Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1572: Dominant

"The North Korean family's dynasty has long heard of it. I didn't expect it to be so high-profile when I was born. I said that you are the reincarnation of the great emperor. I don't believe it, killing you. I think the North and the South will definitely feel bad."

Zhuge said that the words are also arrogant to the extreme. This kind of arrogance stems from the strong self-confidence of self-cultivation. He can burst out of a fighting frenzy. This is a fighting madman, a young genius in the fairy world, and there is no shortage of such Characters, each one is extremely terrible, they stand out casually, are the pinnacles of this era.

Zhuge madness did not put the North and South dynasty in the eyes. After all, the reputation of the dynasty has always been from the North and the South. It is still rare for the dynasty to appear in people’s field of vision. This time, the Golden Killing Field can be regarded as the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In a true sense of the birth, Zhuge said that he is high-profile, but there is nothing wrong with it.

As for the identity of the reincarnation of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, many people also expressed doubts, as did Zhuge madness. After all, this is the case of the North and South families themselves, and there are so many great reincarnations between heaven and earth.

Moreover, the reincarnation of the great emperor and the emperor are also two concepts. There is no such thing as a powerful reincarnation of the great emperor in the history but it is not in the cradle. In Zhuge’s madness, this north and south dynasty is too arrogant. I really think that I have already The world is invincible. This is a very stupid sect. It must be known that there are days outside the sky, people outside the world, and the real enchanting genius between heaven and earth is not just one of his Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Zhuge madness has emerged with the heart of murder. This dynasty has always been the representative of the north and south family and the object of boasting. It has become a representative figure of the north and south family, and is the peak representative of the younger generation of the north and south family. Killing the Chaozi son is a huge blow to the morale of the North and South families. This is what the Zhuge family wants to see.

"Kill me? You are not qualified enough. In my hands, you only have to die."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties sneered, even if it was Zhuge Mania in the middle of the Emperor, he still did not put it in his eyes. Such arrogance, except for his Northern and Southern Dynasties, I am afraid that no second person can be found.

"Sure enough, let me see what you are doing, let me see the reincarnation of the legendary Emperor, what is the means."

Zhuge mad body movement, Wang Yang-like air waves instantly shocked from his body, suddenly, the space above the broken blade cliffs trembled fiercely, the layers of wind and waves like the sharp edge, brilliance, shocking.

"The supreme master of the immortal mid-term, it is really extraordinary, and the shot has such a powerful power."

Some people appreciate that everyone has begun to have a strong interest in this war. After all, such a master of Zhuge Fan played, and the ending was somewhat expected.

Zhuge screamed and screamed. On the palm of his hand, all the energy frenzy gathered into a golden cloud. Jinyun was like a giant mountain. Under the control of Zhuge madness, it smashed toward the north and south.

"Glyphs are small."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties raised the light, and did not put Zhuge’s offensive on the heart. He punched a punch at the Jinyun, without a fancy punch, and slammed it on the golden cloud.


Jin Yun, who was originally as heavy as a mountain, was crushed and shattered by the North and South, and dissipated in the void. The strong attack of the Emperor in the middle of the period did not have any influence on him.

"It's so strong."

Some people are embarrassed, they have never seen such a powerful genius, they are shocking, and their hearts are shaking.

"Hey! There are two things."

Zhuge screamed coldly, and his majestic body stood in the air. He grabbed his hand and saw a whirlpool in his hand. The mountain below was actually caught by him and was uprooted. The so-called force of the mountain was in front of him. A mountain was arrested, it was too horrible, and Zhuge madness was like the ancient **** of war. It was really amazing.

go with!

Zhuge mad once again drunk, a big mountain to the north and south dynasty, this attack, than the Jinyun did not know how much stronger, the substantial mountain has been as heavy as hundreds of millions, and then merged with Zhuge crazy violent to the extreme energy, This picture is so fierce that people dare not face it.

"Zhuge mad, is it a means like you, and it is also worthy of playing with this son? You are not playing with you."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties danced blondly, and the whole person jumped from the top of the highest broken blade. He turned into a real **** of war, raised his fist, and slammed into the big mountain.

"Wisdom King Boxing."

Seeing the North and South dynasty shots, Jiang Chen’s face changed slightly, and it was more certain that the North and South dynasties of the lower bounds were only his avatars. When he and the Southern and Northern Dynasties decisively battled for the first time in Qizhou Xuanyi, the Southern and Northern Dynasties used this wisdom Wang Quan. However, the wisdom of Wang Quan and the front of the eyes is not at the same level. The power that can be erupted is also incomprehensible. This is the real emperor's emperor, and it is the destruction of the earth.


The King of Wisdom was bombarded on the giant mountain. Without the slightest accident, the mountain was shattered and turned into countless powders. The violent energy did not pose any threat to the North and South Dynasty. Instead, it gave the Zhuge mad to the hind legs. It took a few steps to stabilize the body.


Zhuge couldn't help but exclaimed. He had lost his previous calmness. He saw great changes in the eyes of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The strength of the Northern and Southern Dynasties was far beyond his imagination. Now it seems that even with his own cultivation, I am afraid. It is not an opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties at all.

"Zhuge mad, go to hell."

Just as Zhuge was mad at the gods, the Southern and Northern Dynasties had already rushed up. The wisdom of Wang Quan’s shot was three punches, also known as the wisdom of three punches. One punch was more than a fist, full of wisdom, and it was easy to lock the opponent’s position and block the void. Let the opponent escape, there is no way to avoid it, only to be hard.


The second fist appeared in front of him. The movements of the Northern and Southern Dynasties were too fast. The punch of the sky was hit by a big hole, and the broken blade cliffs almost collapsed.

Zhuge panicked and hurriedly hit the empty seal of the Zhuge family and blocked the past from the north and south.


The punches of the Northern and Southern Dynasties did not know how powerful the bearing was, and the emptiness of Zhuge’s madness was immediately shattered. Even though Zhuge’s madness was the mid-term cultivation of the Emperor, the battles on both sides did not seem to be at the same level. .



After a boxing ruin in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, he fell heavily on Zhuge’s madness, directly interrupting Zhuge’s mad arm, and Zhuge’s mad spurt of blood and screaming, and his defeat was so thorough, so fast, destroyed in the North and South. Under the strong attack of Gu La, there is no counterattack.

Finished! Zhuge is mad!

This is the common idea of ​​all people. The Northern and Southern Dynasties are too horrible. Even if Zhuge’s madness is higher than a level, it is not an opponent at all. The fighting power of the two sides is not at the same level. The two punches in the North and the South will seriously damage Zhuge Mania. , in a state of dying.

The most horrifying thing is of course Zhuge mad, and he did not think that the North and South dynasty could be powerful to such a terrible degree, making people chilling and making him unacceptable.


At this time, what face is no longer important. It is important to save your life. Zhuge madness does not want to die here. He tears the void in a lightning-like manner, and his body flashes in and is ready to go thousands of miles away. In his opinion, In the mid-term of my own immortal, even if I can't beat it, there should be no problem in running away.

It is a pity that he is overestimating himself. The Northern and Southern Dynasties will not give him the opportunity to escape. The North and South dynasties will never leave their hands and will kill their lives. This is his style, strong and hot.


The Northern and Southern Dynasties played the third boxing, and the third boxing of Wisdom Wang Boxing had the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

He slammed into the place where Zhuge’s madness disappeared before, only to hear a scream of earth-shattering in the void, and then a large **** fog broke out from the void.


Everyone has to **** up the air, and the Zhuge madness in the middle of the Emperor’s reign, was actually crushed by a punch, too ferocious, too exaggerated, too overbearing.

God of War, can not be defeated.

"Terror, it’s too horrible. The genius of the Zhuge family was killed by his three punches. Is this still human?"

"He must be the reincarnation of the great emperor, there will be no fakes. This kind of combat power is really against the sky. I have never seen such a horrible person, not a person at all."

"You see, he is the breath of the superiors. It is the spirit of the emperor. It is definitely the reincarnation of the emperor. Otherwise, it can't be so powerful. The loss of Zhuge family is big, Zhuge is mad, and the younger generation of Zhuge family is young. A pinnacle."

"Not only that, the Zhuge family is afraid to feel a huge crisis. The strength of the dynasty will make the Zhuge family restless. He was so strong in the early days of the Emperor. If he grows up, one person can destroy the Zhuge family. It is the most terrible."


No one is shocked, everyone is shocked, and the strength of the dynasty is beyond the expectations of everyone. It is nothing to kill the immortal in the early period of the Emperor’s reign. Many geniuses can do it, but that kind of The objects are ordinary monks in the early Emperor.

But this time, there is no ordinary person who came to the Golden Killing Field, especially the famous figure like Zhuge Mad, who participated in the experience of the Golden Killing Field five years ago, and successfully walked out alive, such a famous person In general, it was killed by three punches in the North and South, and the whole scene was shocking.

"Little dust, this guy is destined to be your life and death enemy."

The tone of the rhubarb dog has also become dignified.

"I guessed this ending. Zhuge madly came up, that is to die. Otherwise, he would not call the Northern and Southern Dynasties."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, and his eyes are filled with hot eyes. In his heart, passion has begun to burn. In the face of the mighty Southern and Northern Dynasties, he is not afraid. He never knows what is fear, whether it is in the Holy The Yuan Continental is still in the fairy world. It can have such a strong enemy. The journey of Jiang Chen is destined to be very exciting.

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