: Degree and then show [plus]

The rhubarb dog is completely mad, rushing back and forth in the blood demon camp, killing the blood into a river, the blood demon screaming again and again, the number is also drastically reduced, and the madness of the rhubarb dog undoubtedly gives Dong Fei and Wang Ye They have alleviated the enormous burden, and they have a lot less pressure to kill them.

"Good, rhubarb."

Wang Ye sighed with great enthusiasm for the big yellow dog. He secretly regretted that he did not put the dog in his eyes at first. He did not expect that this dog would be so bad, not only knows everything, but his own combat power is also Such a perverted horror, he is almost certain that if it is not a rhubarb dog today, they will definitely not find this place, it is impossible to find a baby like a dragon fruit, the same, if there is no rhubarb dog, now more than 50 The blood demon camp, the four of them deal with it, certainly enough to drink a pot.

"Wow, my dog, I am arrogant, and the world is shaking."

The rhubarb dog laughs, and the narcissistic guy can't listen to others' praise. In one sentence, he can make himself feel good to the sky. Wang Ye quickly discovered such a fact and tried not to praise the big yellow dog. I am afraid that this dog does not know what his name is.


Over the sky, the blood demon king and Yang Feifan are difficult to solve, Yang Bufan has been in a disadvantage, it seems that he can be torn by the blood demon king at any time, completely defeated, but unfortunately, after playing for so long, Yang Bufan is still Persistence, and it was no different from the beginning, and Yang Bufan’s face was indifferent, and he devoted himself to the battle, not arrogant.

It is the blood demon king who can't take the young man in front of him, and the snarl of anger is screaming again and again.

I have to say that Yang Bufan is still very strong. Look at this, the blood demon king wants to really kill Yang Bufan, even if it is played one day and one night, it may not be possible, but Yang Bufan is more and more brave, and the blood demon king. The fierce battle has also had a great impact on him. It is a rare experience to carry out such a fierce battle between life and death. In this battle, Yang Bufan will also gain a lot of benefits.

The battle situation is already very clear, Yang Bufan firmly entangled the blood demon king, he can not kill the blood demon king, but the blood demon king can not give Yang Bufan, so that Jiang Chen has a chance This point Yang is very clear from the beginning. Today's battle, the breakthrough is finally in Jiang Chen.

The battle between Jiang Chen and the blood demon king is also inconsistent, but the thirty-sixth floor of the Zulong Tower will soon be completed. Once the condensation has been completed, Jiang Chen will add 10,000 dragon patterns to Jiang Chen and blood. The current situation of the demon king, the increase of 10,000 dragons, is still extremely important.

Importantly, after Jiang Chen absorbed another half-step of the blood demon of the Emperor's level, the 36th layer was importantly condensed, and the space of the entire 36-story ancestral tower became brighter, and the number of dragon dust in Jiang Chen also increased. Ten thousand, from the beginning of 1.13 million, reached 1.14 million.

For Jiang Chen, the number of dragons has increased a lot. He is very satisfied, which makes his cultivation reach the peak of Xianwang. It is only a step away from the middle of Xianwang, but it is Zulong who is dissatisfied with Jiang Chen. The tower's cohesion, this baby is really a bottomless pit, how can it be filled with dissatisfaction, hundreds of blood demons are killing the light, only to gather out a layer, he originally thought of killing the **** demon after the thirtieth The seven layers can also be condensed. Now, if you want to converge the thirty-seven layers together, unless you kill the blood demon king, you will refine it.

However, this blood demon king is not ready to refine it now. Anyway, his combat power has just improved. Now he is not too anxious. The gold killing field is dangerous everywhere. If you can use the blood demon king for your own use, it is equivalent. There is a helper around me, a very powerful helper.


He couldn’t get rid of Jiang Chen, and the blood demon king was furious. His mind had begun to be chaotic, and the blood demon king obviously felt that Jiang Ding’s war was more brave and his combat power was stronger and stronger. What made him even more frustrated was that the other party's means and flames were able to restrain themselves, a great restraint. Under this restraint, the blood demon king could not play half of the combat power.

Such a change, so that the blood demon king can still remain calm, and so on, the blood demon king can not see any hope of killing the opponent.

"The mind is beginning to be chaotic. It’s great to be in a big mess. I am waiting for this time."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a hint of light laughter. He has been waiting for this time, waiting for the blood demon king to chaos, as long as the other party is chaotic, his chance will come. This is Jiang Chen’s rich combat experience and good heart. In such a battle process, what is most needed is patience and cannot be impatient.

"The light of tempering."

Jiang Chen seized the opportunity, when the blood demon king roared, suddenly played the light of the degree, the light of the degree is like a snake, some of the brush into the mouth of the blood demon king, then the light of the light immediately Drilled into the mind of the blood demon king.


The screaming of the blood demon king immediately became a scream, and the blood demon king, who was already raging in the sky, suddenly seemed to be greatly stimulated, and his hands clasped his head in a void and smashed into the void. One of the holes is a hole, the blood demon king, his hands are constantly beating his head, it looks very painful.

"Get it."

Jiang Chen’s heart is relieved, and it’s not an easy task to fight against the blood demon king. If it’s not the blood demon king’s last time, he wants to easily turn the light into the body of the blood demon king. Basically it is completely impossible.

As long as the light of the degree goes into the body of the blood demon king, it is difficult for the blood demon king to force it out again, and Jiang Chen does not give him this opportunity.

The light of tempering is the secret method of Buddhism. It is specifically aimed at all evils between heaven and earth. The hospital of the blood demon king is evil and evil spirits. Therefore, after the light of grading enters his body, it will have an effect.

"Blood demon king, you can't do it."

Jiang Chen said that the long sword once again smashed past, just like the light of the light brought great pain to the blood demon king, so that the blood demon king had no energy to fight against Jiang Chen’s attack, so Jiang Chen’s long The sword slammed a deep scar on the blood demon king's arm, and the blood splattered.

This is because Jiang Chen does not want to kill the blood demon king. Otherwise, the current blood demon king is already dead. Once the light of the light helps Jiang Chen, it is the end of the blood demon king. However, falling into the hands of Jiang Chen, let Jiang dust be at the mercy, life and death are all based on Jiang Chen.

"Look, Jiang Chen wants to succeed. The blood demon king does not know what stimulation he has, and suddenly it becomes like this."

"Grandma's, it must be a powerful means used by Jiang Chen. How many cards this guy has, it is too abnormal, even the blood demon king will die in his hands."

Wang Ye and others, Jiang Chen, all looked at their eyes and were shocked. They have been paying attention to the battle between Jiang Chen and the blood demon king. After all, the decisive battle between Jiang Chen and the blood demon king played a key role and even affected them. Life and death, seeing the blood demon king was injured by Jiang Chen, and suddenly became crazy, they do not know what means Jiang Chen used, but this is no longer important, the important thing is that Jiang Chen wants to win.

And the scenes that took place in the next, so that Wang Ye and others really widened their eyes, completely stunned.

I saw the blood demon king who was crying over the sky and suddenly stopped the movement in his hand. The fierce light in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the momentum of his body also closed up. The original evil spirits seemed to be somewhat docile.

The blood demon king looked at Jiang Chen, then strode to Jiang Chen, and took a deep sigh, and said, "Master."

Yes, the blood demon king who has never spoken is suddenly speaking, and it is the language of the person. This is not unusual in itself. It has reached the realm of the blood demon king. It has already been thoroughly psychic and can speak. It is normal, but the scene in front of you is too abnormal, and some are too scary.

"My God, what happened, what did Jiang Chen do to the blood demon king? The blood demon king actually gave Jiang Chenyu, and also called his master. Is this what is going on?"

Wang Ye’s foot was awkward, and he almost didn’t fall. He was completely shocked, and the shocked soul was not attached.

"It must have been the means by which Jiang’s brothers showed up. He even surrendered to the blood demon king directly. This is too frivolous. How is this possible?"

Dong Fei can't believe the scene in front of him. This situation is like playing with a joke. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it.

"His grandmother."

Liangqiao couldn't help but snorted. His eyes looked at Jiang Chen. There was a strange feeling in the depths of his eyes. A blood demon king was surrendered. He didn't look as happy as anyone else.

Everyone is extremely excited. They don't know what happened, but they can be sure that the reason why the blood demon king has undergone such a big change is definitely related to Jiang Chen. It must be a powerful means used by Jiang Chen. Otherwise, the blood demon king will not be like this.

But this is not important. They all see hope. They all know that surrendering a blood demon king is more valuable than killing a blood demon king. This battle is impossible. Because the blood demon king was surrendered, it also let them see hope.

On the other side, Yang Bufan, who was fighting with the blood demon king, began to laugh at the situation on Jiang Chen.

"This guy is really this kind of means, it is an incredible means."

Yang Bufan was sincerely praised by Jiang Chen. This kind of anti-day means was seen when he was in the abyss of sin. It was also the means of seeing Jiang Chen. Yang Bufan decided to really contact Jiang Chen. What he didn't expect was that today Jiang Chen could use the same means to subdue a powerful blood demon king.

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