Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1555: Harvest

The degree of a blood demon king made Yang Bufan finally relieved, what happened in the next time, he can almost expect.

"The second child, what are you doing?"

Seeing that his companion was surrendered by the opponent, and actively screaming the master, the boss of the blood demon king directly stunned, could not help but shouted loudly, how could he not think of why the second child would make such a move, but they Powerful evil spirits, absorb a lot of blood dragon fruit, in their subconscious, they are noble, supreme, they are born for fighting and killing, do not know what is called compromise and surrender, even if it is a battle Dead, it is impossible to surrender to human beings. Today, this second child does not know what is going on, and he has actually made such a move.

"You called the second child?"

Jiang Chen looked at the blood demon king around him and asked faintly.

"Yes, he is the boss. We call it like this on weekdays."

The second **** demon king said that he did not dare to have a slight scorn and concealment of Jiang Chen’s question. After being tempered by the gradualization, the blood demon king is no longer a blood demon king, but a Jiang Chen’s Hey, a slave, the mind has been completely occupied by Jiang Chen. In this life, Jiang Chen’s words are the only ones. Jiang Chen lets him kill anyone who will kill him. Even if he commits suicide, he will not There is a little hesitation.

Boss, the second name, is similar to the name of Jiang Dachen who was surrendered to the original, but this is also good. If the name is simple, it is easy to remember.

Jiang Chen turned to look at the angry and ruthless boss and said aloud: "Your brother has surrendered to me and become my slave. I advise you not to make unnecessary struggles, and surrender to me with your brother."


Wen Yan, the boss of the blood demon king suddenly roared, and instantly mad.

"Humble humans, what means have you used to make your second child like this? This seat must kill you and want to compete for our Dragon Fruit. That is impossible."

The boss is violent, and Yang Zhongfan is thrown away in an instant. He is actually killing Jiang Chen. He is not a fool. It can be seen naturally. The reason why the second child becomes like this is completely the ghost of Jiang Chenyu.

"Hey! Don't eat the fine wine, the second child, kill him."

Jiang Chen snorted and then gave instructions to the second child.

"Yes, master."

The second child should have a voice, and then hesitated without hesitation, immediately released his powerful momentum, and rushed to the past with the **** demon king.


The two blood demon kings fought together in an instant, but the boss is obviously better than the second one, and it has the upper hand, but the boss is very depressed. This is a self-person, a companion who has been together for a long time, brother, today It is to fight the dragon fruit side by side, but I did not expect it to become an enemy between the blink of an eye. This situation makes the boss feel how to suffer.

"Second second, what are you doing with this bastard?"

The old atmosphere is ruined, and it is almost necessary to spur the old blood.

"kill you."

The old two faceless expression, continue to shoot, his mind is only Jiang Chen's instructions, Jiang Chen's instructions are to kill the boss, so he can only do it.

"Where the king, take the shot together and drop the guy by the way."

Jiang Chen said to Yang Bufan, the strength of the boss of the blood demon king is not a joke, compared to the second child is not a little bit stronger, even Yang is not the opponent, to deal with such a blood demon king, that It must be united.

"it is good."

Yang Bufan’s head is full of colorful lights, and the momentum is like a rainbow. He is killed by the blood demon king. At this time, Yang Bufan, fighting more than he had just had a fight, just now he and the blood demon king fight alone, now There is a powerful helper, and his own person has become an enemy. This situation will definitely affect the play of the boss of the blood demon king. As long as he and the second blood demon king play a joint battle, Jiang Chen looks for opportunities next to him. It is not a difficult thing for the blood demon king to be eliminated.


The three masters madly fight together, once again playing the darkness of the sky, the infinite light of the gods, the devastating light everywhere, this side of the sky is directly smashed, the boss of the **** demon screaming, almost Madness.

"Damn man, what have you done to him?"

The boss is completely mad. This is an incomprehensible situation. For his brother, he knows and understands too much. No matter what threats and dangers he encounters, he will not surrender to human beings, but what is going on now? It is said that the surrender is surrendered, and it is obedient to the post. When you come up, you will kill yourself. You will be murderous and arrogant. It is your own life. It is really a little old-fashioned. This makes the boss of the **** demon king.


Jiang Chen snorted, and he did not talk nonsense with the blood demon king. He came up with a sword that destroyed the earth and destroyed the earth. The horrible sword carries an endless fire. This sword is created and directly fires a fire dragon. The horrible fire dragon is invincible. In the blink of an eye, it fell to the top of the blood demon king.

At the same time, Yang Bufan and the second **** demon king's attack also arrived. Under this powerful siege, Rao is the powerful strength of the blood demon king, and it has begun to be somewhat difficult to deal with. In fact, the battle of the blood demon king The force is still much stronger than this. Even if it is three-on-one, he can guarantee that he will not fall into the wind. The situation of the second **** demon king being severely affected has seriously affected his mind and made him angry, especially in peace. In the process of the second child's battle, it is impossible to fully display his own combat power.


Yang Bufan is extremely brave, just like the **** of war, he carried out a palm-free mountain in his palm, which is completely condensed by energy, full of energy to destroy the earth, and smashed toward the blood demon king. .

At the same time, the second **** demon king explored the sharp claws, tearing the void, and grabbing the head of the **** demon king.


When I saw it, the boss was completely crazy. His eyes began to flash with fierceness. His murderousness also condensed into substance. The evil spirits like him were essentially evil, and he already understood it. Second, the other party has not known what method to use for complete control, and can no longer return to the previous look.

If this is the case, then there is nothing to take care of. He has to take a decisive shot, even if he is killing the second child, and the second child is killing the person. It has nothing to do with himself. In fact, it is true, if not If the opponent exerts mysterious means on his second child, the second child will never attack himself.

"The opportunity is coming."

Just when the boss was crazy and almost lost his senses, Jiang Chen finally seized the opportunity. The wave of gradualization waved out and flashed into the eyebrows of the blood demon king. The blood demon king only I felt that my body was shocked and I realized that it was not good, but it was all too late.


The boss immediately smashed up, and the light of gradualization entered his mind, constantly eroding the essence of his evil. The boss’s performance was exactly the same as that of the former cock, and both hands burst into tears.


While the boss is still struggling, the attack of Yang Feifan and the second child also attacked the boss.

The majestic body of the boss, immediately slammed into the volley, and under this strong impact, the boss finally resisted the invasion of the light, and was thoroughly refined.

"Haha, all die."

Jiang Chen laughed, and he suddenly made a large fire in the moment, the red flame, forming a giant big net, shrouded the oldest two, when the flame disappeared, the boss did not have Trace.

"Little dust, are you?"

Yang Wufan asked inexplicably.

“Leaving them as cards, the key moments can make a big difference.”

Jiang Chen passed the voice to Yang Bufan, and the two blood demon kings have been completely tempered by him. Now they are hidden in the Zulong Pagoda. Just the flame net is just a function of the blind eye, causing a kind of harm to others. The illusion is that the two blood demon kings have been killed by Jiang Chen.

In this golden killing field, Jiang Chen never easily believes in people, especially his own cards. The less people know, the better. If the cards are all on the bright side, then it is not a card.


Both blood demon kings were killed, and the remaining dozens of blood demon screamed one by one. The voice was full of sorrow, their emotions were completely affected, and their faces also showed real Fear of color, because they are very clear in their hearts, their kings are dead, and their endings are basically fixed.

"Haha, the blood demon king was killed, and these blood demons were finished."

The rhubarb dog laughed and continued to kill the remaining blood demons.

Wang Ye, they are not idle, the soldiers in their hands are constantly waving. Every time they attack, there will be blood demon dead in their hands, blood raging, and at this time, those blood demon have basically given up resistance, so Soon, all the blood demon kings were killed.

For Jiang Chen, these blood demon kings are still a great nourishment, and the Zulong Tower will not let go. A wave of winds swept out from the Zulong Tower, and all the blood demon bodies in the valley were refining and absorbing. It became a dry corpse, and it became a powder when it was blown.

The arrogant battlefield suddenly became quiet, only the hunting wind, and the **** sound of the blood dragon fruit, the **** demon and the killing were completely gone.

Dong Fei, they are very excited. They think of the previous killings. There is still a thrilling feeling. Although they are the geniuses of the genius, this kind of battle is the first experience. At this moment, everyone’s eyes are falling. On Jiang Chen's body, Wang Ye was the first contact with Jiang Chen. Now they are completely convinced by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen’s performance in the battle just made them shocked and admire the five bodies.

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