Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1575: It's you

The ruthless escape, the unparalleled coming, the gray tail slipped away from the tail, the ruthlessness was seriously injured by the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but it also cost the essence of the blood, such an injury wants to recover in a short time, almost no Possible things, it is conceivable that the next 20 days of the Golden Killing Field, the days of the ruthless days are all better, unless it is a big chance, it is possible to recover quickly.


The Northern and Southern Dynasties did not return to the Broken Blade Cliff. Instead, they brushed their eyes and fell on Jiang Chen’s body. There was no warning of change. Even Jiang Chen did not think that the North and South Dynasty would suddenly tilt their attention to themselves. I thought that the pride of the Northern and Southern Dynasties will definitely continue to return to the Broken Blade Cliff waiting for the next master.

"Dahuang, Ningjie, don't follow."

Jiang Chen casually said to the rhubarb dog and Wu Ningzhu, and then the body swayed and turned into a light and shadow to fly toward the rear. He felt a sense of killing from the eyes of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Perhaps the Northern and Southern Dynasties could not determine their identity. But such a character as the Northern and Southern Dynasties, even if there is a little doubt in their hearts, will directly kill the killer.

Moreover, reaching the level of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, strangers are hard to attract his attention. Jiang Chen has drawn his attention and gave him a familiar feeling. It is a feeling of fate, never seen before. .


At the moment when Jiang Chen disappeared, the Northern and Southern Dynasties disappeared and disappeared in the direction of Jiang Chen’s disappearance.

"Not good, the Southern and Northern Dynasties found a little dust."

The rhubarb dog's face changed slightly.

"What to do? The North and South dynasty is so terrible now, the little dust is definitely not an opponent. Isn't that a dusty life dangerous?"

Wu Ningzhu directly panicked, involving the safety of Jiang Chen, she could not keep calm.

"It is no problem, with the means of small dust, even if you can't beat the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it is not difficult to save your life. Let's not talk to the past, it will distract the little dust. They are the enemy of fate, and they will collide sooner or later. This time, the gold killing field is only the beginning."

The rhubarb dog said that although he said so, everyone can hear the anxiety between the words. After all, the North and the South are too strong. Even the ruthlessness is not his opponent. He was almost killed. Although Jiang Chen is powerful, he is only a fairy king. In the mid-term, the gap between the ruthlessness and the ruthlessness is not a little bit, let alone the North and South.

In the void, Jiang Chen turned into a dragon and continued to break through the space barrier. He still does not want to confront the North and South.

"What are you running?"

There was a voice in the void, a golden light in front of it, and the north and south dynasty carried the imperial momentum, blocking in front of Jiang Chen, a pair of scorpion-like scorpions staring at Jiang Chen.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen stopped and couldn't help but shook his head. It seems that he couldn't run away after all. He secretly operated a big machine to calculate for himself. Although there is no trajectory, it is Have a bad feeling.

"I ran my, what happened to you? Then, with the ability of the dynasty, would you still put a small person in the middle of the immortal king in your eyes? Also, he would not hesitate to give up the broken blade and chase it out."

Jiang Chen said faintly, his expression did not panic.

"You are not afraid of me?"

The Southern and Northern Dynasties are slightly confused, and they seem to be confused. If you are in the middle of the immortal king, you will be shocked and stunned, but the young man is full of calm in front of him. That is The calmness in the bones is not disguised at all. This makes the Northern and Southern Dynasties not surprised, but also makes him feel that his emperor's gas has suffered some damage, because the other party is not afraid of himself.

"Why are you afraid of you? What are you afraid of?"

Jiang Chen smirked, but this is from the heart. The Southern and Northern Dynasties may be a terrible figure in the eyes of others. But in Jiang Chen, after all, it’s just a failure of one hand, and it’s been killed twice by oneself. There is really nothing terrible. More importantly, there is no one in this world that Jiang Chen feels afraid.

"You feel very familiar with the son, very familiar, but I don't know where I have seen it, but it doesn't matter. The feeling you give me is the feeling of the enemy, very bad feeling. This feeling makes I hate you very much, you should know what it would be like to be hated by this son."

The North and South dynasty said coldly, it was an instinct. Intuition told him that this little man who seems to be only in the middle of the fairy king is a very powerful person. More importantly, he saw Jiang Chen from the first sight and felt that This person is very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, so he saw Jiang Chen leave, he chased it up without hesitation.

"There are a lot of people who hate me, you are old."

Jiang Chen smiled. In front of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, he would not show weakness at any time. His pride was above the North and South dynasties. Even if the other party was reincarnate, Jiang Chen did not care.

"If that's the case, then go to hell."

The momentum of the North and South Dynasties was shocked and ready to be shot directly. The intuition told him that he had to kill the guy in front of him. It seems that he was destined to do this. He cares about the stranger in front of him, even more than the ruthless genius. .


The Southern and Northern Dynasties point out a finger at the void, and a fine mangling is like a sword. He is going to attack Jiang Dust. He is a killer and does not leave Jiang Chen with a little room.


Jiang Chen did not dare to neglect, and immediately displayed the dragon to change his body. Tian Shengjian also appeared in his hands for the first time, facing the fine man.


The precision mans hit the Tiansheng sword accurately, and the Tiansheng sword immediately uttered a cry, and the distance shook. Jiang Chen was shaken by this powerful force. Wow spewed out a blood.


Jiang Chen spurted blood, and the Tiansheng sword in his hand was also violently shaking. The Northern and Southern Dynasties were too strong. With his current strength, he was not his opponent at all. The other party randomly pointed out that he was not able to compete with himself. The Tiansheng sword screamed constantly. It is obvious that it has also suffered heavy losses.

The dragons and the aura of wood quickly moved to help the river dust recover from the injury at a speed visible to the naked eye. Jiang Chen raised the **** dragons and stared at the opposite North and South dynasty. This scene is like the first Qizhou and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. At the time of the encounter, there is a huge gap between the strengths of both sides.

"Is it you? You killed two of my avatars, I didn't expect you to be alive."

The look of the Southern and Northern Dynasties suddenly changed. The tone was directly exclaimed. The two corps of the Shengyuan Continent and the Promise Continent were killed. It has always made him extremely angry and angry. He has always appeared in his mind. The picture, a half-man and a half dragon, stood in front of him with a sword, and glared at him, but the North and South Dynasty could not see the other side's face.

He now finally knows how the familiar feeling of Jiang Chen came. It is the familiarity of breath, the illusory figure in his mind. Today, it really appears in front of himself.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, there is one more party at the party. 】

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