Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1571: Zhuge

The DPRK is the Southern and Northern Dynasties. This is beyond doubt. Jiang Chen did not expect to encounter the North and South Dynasty so quickly.

"I have known that the dynasty, I heard that it was the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, but it has rarely appeared before, and I don’t know how true the strength is. But this person is arrogant and boundless, threatening to kill this time in the Golden Killing Field. The three celestial worlds that block all his geniuses, used to pave the way for their emperor, is too arrogant, I think this guy is really self-effacing, and does not look at how many of the three fairy tales come from the world, the reincarnation of the emperor I am afraid that it is not just one of him, some peerless enchanting people with ancient inheritance, and the genius in Xianting, but it is not to be able to deal with it."

Xuanzhong said, obviously, there is some disdain for the arrogance of this dynasty. The genius of the celestial world is very arrogant. This is basically common, but like the arrogance of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it has never been seen before. You must know that this time you came in the gold killing. There are too many geniuses in the field. What kind of enchanting is there, even if it is the enchanting of Xianting, I dare not threaten to kill all geniuses. This kind of behavior will directly make him a target of public criticism. Ground.

However, Jiang Chen and the Dahuang dog did not agree. They felt that this was the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The Southern and Northern Dynasties are like this. He is not arrogant, his true pride, his emperor's road is to dominate, constantly dominate, constantly trample all. Obstruction, he wants to kill all the geniuses and lay the heart of his emperor.

This is the ambition of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. As always, it has never changed. The Jiang Dian, the sect of the Holy Yuan Dynasty, has already been taught. The present deity is only more terrifying and powerful than the avatar.

It now appears that the ambitions of the Northern and Southern Dynasties are far greater than those imagined by Jiang Chen. They are willing to separate the avatars and rule the countless big worlds in the lower bounds, just to lay the hearts of their emperors.

"Jiang Chen, younger brother, do you want to go and see together, just to see the genius of the fairy world."

Xuanzhong said.

Jiang Chen bowed his head and thought about it, then nodded: "Go, go see."

Jiang Chen did not want to encounter this time with the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but there is a place in the North and South, and his attraction is too great. He can't control his own thoughts. This is the first time the fairyland has seen the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In any case, the dust must go and see the style of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

With the crowd, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, dancing bamboo, and Xuan Zhong, flew together to the place where the blade was broken.

Broken Blade Cliff, still has a certain reputation in the Golden Killing Field. I heard that there has been a fierce battle in the ancient times. The blood of countless great immortals is here. It used to be a towering mountain, and it was a big one. The ability to break a sword is like a sharp blade, so the name of the broken blade cliff.

When Jiang Chen arrived at the Broken Blade Cliff, there were already many people around here. At least a thousand people were there. The scene seemed very chaotic. Many people were bowing to each other and talking about each other. Above the blade, there is a man in the wind, a young man who seems to be only in his twenties.

The man is in a golden robe, and a blond hair flutters in the wind. His face is like a knife. A pair of scorpions are like a raging yang. The eyes that are casually emanating are like the gods of the sword. He stands there and deducts the hegemony to a peak. Sexual hegemony, almost formed a sharp sword, sharp and revealing, any color can not cover it.

This is the real dragon among the people. The true singularity of the ancients, people can almost see his arrogant air, as if Wang Yang is roaring.

"North and South Korea."

"Sure enough, he."

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog stood in the crowd and saw the man standing on the broken blade cliff. Both of them changed their faces and their looks began to dignify. They would never be wrong in the North and South, and they were unique to the body. The arrogance can not be concealed.

Jiang Chen carefully looked at the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Compared with the deity, there is still a certain gap. This deity is almost perfect. The true emperor's spirit is not as noble as the Northern and Southern Dynasties on the Continent.


Just when Jiang Chen carefully looked at the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Southern and Northern Dynasties seemed to have a general feeling. After brushing it, the pair of eye-catching eyes were really like the violent yang, and the eyes of the thorns could not be opened.

Jiang Chen quickly bowed his head. He didn't want to let the Southern and Northern Dynasties see the clue. Don't look at the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It is only the early cultivation of the Emperor, but Jiang Chen can be sure that he is definitely not the opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. This person is his enemy of life and death. The enemy of fate, not to mention standing here is the deity, absolutely can not have a little bit of a small.

"The fairy board, this guy is terrible, everyone is watching him, but he can accurately catch your gaze."

The rhubarb dog couldn't help but say that he and Jiang Chen's enemies have always been a lot, but what really caught their attention is undoubtedly this Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Seeing Jiang Chen bowed his head, the Southern and Northern Dynasties also closed their eyes, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with a smile, not knowing what to laugh at.

"Is this the dynasty? It seems that it is not simple, but he is only the cultivation of the early Emperor of the Emperor. He even threatened to kill all the genius. Isn't that funny?"

Xuan Zhong said, suddenly lost interest, I feel that so many people come to see a genius in the early days of the Emperor, it is really a little fuss.

"Funny? If you go up and try it, you know it's not funny."

Someone listened to the mysterious words and couldn’t help but despise.

"Don't underestimate the dynasty of this north-south family. Before that, there were already a few geniuses in the early peaks of the Emperor's ancestors who fought to challenge themselves. No one could resist the move of the dynasty, and one shot killed and no counterattack. Force, it’s terrible."

Someone picked it up, remembered the previous scene, and couldn't help but have a lingering fear. I have never seen such a perverted person.

"Before the genius of a family in the fairyland rushed up, the result was a head-on blow, and the tragic death was on the spot. The identity kit was also taken away by the lord. The air transport was sucked away, and it was too bad."

"This is really horrible to the public son. It is rumored that he is the reincarnation of the great emperor. It seems to be true. In the early days of Emperor Xian’s cultivation, the combat power could not be imagined."

"I guess there will definitely be a master in the middle of the Emperor to challenge him. I don't know if this can help."


Everyone is talking about it. For this pilgrim, no one now admire, especially when I saw the murder of the dynasty, and the words are full of fears for the North and South dynasties. I think if I rushed up, I am afraid that I will blow a slap in the face. The tone can blow yourself to death.

These words were heard by Jiang Chen. He was calm and not shocked because he knew too much about the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He said that he was the same level of genius, even the genius of the Mid-Emperor, such as Yang Lang and Shan Chong. Come here, still not the opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, this point is almost certain.

“It’s so powerful, the news of seeing the reincarnation of the emperor is true.”

Xuanzhong is awkward and chooses to stop talking. When he first came, he did have the idea of ​​rushing to challenge. At this moment, all the passions were instantly destroyed. After all, the challenge and death are completely different. But not a fool.

The North and South Dynasties closed their eyes slightly. He was surrounded by arms and his breath, waiting for the next challenger. He was not in a hurry. In his eyes, these geniuses of the Golden Killing Field were nothing but his prey. He is just a hunter, killing these geniuses, absorbing their air and laying their own emperor's heart, is the most interested in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In comparison, the opportunities existed in the Golden Killing Field are no longer Important.


At this moment, the void suddenly burst into a crack, and an incomparably majestic body came out of the void. The people who came from the sky were tall and tall, like a tower, but looking at the image, it was a bear. Fine, but the strength of this person can not be underestimated, repair has actually reached the level of the Emperor.

After the appearance of the comer, he immediately stepped on the broken blade cliff. He was unparalleled and pressed directly toward the north and south.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties looked up at each other and saw the other side’s cultivation.

"This is the Zhuge madness of Zhuge family in Dongxu domain. It is the top genius of Zhuge family. I heard that he had been to the gold field five years ago. I did not expect him to appear."

"This Zhuge madness is obviously for the sake of the dynasty. The Zhuge family in the East Xuan domain and the family in the north and the south have always been hostile. They have always been hostile. The following disciples have not fought each other. The emergence of Zhuge mad is obviously to kill the prince. After all, the emergence of such a genius in the north and south families is a great threat to the Zhuge family. If such a threat can be removed as soon as possible, it will be very beneficial for the Zhuge family. Eliminate a big problem."

"Yeah, I don't know if Zhuge mad can kill the dynasty. I think it is very mysterious. After all, this dynasty is the reincarnation of the great emperor. If there is no ability, I will not dare to fall down on this broken blade."


The emergence of Zhuge madness immediately set off a wave of enthusiasm. The Zhuge family has a good reputation. It is unnecessary to say in the East Xuan domain. Even in the other three major areas of the 缥缈仙域, the Zhuge family also has a certain reputation and prestige, and Zhuge It is not a secret that the family and the North and the South have always been hostile. Therefore, at this time, Zhuge mad appeared, and many people expressed understanding.

More importantly, compared with the geniuses of the early emperors that appeared before, Zhuge madness is obviously more lethal, and the foundation is more tyrannical, making people look forward to the next battle. The genius of the early emperor was obviously not the opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Just look at Zhuge madness. Zhuge mad is also a famous fighting madman, and he is repaired to a level higher than the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is said that this should be a battle without suspense. But people don't think so.

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