Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1560: Air transport

"Go, kill them both."

Jiang Chen said faintly, the gestures of the opponents revealed the domineering of the superiors. It is a mad tyrant, like the king of heaven and earth, just a gesture can point to the mountains.

"Yes, master."

The two blood demon kings naturally did not dare to have a slight stagnation. After being tempered by grading, their consciousness only had Jiang Chen’s instructions, and Jiang Chen was everything about them.


The two blood demon kings looked at the black sunflower and Lingdu, and immediately screamed, the soft eyes suddenly turned into blood red, and the body was full of tyrannical gas, carrying endless murderousness, respectively, toward the black sunflower and Lingdu Killed the past.

"Mom, what is this ghost?"

Lingdu couldn't help but snorted. This situation they didn't think of at first, completely out of their expectations.

On the other hand, Wang Ye and Dong Fei directly stunned, but immediately, the faces of the two men began to show ecstasy, and they finally knew why Jiang Chen was so confident that the two blood demon kings were simply stunned. It was killed by Jiang Chen, but it was hidden by Jiang Chen. The key moments can play a vital role. It is a good example.

"Haha, it turns out that the blood demon king was not killed by Jiang Shixiong, but it was hidden. Jiang Shixiong has used the powerful means to completely conquer the two blood demon kings. Now it is used to fight, it is wonderful. It’s just that Jiang’s brother had to lie to us and kill it.”

Dong Fei is extremely excited.

"You know a fart. This is called a card. Who is willing to expose the card, but Jiang Chen let us stand here to watch the movie. Let's watch the show."

Wang Yeyi swept his face's haze and worry, arms around his chest, really like Jiang Chen said, began to stand there to watch the drama, as a person who witnessed the **** demon king horror, it is very clear that the black sunflower and Lingdu face What kind of strong opponents, the other three masters of the early Emperor, I still feel a bit more at first, but now it is not enough.

Compared with Wang Ye's excited reaction, Liang Qiao's face suddenly became difficult to look, and his heart instantly produced a feeling of being washed by himself.

"Girder Bridge, your face looks ugly."

Wang Ye said with no anger, several people suspected that the surface has begun to move away from the bridge.

"Liang Qiao, if you are a spy, your end will definitely be very miserable. You should be very clear about Jiang’s method."

Dong Fei said that he is not salty or not. He is now repaired to a half-step fairy, and Liangqiao is a grade, and the speech is naturally hard.

"Who is a spy? Do you have any evidence that I am a spy?"

Liang Qiao's sophistry is very angry, but Dong Fei and Wang Ye are not fools. They naturally have no evidence, but they have eyesight.


Boss and the second brother, the blood demon king is born for the battle, the nature is good, they are like a gentle sheep in front of Jiang Chen, but in the face of the enemy, it is a killing machine, is a real tiger.


The second **** demon king and the black sunflower battle together, regardless of the outcome, but Lingdu is not so good luck, he is the boss of the blood demon king, the boss's repair has already half foot into the emperor In the medium term, even Yang Bufan is not his opponent. The black sunflower is naturally the same.

"Mother's, this is what monster, how can Jiang dust control such a powerful evil spirit."

The black sunflower broke through, and there was an urge to spurt blood on the spot. They came to kill Jiang Chen this time. They had already done a good job, and they knew the strength of Jiang Chen by other people very clearly. In the early days of Emperor Xian’s masters, it was easy to kill Jiang Chen, and it was effortless.

But they couldn’t think of the black sunflower. Jiang Chen’s side hides two such great guys, especially the blood demon king who is fighting against himself. Even if he is his own skill, he is not safe. If the situation goes on, I don’t think it’s good to kill Jiang Chen.

"Let's hurry to kill Jiang Chen."

Ling Duo shouted loudly at the masters of the half-step Emperor. In his view, nine and a half steps of the Emperor to kill Jiang Chen, they should be enough.


Nine and a half steps of the Emperor of the Emperor murdered the sky, rushing to the past with Jiang Chen and others.

"Rhubar, these people will be handed over to you."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Little dust, or you shot, these guys should have most of their identity kits, and I don't have a personal kit. You can kill them and get their tips and absorb their air. If I take it, it will be wasted."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen couldn't help but nod. He even forgot this trick. The rules of gold killing the domain, only the talents with the identity kit can get the other's air and baby, if there is no kit. People, even if they kill each other, they can't get anything. The other's kit will burst directly, and all the air and baby will disappear.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen’s body swayed, and the dragon’s state was displayed in an instant. The Tiansheng sword also appeared in his hands. With his current combat power, these half-step geniuses of the Emperor’s level are not enough to see in front of him. Especially in the state of the dragon, the gap between the two sides was completely opened.


Jiang Chen holds a long sword and smashes it directly to one person.


It was not a level at all. The master of the Emperor of the Half Emperor was the gate of God. When he came up, he was killed by Jiang Chen and his body was broken into two halves. Then his identity kit automatically floated out. Fall into the hands of Jiang Chen.

At the moment when the identity kit entered Jiang Chen’s hands, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that a qi was in his body and he could not help but feel the spirit.

The vain things of air transport can't be touched, but Jiang Chen has been able to perceive the air transport.

Especially after killing a half-step Emperor, Jiang Chen actually felt his own air transport, his own air transport was like a vast ocean, and the genius of the gods was like a clear stream. Directly merged into the vast ocean of Jiang Chen.

There is a clear stream and a vast ocean. The gap is unimaginable. This shows how much Jiang Chen’s gas transportation has reached.


Seeing Jiang Chen's horror, he killed one person when he came up. The faces of other people suddenly changed wildly. Before that, the arrogance disappeared completely, and all the faces showed fear.

"Haha, just like you guys, this rotten sweet potato stinky bird also wants to kill me Jiang Chen. If you don't do anything, give me death."

Jiang Chen laughed wildly, and the long sword came out again.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, plus more. 】

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