Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1561: All sad reminders

Ah, ah...

The screams of screams come and go, the effort between the blink of an eye, the masters of the nine and a half steps of the Emperor are all cleaned by Jiang Chen. These nine people are all characters with identity kits. Now their kits are all falling. In the hands of Jiang Chen, the air transport was completely absorbed by Jiang Chen. The increase of air transport also increased the foundation of Jiang Chen.

The whole scene looked too shocking. It was too **** and too cruel. The camp of the other 12 people was killed and killed in the blink of an eye. Wang Ye and Dong Fei were both shocked. They couldn’t speak for a long time. You must know that Jiang Chen is like a person who kills melons and cut vegetables. Everyone is a genius like them. It is a character with them, whether it is a **** gate or a corpse, or a Huangquan gate. It is the great power of the East Xuan domain, and it is a level with the Dagan Empire. That is to say, the geniuses that appear now, to the genius, are just like them.


Such a scene was seen in the eyes of the three black sunflowers who were fighting. They couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time. They looked at Jiang Chen's eyes as if they saw ghosts. There was no other emotion besides the shock.

"How is it possible, how can this guy be so powerful?"

"Damn, the news given by Ping Wang is not accurate. It is easy to kill Jiang Chen and Yang Bufan in a camp like ours. Grandma's, now it is like this."

Ling Du and Wang Hao’s face have changed. Where is the arrogance and arrogance before the half point? First, there are two inexplicable evil spirits coming out. Then Jiang Chen’s strength is also abnormal. I can’t imagine the nine-and-a-half-step masters of the Emperor. Was killed, and now they are left with three loner, want to kill Jiang Chen and Yang Bufan, it is already impossible, not to kill Jiang Chen, they can not even rush the two defenses of the blood demon .

"Black sunflower, your corpse, still not released, I guess these two evil spirits are controlled by Jiang Chen secretly, just like your corpse yin dynasty control the corpse, as long as you kill Jiang Chen, these two evil spirits It will automatically die, release your corpse and kill Jiang Chen. This is our last hope."

Ling Duo shouted at the black sunflower, this is their last move. He and Wang Hao know that there is a strong corpse in the hands of the black sunflower. You can listen to the black sunflower, as long as you kill Jiang Chen, the blood demon king. It must also die.

It’s a pity that Ling’s guess is wrong. Even if Jiang Chen is dead, the blood demon king will not die. They will lose the restraint of the light of the light and become the evil spirit before. It will still ravage one party. Of course, want to kill It is not difficult to kill the river dust. Even if the black sunflower releases its powerful corpse, it will not pose a threat to Jiang Chen.

"it is good!"

Black sunflower bite his teeth. He waved his hand and a black light flashed out. The black light swayed in the void and turned into a powerful corpse. The corpse looked very majestic and had a stiff face, like a zombie. Exudes endless endlessness, giving people a feeling of incomprehensible horror.


After the appearance of the corpse, it made a scream of creeps. The repair of the corpse was also very strong. It was also a master of the early Emperor. This is the horror of the corpse, and they can refine the dead to become a scorpion. Deadly killing machine.

"The corpse, kill him."

The black sunflower gave instructions to the corpse, and the corpse suddenly groaned, and explored the sharp claws, emitting a gray light that was gloomy to the extreme, and rushed to the river dust.

"Hey! The corpse of the early Emperor of the Emperor was not enough to look at me."

Jiang Chen snorted, and the Tiansheng sword carried the infinite flame to the corpse and smashed it.


The long sword of horror is like a long-blooded dragon, and it is directly attached to the body of the corpse. It is the incomparable body of the corpse, and it is unable to withstand the sword of Jiang Chen, and is thrown off an arm on the spot.


The flame is like a skeleton, and it can't be licked on the body of the corpse. The corpse is roaring loudly. It is a painful roar, as if the flame on his body is the most terrible thing in the world. In fact, Jiang Chen The most horrible thing about the battle corpse is not his combat power, but the flame that is terrible to the extreme. The flame is the biggest nemesis of the corpse. Under the restraint of such natural enemies, the corpse of the early Emperor of the Emperor, in the river In front of the dust is simply a blow.

"Let's die completely."

Jiang Chen once again made a decisive shot. The horrible dragon sword completely turned into a dragon. Between the electric fire and the light, the long sword slammed into the body of the corpse. The three extreme flames burst directly, like a horrible bomb.


The flame exploded and turned into a large sea of ​​fire. The void was torn apart into a gap, and the fire was raging. The body of the body had been blown into pieces and then burned clean by the sea of ​​fire.

This kind of corpse was refining by the corpse Yinzong using special means. It is a dead object. After a long period of time, all the blood and essence of the body have disappeared, so Jiang Chenlian will use the Zulong Tower. There is no interest in refining and chemical absorption.


This time, the black sunflower is completely mad. The roundness of his eyes is like a camel bell. He can't believe the scene in front of him. In addition to the shock, there is a strong anger and distress, to refine one's own. How difficult is the corpse, especially a powerful corpse, such as the corpse of the early Emperor of the Immortal, the painstaking effort is unimaginable to others, the corpse around him, the real fighting power is not It is weaker than himself. It is his biggest card. It can be said that he is the greatest pride and pride. To kill Jiang Chen today, it is the first time to put the body on the battlefield. Directly destroyed by human beings.

Moreover, the corpse was killed, and the black sunflower had to bear only the sadness and anger. He himself was also subjected to a certain counterattack. Under this counter-attack, his combat power was drastically reduced.


The blood demon king shot is unwelcome, his own combat power is on the black sunflower, not to mention the fact that the black sunflower is sharply reduced due to the cause of the corpse, and immediately the claws are bombarded on the chest of the black sunflower, and the black sunflower is the whole person. I flew out.


The black sunflower suffered a heavy blow and squirted blood halfway through the way, and the momentum was also languishing.


Black Kwai slammed, Ling Du and Wang Hao immediately dropped their opponents, and they were going to flee. They are all savvy generations. At this time, how can they not see the situation? If you don’t leave, I am afraid I will not leave. Lost.

"Want to go? Not so easy, rhubarb, help stop one."

Jiang Chen’s murderousness has reached this level, and he will give the other party a chance to escape.

[Thanks to Chu Youchen and don't give up, and the qzusre brothers' rewards, continue to add more, according to the reward, today should be added four more chapters, that is, today, six more, there are two more in the evening, but time may Will be a little later, thank you for your support, and I am very pleased. 】

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